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9to5Mac reports that the new Mac Pro has appeared today on the FCC registry site. This usually means a product launch is imminent.

This year, Apple unveiled the new Mac Pro which harkens back to the beloved cheese-grater tower generation. The new Mac Pro will start from $5999 with an 8-core Intel Xeon processor, 256 GB SSD, AMD Radeon 580X graphics card and 32 GB RAM. Addressing the thermal issues, Apple designed the new chassis to support a wide range of hardware with custom fans for airflow and a 1.4 kilowatt power supply to drive everything.

The new chassis will allow for the machine to be specced up to a beast of a workstation, featuring up to a 28-core CPU, 4 GPUs and 1.5 TB of RAM. Pricing for these kind of build-to-order upgrades is yet to be announced. Unlike most Macs, the Mac Pro will support aftermarket upgrades.
  The new Mac Pro gets FCC approval ahead of launch