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The iPad has a 61 percent share of the tablet market in the last quarter, according to research firm Strategy Analytics -- but not everyone is convinced that its numbers are accurate.

From MacRumors:
The firm claims Android increased its share to 30 percent, up from just 2.9 percent a year ago, when Apple claimed 94.3 percent of the tablet market. But Daring Fireball's John Gruber isn't buying it.

Looks like those numbers are for units shipped, not units sold. Except that for Apple those numbers are one and the same, because they?re selling iPads as fast as they can make them. Judging by Google?s own numbers for Android OS versions in use, it sure seems like a lot of Android 3 tablets are sitting on store shelves.Gruber points out that same research firm, Strategy Analytics, placed iPads at a 75 percent share in the holiday quarter last year -- but it only looked at shipped products. Not those actually in the hands of customers.
  Research Firm Claims iPad Only Has 61% of Tablet Market