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TweakTown posted NewerTech NuGuard GripStand 2 and GripBase Bundle for iPad 2 Review

Being a long time PC fan I was pulled into the Apple world through another company, Pioneer Electronics. My Pioneer AVIC-Z120BT car audio/navigation unit uses an iPod Classic as a music storage device, my first Apple purchase. I'm a big Pioneer fan and love their products. In the home we have two Pioneer Elite SC-37 receivers for the main and upstairs floors that pump audio to the living room, back patio, master bedroom, master bathroom and garage. A Pioneer Elite SC-57 resides in the home theater and also pumps audio and video to my office adjacent to the home theater. As you can imagine managing remote controllers can be an issue with so many locations under the control of just three receivers. This is where the iPad comes into play. Pioneer Electronics built a very nice iOS remote control software package that provides control of everything through an IP interface, no matter where we are in the house. If you want to tame the kids in the living
room from the kitchen, all you need is the iPad and within three or four seconds the volume can be brought to within reason.

Using one device to rule them all means that device is in constant use. Wear and tear is an understatement on regular remotes, but when one device acts as the remote for three receivers, two Blu-Ray players and a TV, our iPad gets a workout every day. This is where the NewerTech NuGuard comes into play for protecting the iPad 2 and it's also where we'll start this review.
  NewerTech NuGuard GripStand 2 and GripBase Bundle for iPad 2 Review