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Apple has released new beta versions to the developers:

iOS 12 developer beta 9 for iPhone and iPad expected today
macOS Mojave developer beta 8 for Mac now available
tvOS 12 developer beta 8 for Apple TV 4 and Apple TV 4K now available
watchOS 5 developer beta 8 for Apple Watch now available

iOS 12 developer beta 9 for iPhone and iPad expected today

The iOS update train is still chugging along. After releasing not one but two iOS 12 developer betas last week, we expect Apple to release iOS 12 developer beta 9 for iPhone and iPad today. Apple released beta 7 on Monday but pulled the update later in the day due to performance issues that were later resolved in beta 8.

Read full article @ 9to5Mac

macOS Mojave developer beta 8 for Mac now available

macOS Mojave developer beta 8 is now available for testing. As always, we’ll dig through the latest beta version and highlight all the changes between the first beta and the latest beta below.

Read full article @ 9to5Mac

tvOS 12 developer beta 8 for Apple TV 4 and Apple TV 4K now available

tvOS 12 developer beta 8 is now available for Apple TV 4 and Apple TV 4K. tvOS 12 includes expanded audio format support, app sign-on improvements, updates to Aerial screensavers, and more.

Read full article @ 9to5Mac

watchOS 5 developer beta 8 for Apple Watch now available

watchOS 5 developer beta 8 for Apple Watch is now available for testing. As always, well dig through the latest beta version and highlight all the changes between the previous beta and the latest beta below.

Read full article @ 9to5Mac