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PC World posted 10 essential tips and tricks for iPhone 4 owners

ou soon-to-be Verizon iPhone 4 customers can learn from the experiences of others. Take it from iPhone old-timers, you're about to enter a magical world of awesome apps running on the most simplistic, addictive device on the planet.

Sure, the possibilities are endless. You can leave your clunky laptop and digital camera at home. You can video chat with friends on FaceTime. You can spend hours on social networks. You can even knock down an entire building with a single Angry Bird.

Now here's the kicker: The iPhone, dear readers, isn't perfect. There are plenty of pitfalls to avoid, tips and tricks that come in handy, and important apps and peripherals to buy. You can either learn them on your own the hard way, or read them here.
  iPhone 4 Newbies: 10 Essential Tips and Tricks