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The iOS 6.0.2 update released earlier this week may have cured some people's Wi-Fi woes, but others now claim it's reducing their battery life too

From ArsTechnica:
Apple says iOS 6.0.2 "fixes a bug that could impact Wi-Fi." iPhone 5 users previously complained their devices weren't staying connected to Wi-Fi, therefore forcing their phones to fall back to cellular data networks and use inappropriate amounts of data. Although Apple didn't specify whether iOS 6.0.2 fixes that particular bug, it's widely speculated this was indeed its purpose.

As noted by the team at TidBITS, this change in how devices connect to Wi-Fi may be related to the apparent battery drain. "Our speculation, based on some quick testing that Michael Cohen did, is that the problem is related to a change in Wi-Fi behavior, which maps with Apple's sole release note for iOS 6.0.2," Engst wrote. "t's far from conclusive, but indicates that the problem may be related to wireless communication in some fashion."

  iOS 6.0.2 suspected of draining batteries