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Glims 1.0b16 has been released

Glims adds a cocktail of features to Safari (Tabs, Thumbnails, Full Screen, Search Engines, Search Suggestions, Forms autocomplete on, Dated download folders, Type Ahead ...)

Features include:
Adds thumbnails to search results
Adds thumbnails to search results
Adds search engines to the default Google search tab
Adds full-screen browsing capability
Adds Favicons to tab labels
Adds keyword search from address bar
Undo Close Tab (cmd-z)
Re-opens last session when Safari starts
Auto-Closes download window
Focus last selected tab
Always open links in a new tab
Type-ahead support (auto cmd-f)
Sets the focus on the search field when opening a new window
Adds Amazon's information banner on search results
Adds Amazon's information banner on search results
Adds a Max Window Size menu item to resize the Safari window
Forms autocomplete always on
Dated download folders

New in this version:
Fixed - Every Crash Log submited have been confirmed to be fixed with this release.
Fixed - Google suggestions and keywords not showing in the U.S.
Fixed - Suggestion window not closing when opening a new tab
Fixed - Preferences window resizing randomly
Fixed - Link suggestion not disabling
Fixed - XML Error in console log
Improved - Bookmarks separator
Added - More formats for the download folder dates
Added - Polish Localization

OS X 10.4 or later
Safari 3.0.4 or later

Universal Binary
License: Freeware
Requires: OS X 10.4/10.5
Size: 1.3Mb