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A new maintenance release for Contentteller is available: Version 2.0.6

Contentteller is a powerful content management system written in the PHP scripting language designed for sites of all sizes and types.

Version 2.0.6 (2010-03-02)
- Fixed a problem with the category order in articles, knowledgebase, and files modules
- Added code to IP.Board 3 integration script to properly start a new session
- Fixed an issue with comments in articles module
- Fixed a problem with the security code hash in both articles and knowledgebase modules
- Fixed an issue in the article page delete function
- Fixed avatar approve option in users preferences
- Fixed a potential problem with blank security code
- Added website preview link to the group menu
- Added additional filter if website charset is set to UTF-8 to prevent broken RSS feeds
- Fixed an issue where a broken image is showing up if the user avatar was not approved
- Added a routine to remove whitespaces from beginning and end of tags
- Added a function to remove duplicate tags
- Fixed a small issue with the expire date
- Added COOKIE_SALT wording (as used in vBulletin 3.8.4PL2+ and 4.0.1PL1+) to forum integration
- Fixed small formating issues in the XML sitemap and RSS XML modules
- Fixed an issue with date in news and articles modules
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