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A Better Finder Rename 8.18 has been released

A Better Finder Rename is the most comprehensive file renaming solution for the Macintosh and transforms the tedious and time-consuming task of renaming multiple files into a simple matter of seconds.

add, remove, insert and replace characters and text
add, format, change and insert sequence numbers, create numbered lists..
add file date and time, rename to date..
convert file names to Windows NTFS, SMB, DOS, Mac OS 9, etc.
perform case conversions

New in this version:
Features an improved renaming engine that is faster, uses less memory and can process larger rename jobs.

OS X 10.5 or later
Version for OS X 10.4 is available at author's site

Universal Binary

License: Shareware $19.95
Requires: OSX 10.5+
Size: 3.7Mb