The first release candidate of PHP 5.6.0 is available
I'm more or less assuming all of us are familiar with the Apple Lisa, Apple's and Steve Jobs' first attempt at turning Xerox PARC's work into a marketable product. It was a flop, but many of its ideas carried over onto the Macintosh, and in fact, Macintosh development took place on the Lisa.
Continuing its cross-platform push, Microsoft has updated its OneNote for iPhone and Mac apps with some noteworthy new features.
VirtualBox 4.3.6 has been released
LibreOffice 4.1.4 for Windows, OS X and Linux has been released
Wi-Fi and Dropbox syncing and direct downloads are some of the new features.
PHP 5.5.0 has been released
LibreOffice 4.0.3 has been released
Adobe first launched Creative Suite 1 back in 2003, and now, ten years and six versions later, the company is taking a left turn: Adobe is abandoning its Creative Suite entirely to focus efforts on Creative Cloud.
ArsTechnica posted a story that Raven Software has released the source code for its two Star Wars titles: Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy under the GPL
Oracle has released a new version of VirtualBox
I just noticed that the new Unigine Heaven 4.0 benchmark is no longer compatible with older but still supported versions of OS X
A new version of Heaven Benchmark for Windows, Linux, and OS X is available
A new major release of LibreOffice has been released
Delta has introduced a new iPad app called Fly Delta
A free CrossOver subscription (Linux or OS X) with 12 months of support is now available for 24 hours
VirtualBox 4.2 has been released
A new version of Contentteller, the CMS behind NT Compatible and Linux Compatible, has been released
Thunderbird 15.0 has been released
Firefox 15.0 has been released