PCWorld posted 4 reasons why you should upgrade to Firefox 6
The Document Foundation has released version 3.3.4 of LibreOffice
Mozilla Thunderbird 6.0 has been released
Firefox 6.0 has been now officially released
VirtualBox 4.1.2 has been released
PlayOnMac4.0 Beta 5 has been released
Firefox 6.0 Beta 5 has been released
Firefox 6.0 Beta 4 for Windows, Linux and OS X is now available for download
LibreOffice 3.4.2 has been released
The third release candidate of LibreOffice 3.4.2 is now available
The third beta of Firefox 6.0 is now available
VirtualBox 4.1.0 has been released. This release supports Windows Aero and comes with updated Direct3D support.
The first release candidate of LibreOffice 3.4.2 is available
VirtualBox 4.0.12 has been released
Macgo has released a Blu-ray player software for Mac
The first beta of VirtualBox 4.1 is now available
LibreOffice 3.4.1 has been released
Thunderbird 5.0 has been released
VirtualBox 4.0.10 has been released
The second beta version of Thunderbird 5.0 is now available