Software 43039 Published by Bob 0

Capture and record anything you can see on your screen, along with audio from any compatible source.
[License: Shareware $20.00| Requires: OSX 10.4+ | Size: 8.0Mb]

iShowU 1.53

Software 43039 Published by Bob 0

Brings back hierarchical popup menus from folders in the Dock, but with several additional capabilities.
[License: Shareware Euro 7| Requires: OSX 10.5+ | Size: 472Kb]

Quay 1.0b6

Software 43039 Published by Bob 0

Application gives you control over the backlit keyboard on your Powerbook or MacBook Pro.
[License: Freeware| Requires: OSX 10.3+ | Size: 1.0Mb]

Lab Tick 0.7