Software 43035 Published by Bob 0

Capture and record anything you can see on your screen, along with audio from any compatible source.
[License: Shareware $20.00| Requires: OSX 10.4+ | Size: 8.0Mb]

iShowU 1.51

Software 43035 Published by Bob 0

Utility to let you use one single mouse and keyboard to control several of your Macs.
[License: Freeware| Requires: OSX 10.3+ | Size: 571Kb]

Teleport 1.0

Software 43035 Published by Bob 0

Preference Pane that moves your cursor to the default button whenever a dialog box appears on your screen.
[License: Shareware $9.95| Requires: OSX 10.4+ | Size: 1.1Mb]

LazyMouse 2.0.3

Software 43035 Published by Bob 0

AppleScript Droplet that turns raw icon files (*.icns) into files that are embedded with the icon.
[License: Freeware| Requires: OSX 10.4+ | Size: 600Kb]

IconDroplet 1.2

Software 43035 Published by Bob 0

Advanced features and powerful functions let you get the most out of your scanner.
[License: Shareware $39.95| Requires: OSX 10.3+ | Size: 6.5Mb]

VueScan 8.4.44

Software 43035 Published by Bob 0

Enable/disable hidden features in OS X, optimize and repair your system, perform routine maintenance.
[License: Shareware $19.95| Requires: OSX 10.4+ | Size: 7.2Mb]

Mac Pilot 2.3.9

Software 43035 Published by Bob 0

Lets you send and receive files and folders up to 1GB with your existing email address.
[License: Freeware| Requires: OSX 10.3+ | Size: 4.3Mb]


Software 43035 Published by Bob 0

Safari plugin adds features like draggable tabs, full-screen browsing, and searchable bookmarks.
[License: Demo $12.00| Requires: OSX 10.4+ | Size: 3.2Mb]

Saft 10.0.1