I just noticed that the new Unigine Heaven 4.0 benchmark is no longer compatible with older but still supported versions of OS X
A new version of Heaven Benchmark for Windows, Linux, and OS X is available
A new major release of LibreOffice has been released
Delta has introduced a new iPad app called Fly Delta
A free CrossOver subscription (Linux or OS X) with 12 months of support is now available for 24 hours
VirtualBox 4.2 has been released
A new version of Contentteller, the CMS behind NT Compatible and Linux Compatible, has been released
Thunderbird 15.0 has been released
Firefox 15.0 has been released
VirtualBox 4.2 Beta 1 has been released
Thunderbird 14.0 has been released
Firefox 14.0.1 has been released
Saw over OSNews that Mozilla will cease development on Thunderbird
A recent report from BGR reiterates the earlier claim from The Daily that Microsoft is working on a version of Office for the iPad.
Microsoft today announced that it has released an update to SP2, known as Microsoft Office 2011 14.2.1.
Adobe has released a beta version of Photoshop CS6
PHP 5.4.0 has been released
Firefox 10 has been released
Anandtech posted a story that TRIM Enabler 2.0 for OS X Lion has been released
VirtualBox 4.1.6 has been released
Thunderbird 8.0 Beta 1 has been released
VirtualBox 4.1.4 has been released
Thunderbird 7 has been released
Firefox 7 has been released
Engadgetposted a story that VMWare just announced Fusion 4, the latest version of its virtualization software for OS X
LibreOffice 3.4.3 has been released
PHP 5.3.8 has been released. This version fix two problems that was introduced in PHP 5.3.7.
PlayOnMac 4.0 has been released
PHP 5.3.7 has been released
PCWorld posted 4 reasons why you should upgrade to Firefox 6
The Document Foundation has released version 3.3.4 of LibreOffice
Mozilla Thunderbird 6.0 has been released
Firefox 6.0 has been now officially released
VirtualBox 4.1.2 has been released
PlayOnMac4.0 Beta 5 has been released
Firefox 6.0 Beta 5 has been released
Firefox 6.0 Beta 4 for Windows, Linux and OS X is now available for download
LibreOffice 3.4.2 has been released
The third release candidate of LibreOffice 3.4.2 is now available
The third beta of Firefox 6.0 is now available
VirtualBox 4.1.0 has been released. This release supports Windows Aero and comes with updated Direct3D support.
The first release candidate of LibreOffice 3.4.2 is available
VirtualBox 4.0.12 has been released
Macgo has released a Blu-ray player software for Mac
The first beta of VirtualBox 4.1 is now available
LibreOffice 3.4.1 has been released
Thunderbird 5.0 has been released
VirtualBox 4.0.10 has been released
The second beta version of Thunderbird 5.0 is now available
A new version of Contentteller is now available. Contentteller is the content management system behind NT Compatible, Linux Compatible, and Mac OS Compatible.