Apple 10265 Published by Bob 0

For quite possibly the first time ever, Apple has publicly stated that it believes that jailbreaking an iPhone is against the law -- not against its end-user agreement for iPhone use with Apple's services like iTunes, its App Store, or MobileMe -- but against the law. More specifically, Apple contends that jailbreaking an iPhone infringes on its copyright. That's right, copyright.

Apple, EFF Square Off on Legality of iPhone Jailbreaking

Apple 10265 Published by Bob 0

Much of the news affecting Apple this week comes not from Cupertino, Calif., but from Barcelona, Spain, where the annual 3GSM Mobile World Congress is being held. A number of Apple competitors, including Microsoft and Finnish phone maker Nokia, announced their intentions to create mobile application marketplaces similar to Apple's hugely successful iPhone App Store.

Competing App Stores Elbowing In on Apple's Action