Apple readying 'Unwired Airport Express Bundle' for Aussies
Apple Australia next month is expected to introduce a new AirPort Express bundle that may wed the company's portable Wi-Fi router with a local wireless data service.
Apple readying 'Unwired Airport Express Bundle' for Aussies
Apple readying 'Unwired Airport Express Bundle' for Aussies
While reports have suggested that Apple may attend next year's CES to "sit amongst its competition" in consumer electronics, the company has elected not to attend the GSMA Mobile World Congress being held in Barcelona this week. That hasn't stopped the iPhone from dominating talk at the mobile conference.
iPhone dominates Mobile World Congress 2009 without Apple
iPhone dominates Mobile World Congress 2009 without Apple
Microsoft on Monday made its latest bid to stem share loses in the mobile sector with a new version of its Windows Mobile software that includes an online store for third-party applications and also ties into a new cloud service for syncing mobile data.
Microsoft unveils new mobile OS with Apple-like app store
Microsoft unveils new mobile OS with Apple-like app store
The makers of the PearC brand of Mac clones say they're standing on solid legal ground in Germany and will withstand legal action from Apple.
German clone maker "not afraid" of Apple
German clone maker "not afraid" of Apple
Apple has been served a lawsuit for allegedly infringing on patents with the iPhone's graphics technology. Also, the company has started delivering unibody 17-inch MacBook Pro systems to early buyers.
Apple sued for iPhone screen tech; 17-inch MacBook Pro shipping
Apple sued for iPhone screen tech; 17-inch MacBook Pro shipping
Mac cloner Psystar says Apple has misused copyrights by preventing Mac OS X from being run on third-party hardware, according to an amended complaint filed yesterday.
Amended Psystar complaint vs. Apple repeats copyright claims
Amended Psystar complaint vs. Apple repeats copyright claims
The Electronic Frontier Foundation has filed requests with the US Copyright Office to exempt activities from legal threats under the DMCA, one of which attacks Apple's secured software business model on the iPhone.
Apple and EFF argue over iPhone jailbreaking
Apple and EFF argue over iPhone jailbreaking
Apple and its US wireless partner AT&T are discussing plans to potentially offer next-gen iPhone customers more data plan choices amid fears of losing their business during a time of economic hardship, according to a new report.
Apple, AT&T mulling tiered data plans for next iPhone - report
Apple, AT&T mulling tiered data plans for next iPhone - report
Speculation, rumor and unnamed sources: They're often the three main food groups of Apple blog chatter, and this week was no exception. Reportedly, Apple retail stores are getting ready to undergo a software-focused makeover, and Apple will start storing customer movies in the cloud. Meanwhile, the $99 iPhone rumor/prediction just won't die.
Apple Rumor Chitchat: Tea Leaves and Goat Entrails
Apple Rumor Chitchat: Tea Leaves and Goat Entrails
Microsoft has announced plans to dive into the challenging retail business with its own corporate-branded outlets to take on Apple's growing visibility among consumers.
Microsoft to open new retail stores like Apple
Microsoft to open new retail stores like Apple
Apple today released several security-related updates through Software Update and Apple's Support Downloads site.
Apple Releases Security Updates, Addresses Safari RSS Vulnerability
Apple Releases Security Updates, Addresses Safari RSS Vulnerability
Apple on Thursday afternoon released Security Update 2009-001 that, among other fixes, tackles the Safari RSS vulnerability made public last month. Also, a Java for Mac OS X update delivers security and compatibility improvements for users running Leopard or Tiger.
Apple fixes Safari RSS vulnerability, updates Java
Apple fixes Safari RSS vulnerability, updates Java
As part of a software-oriented reorganization of its worldwide retail chain, Apple plans to start highlighting some of the App Store's most popular offerings by equipping demo units with the shop's most downloaded games and applications on a regular basis.
Apple to showcase top iPhone apps, games at retail stores
Apple to showcase top iPhone apps, games at retail stores
ifoAppleStore reports that Apple will soon be revamping their retail stores to focus on software and the user experience rather than hardware.
Apple Retail Stores to Receive Facelift Highlighting Software
Apple Retail Stores to Receive Facelift Highlighting Software
Apple plans to rearrange the layout of its retail stores to place a greater emphasis on its consumer software offerings in an effort to convert even more customers to the Mac.
Apple Stores shifting focus to software in bid for switchers
Apple Stores shifting focus to software in bid for switchers
AppleInsider reports that Apple is developing an on-demand video service that would allow users to stream their purchased iTunes movies and TV shows from Apple's servers for playback on personal devices. The service, to be called iTunes Replay, wo...
'iTunes Replay' On-Demand Video Coming
'iTunes Replay' On-Demand Video Coming
Apple is believed to be wrapping up a new feature in iTunes 8 that will allow users to stream their iTunes video purchases directly from the company's servers for playback anywhere, anytime without eating up local storage.
Apple prepping iTunes Replay on-demand video service
Apple prepping iTunes Replay on-demand video service
Fans of the iPhone may not have to wait much longer for an upgrade. Apple could release three new versions of the popular mobile phone by the end of this year, suggests a research note from investment bank Canaccord Adams. The first, a 32 GB phone in multiple colors, is likely to arrive in the next six months.
Pears vs. Apples: Clone Wars Escalate
Pears vs. Apples: Clone Wars Escalate
Marvel Entertainment will help lead the way in exploring a brand-new frontier for content on the iTunes Store. Coming soon to an iPhone or iPod near you: motion comics.
Marvel to unleash digital comic books on iTunes
Marvel to unleash digital comic books on iTunes
The absence of multi-touch functionality on T-Mobile's Android-powered G1 smartphone may have been a casualty of Google's cordial relationship with Apple -- one which that search giant would rather not disrupt.
Multi-touch omitted from Android at Apple's request - report
Multi-touch omitted from Android at Apple's request - report