Apple Asked Google Not to Use Multi-Touch in Android
VentureBeat claims that Apple specifically asked Google not to use Multi-Touch in their Android platform and Google agreed. The report comes an unidentified member of the Android team:
Apple Asked Google Not to Use Multi-Touch in Android
Apple Asked Google Not to Use Multi-Touch in Android
Apple has begun surveying new Apple TV owners to get an idea for what customers usage habits are surrounding the digital media appliance. The email sent to some Apple TV owners reads:
Apple Surveying Apple TV Owners About Habits and Wants
Apple Surveying Apple TV Owners About Habits and Wants
Apple has set up an online survey to find out more about how recent buyers of Apple TV make use of their box and what they do and don't like about it in an effort to improve the system.
Apple survey to help shape future of Apple TV
Apple survey to help shape future of Apple TV
Apple has set up an online survey to find out more about how recent buyers of Apple TV make use of their box and what they do and don't like about it in an effort to improve the system.
Apple seeks user feedback on Apple TV
Apple seeks user feedback on Apple TV
Late last week, Apple issued a carrier settings update for iPhone users in the United States. While Apple provides few details on the contents of such updates, MobileCrunch discovered several image files in the new update package that appear to si...
Apple Issues Update Signaling iPhone Compatibility With AT&T's MicroCell
Apple Issues Update Signaling iPhone Compatibility With AT&T's MicroCell
As part of Apple's plans to help trim the footprint of Mac OS X Snow Leopard, the new system will cease the customary installation of several gigabytes of printer drivers and instead load only the files necessary for existing devices, relying on Software Update to obtain new drivers in the future as needed.
Apple's Snow Leopard to load printer drivers on demand
Apple's Snow Leopard to load printer drivers on demand
Apple and China Mobile remain deadlocked in their negotiations to bring the iPhone to China, according to a new report that places the App Store at the center of the latest conflict.
Apple, China Mobile still struggling to reach iPhone deal
Apple, China Mobile still struggling to reach iPhone deal
A recent carrier update delivered to iPhone users through iTunes contains two small files for use with AT&T's future MicroCell signal-patching device.
Apple updates iPhone with MicroCell files
Apple updates iPhone with MicroCell files
Interfax reports on details of the lengthy negotiations between Apple and China Mobile over bringing the iPhone to China. According to their source, China Mobile president Wang Jianzhou revealed in a recent visit to the China Mobile Research Institu...
Details of iPhone Negotiations Between Apple and China Mobile Emerge
Details of iPhone Negotiations Between Apple and China Mobile Emerge
Psystar has finally scored a victory in its defense against Apple as the two sides prepare for trial, but that win also comes at a small cost for the Mac clone maker.
Psystar wins one, loses one in defense against Apple
Psystar wins one, loses one in defense against Apple
The latest Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard seeds suggest that Apple may be eliminating the 'QuickTime Pro' upgrade that is currently offered as a $29.99 upgrade to Mac users.
Apple to Integrate 'QuickTime Pro' Features into Snow Leopard
Apple to Integrate 'QuickTime Pro' Features into Snow Leopard
After the iPhone 2.2.1 firmware update, some users found they had persistent problems with iTunes crashing with both iPhones and even iPods. Apple has issued the following email to some of the affected customers:
Apple Addresses iTunes Crashing After Firmware 2.2.1 Upgrade
Apple Addresses iTunes Crashing After Firmware 2.2.1 Upgrade
Apple's prospects for present and future growth land it on a Top 25 list, an iPhone app for kids authored by a 9-year old is gaining popularity on the App Store, and new animations could eventually make their way into Safari in this roundup of recent news.
Briefly: Apple growth, 9-year old iPhone dev, WebKit update
Briefly: Apple growth, 9-year old iPhone dev, WebKit update
The Webkit blog reports that the latest WebKit builds now support explicit animations in CSS.
CSS Animation Coming to Safari, Already in iPhone. Less Dependence on Flash
CSS Animation Coming to Safari, Already in iPhone. Less Dependence on Flash
Hard news has been scarce in the Apple-focused blogosphere this week -- time to come up for air? -- but there's still plenty of interesting chatter. In some of the more interesting recent threads: Apple has apparently run into a supply chain issue that's delayed the delivery of its new aluminum unibody 17-inch MacBook Pros, and Rapid Repair is Frankenstein-izing iPods with 240 GB hard drives.
Mac Bloggers Gobble Up Games, Mark Time on MacBooks, Send iPods to Souper-Upper
Mac Bloggers Gobble Up Games, Mark Time on MacBooks, Send iPods to Souper-Upper
After the iPhone 2.2.1 firmware update, some users found they had persistent problems with iTunes crashing with both iPhones and even iPods. Apple has issued the following email to some of the affected customers:
Apple Address iTunes Crashing After Firmware 2.2.1 Upgrade
Apple Address iTunes Crashing After Firmware 2.2.1 Upgrade
It's long been observed that songs featured prominently in Apple's ads have seen a sudden boost in popularity. Lesser known artists such as Feist and Yael Naim have seen instant fame following the airing of Apple's iPod Nano (1234) and MacBook Air ...
Apple's iPhone TV Ads Boost Individual App Sales
Apple's iPhone TV Ads Boost Individual App Sales
Apple next month will discontinued support for a number of aging Macs powered by PowerPC G4 processors as well as a handful of Xserve products.
Apple to drop support for certain G4 Macs, Xserves
Apple to drop support for certain G4 Macs, Xserves
Although Apple has publicly denied interest in such markets, investment bank Piper Jaffray said Thursday it expects the company to introduce a networked television in the next two years and update its Apple TV set-top-box with DVR capabilities by year's end.
Apple planning connected television, Apple TV with DVR - report
Apple planning connected television, Apple TV with DVR - report
Apple is working on more effective wireless battery management systems for personal electronic devices, with a Mac serving as the hub, according to newly discovered company filings.
Apple exploring intelligent universal battery technology
Apple exploring intelligent universal battery technology