Apple's Snow Leopard to include location, multi-touch tools
Apple's Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard operating system will include tools borrowed from the iPhone that let developers determine the geographical location of Macs, as well as extend additional support for multi-touch to their apps, AppleInsider has learned.
Apple's Snow Leopard to include location, multi-touch tools
Apple's Snow Leopard to include location, multi-touch tools
You've got the wireless router for your home broadband connection all set up and all the computers in the house talking to it. You've got a dedicated media center machine or an Apple TV, or perhaps you're using a dedicated hard drive connected to a home office computer to store media files. You're tired of running to a keyboard every time you want to change songs or pause a movie. Me too.
Apple's Remote: An App Near to My TV-Hungry Heart
Apple's Remote: An App Near to My TV-Hungry Heart
In spite of the economy forcing a more cautious approach to store openings, Apple is off to a strong start for its 2009 retail efforts with recruitment for a Milan, Italy store and locations in progress for the North American capital cities of Ottawa, Canada and Washington, DC.
Apple retail update: Milan, Ottawa, Washington DC, more
Apple retail update: Milan, Ottawa, Washington DC, more
Several readers have reported that Apple has sent out emails today indicating that the 17 MacBook Pro has been delayed by a couple of more weeks. The email indicated that ship dates were pushed back by about 10-14 days to February 19th, 2009:
Apple's 17" MacBook Pro Shipments Delayed Until Feb 19th
Apple's 17" MacBook Pro Shipments Delayed Until Feb 19th
As sales triple year-over-year and a new cable communication standard arrives on the scene at the same time, a new-and-improved Apple TV could become the center of your digital home, according to a Wall Street analyst.
Analyst urges Apple to add cable box support to Apple TV
Analyst urges Apple to add cable box support to Apple TV
Apple said Wednesday that its facing unexpected delays related to its new unibody 17-inch MacBook Pros and won't be capable of shipping orders for at least another two weeks.
Apple says 17-inch MacBook Pros will see further delays
Apple says 17-inch MacBook Pros will see further delays
Arstechnica points out that a portion of Apple's new iLife '09 suite is now Intel-only. Specifically, the GarageBand '09 Learn to Play feature that was demonstrated at Macworld will not run on a PowerPC:
More Evidence Apple is Shifting Towards Intel-Only Software Releases
More Evidence Apple is Shifting Towards Intel-Only Software Releases
After leaving its once-touted background push data feature by the wayside, Apple is now reportedly mulling an option that would let iPhone apps run background processes and give the phone true multitasking.
Apple rumored allowing real background apps on iPhone
Apple rumored allowing real background apps on iPhone
Apple and AT&T are facing two more cookie-cutter lawsuits over what customers claim is poor iPhone 3G network performance and hairline cracks in the casing.
Apple sued four times in two weeks over iPhone 3G speeds
Apple sued four times in two weeks over iPhone 3G speeds
With the release of iPhone Firmware 2.2.1, many were left wondering what had become of the Push notification system that Apple had announced at the Worldwide Developer's Conference back in June.
Apple to Allow Background Tasks on iPhone
Apple to Allow Background Tasks on iPhone
A new report claims to give details on negotiations between Apple and the music labels which ultimately led to the recent changes made to the industry-leading iTunes Music Store.
Heated Christmas call from Jobs secured iTunes changes
Heated Christmas call from Jobs secured iTunes changes
The NY Times reports on the heated negotiations that led to the announcement at Macworld that Apple would be dropping Digital Rights Management (DRM) from all iTunes music. In exchange, the music labels were given their long-requested variable prici...
Music Industry Fears Apple and is also Subject to iTunes Popularity Rankings
Music Industry Fears Apple and is also Subject to iTunes Popularity Rankings
The NY Times reports on the heated negotiations that led to the announcement at Macworld that Apple would be dropping Digital Rights Management (DRM) from all iTunes music. In exchange, the music labels were given their long-requested variable prici...
Music Industry Fears Apple and are also Subject to iTunes Popularity Rankings
Music Industry Fears Apple and are also Subject to iTunes Popularity Rankings
A lot of people have heard of the Bronx Zoo, but a Mac Petting Zoo? That's what Tekserve co-owner Dick Demenus has in the seminar room of his 26,000-foot retail Apple computer store in the heart of Manhattan -- a Mac Petting Zoo. Now in his 22nd year of selling Apple computers, Demenus has acquired an impressive collection of Mac products.
A Place to Buy, Fix or Fondle Good Apples
A Place to Buy, Fix or Fondle Good Apples
Bloomberg reports that Adobe's Chief Executive Officer Shantanu Narayen has revealed that Adobe with Apple on bringing Flash support to the iPhone:
Adobe and Apple Working on Flash for iPhone
Adobe and Apple Working on Flash for iPhone
Once thought to be building Flash for the iPhone mostly on its own, Adobe has mentioned at the World Economic Forum that it's not only continuing work on the animation plug-in but has teamed up with Apple to make it a reality.
Adobe, Apple working together on Flash for iPhone
Adobe, Apple working together on Flash for iPhone
Apple may have just thrown a big bucket of cold water all over the Palm Pre love fest, courtesy of the U.S. Patent Office. The company has officially secured the rights to the technology behind the distinctive multifunction touchscreen found on the iPhone and the iPod touch -- it's what gives you the ability to pinch and spread your fingers to zoom in and out of a photo or a Web page.
Apple's Saber-Rattling, Capitol Hill's Ruckus, Big Blue's Silence
Apple's Saber-Rattling, Capitol Hill's Ruckus, Big Blue's Silence
Still one more class-action lawsuit is claiming that the iPhone not only fails to live up to 3G speeds, but that it also prematurely develops hairline cracks in its outer casing.
Apple, AT&T slapped with yet another iPhone 3G lawsuit
Apple, AT&T slapped with yet another iPhone 3G lawsuit
Apple this week is advising members of its reseller channels that supply of iMacs will be constrained in the immediate future, a move that may signal new models are nearing production.
Apple warns of reduced iMac availability in near term
Apple warns of reduced iMac availability in near term
Speculation over an AT&T 3G-enabled MacBook fanned some flames in the Apple-minded blogosphere this week, as did Apple's and IBM's settlement over engineer Mark Papermaster. Also, most everyone seems pleased that Apple is finally letting iTunes customers upgrade their musical libraries one song at a time rather than all-at-once.
Mac Bloggers Talk Big Telecom, Big Blue and Small Changes to iTunes
Mac Bloggers Talk Big Telecom, Big Blue and Small Changes to iTunes