Apple 10265 Published by Bob 0

You've got the wireless router for your home broadband connection all set up and all the computers in the house talking to it. You've got a dedicated media center machine or an Apple TV, or perhaps you're using a dedicated hard drive connected to a home office computer to store media files. You're tired of running to a keyboard every time you want to change songs or pause a movie. Me too.

Apple's Remote: An App Near to My TV-Hungry Heart

Apple 10265 Published by Bob 0

Apple may have just thrown a big bucket of cold water all over the Palm Pre love fest, courtesy of the U.S. Patent Office. The company has officially secured the rights to the technology behind the distinctive multifunction touchscreen found on the iPhone and the iPod touch -- it's what gives you the ability to pinch and spread your fingers to zoom in and out of a photo or a Web page.

Apple's Saber-Rattling, Capitol Hill's Ruckus, Big Blue's Silence

Apple 10265 Published by Bob 0

Speculation over an AT&T 3G-enabled MacBook fanned some flames in the Apple-minded blogosphere this week, as did Apple's and IBM's settlement over engineer Mark Papermaster. Also, most everyone seems pleased that Apple is finally letting iTunes customers upgrade their musical libraries one song at a time rather than all-at-once.

Mac Bloggers Talk Big Telecom, Big Blue and Small Changes to iTunes