Will Apple Add a Top Shelf for App Store Games
Apple may be planning to create a premium games section in its App Store where it could sell high-dollar iPhone games, PocketGamer.biz has reported. The report's sources were not named, and Apple refused to comment on the rumor. Games could sell for around $20 in the premium app store, according to the report. As it stands now, the most expensive games on the App Store typically go for about $10, and many more cost less.
Will Apple Add a Top Shelf for App Store Games
Will Apple Add a Top Shelf for App Store Games
An insistence on a physical feedback screen and dual-network support has pushed the cost of making Research in Motion's BlackBerry Storm significantly above that of current-generation iPhones, hinting that Verizon may be paying more to rival AT&T in touchscreen phones.
BlackBerry Storm found pricier to build than Apple's iPhone 3G
BlackBerry Storm found pricier to build than Apple's iPhone 3G
Apple on Thursday began offering iTunes shoppers the ability to upgrade their songs to higher-quality DRM-free tracks on an individual basis, doing away with an earlier mandate that required customers to upgrade their entire libraries all at once.
Apple now offering individual song upgrades on iTunes Store
Apple now offering individual song upgrades on iTunes Store
Apple has yanked a software update that was intended to fix graphics-related issues with its latest notebooks just two days after pushing the patch to users via its Software Update mechanism.
Apple pulls NVIDIA graphics update, reasons unclear
Apple pulls NVIDIA graphics update, reasons unclear
Macworld notes that Apple has instituted a new feature that allows iTunes Store users to upgrade their music libraries to iTunes Plus tracks on either a per-track or per-album basis.
iTunes Plus Upgrades Now Available on a Per-Track Basis
iTunes Plus Upgrades Now Available on a Per-Track Basis
Apple may planning to introduce a new section of the App Store dedicated to top-notch gaming titles in an effort to further solidify its multi-touch devices as the next big thing in handheld gaming.
Rumor: Apple planning premium game section of App Store
Rumor: Apple planning premium game section of App Store
PocketGamer.biz reports that Apple is planning on introducing a dedicated section in the iTunes App Store for premium games priced at $19.99.
Apple to Open $19.99 Premium Games Section in App Store
Apple to Open $19.99 Premium Games Section in App Store
A new class-action lawsuit claims Apple knowingly profited from faulty iPhone 3Gs that couldn't stay connected to the faster 3G network, costing buyers inferior service and missed opportunities to use an alternative provider.
Apple sued over 'broken promises' regarding 3G speeds
Apple sued over 'broken promises' regarding 3G speeds
Hidden strings in Apple's latest iPhone firmware reveals that a major revision of the hardware is in the works and is even being tested online.
Evidence shows Apple testing next-gen iPhone
Evidence shows Apple testing next-gen iPhone
AT&T has been exploring the possibility of heavily subsidizing the cost of netbooks by bundling 3G data contracts. The sales model has been well established amongst mobile phones, including Apple's own iPhone 3G. Consumers who agree to the two-ye...
AT&T Subsidizing Notebooks with 3G Service, In Talks with Apple
AT&T Subsidizing Notebooks with 3G Service, In Talks with Apple
A three-month dispute between IBM and Apple over a former IBM employee has been resolved, but probably to none of the parties' complete satisfaction. The two companies have agreed that Mark Papermaster, who served as vice president of IBM's blade development unit, can go to work for Apple. However, he must certify in court that he will not be using any of IBM's proprietary information.
Big Blue to Look Over Apple Exec's Shoulder
Big Blue to Look Over Apple Exec's Shoulder
Apple's retail stores are showing signs that they're not immune to the deepening recession, but at the same time they're still serving their intended purpose of attracting more and more Windows users to the Mac platform, a new report explains.
Global recession catches up to Apple's retail stores
Global recession catches up to Apple's retail stores
AT&T is hoping to make 3G-enabled notebooks a staple of its cellular business, and in an executive interview hints that it may be chatting with Apple to extend its reach into MacBooks or other non-iPhone devices.
AT&T talking with Apple about 3G-ready MacBooks
AT&T talking with Apple about 3G-ready MacBooks
One of the original pillars of Apple's iLife suite, iDVD, has increasingly been given the cold shoulder to the point where it is not even depicted on the retail package anymore. How much longer will the app stick around now that the company has focused on pushing media sharing online?
iDVD hung out to dry as Apple pushes movies online
iDVD hung out to dry as Apple pushes movies online
Apple is no longer relying solely on one content delivery network to help serve up its swelling catalog of digital media content, iPhone apps and software updates, according to a published report.
Apple taps Limelight to fortify booming digital download biz
Apple taps Limelight to fortify booming digital download biz
As part of his settlement with IBM last week, Mark Papermaster will be required to sign and submit court-governed declarations every few months saying he hasn't divulged any of the company's trade secrets while performing his new duties at Apple.
IBM to keep tabs on Papermaster's new position at Apple
IBM to keep tabs on Papermaster's new position at Apple
The United States Patent and Trademark Office has granted Apple a key patent for its iPhone, which it applied for in September 2007. Patent 7,479,949 covers the product's distinctive multifunction touch screen. It also encompasses technology behind the iPhone's hardware, operating system and certain phone and camera functions.
Will Apple's iPhone Patent Pre-empt the Pre
Will Apple's iPhone Patent Pre-empt the Pre
Apple announced Tuesday that Mark Papermaster, the former IBM chip expert who was sued by Big Blue for allegedly violating a non-compete agreement by accepting a position at Apple, is now free to begin work as a VP for the iPhone maker this spring.
Former IBM chip expert cleared to begin work at Apple
Former IBM chip expert cleared to begin work at Apple
Apple has announced that Mark Papermaster will begin work at Apple as Senior Vice President of Devices Hardware Engineering on April 24th, 2009.
Mark Papermaster to Begin Work at Apple on April 24th
Mark Papermaster to Begin Work at Apple on April 24th
Apple has released a 2.2.1 update for the iPhone today. Available from iTunes, the update relays the following improvements:
Apple Releases iPhone and iPod Touch 2.2.1 Firmware
Apple Releases iPhone and iPod Touch 2.2.1 Firmware