HD Downloads Starting to Appear in UK iTunes Store
Macworld reports that the first high-definition video downloads have appeared on the UK iTunes Store. The first two episodes of the fifth season of the hit TV show Lost are now available at a cost of £2.49 per episode, with a season pass available f...
HD Downloads Starting to Appear in UK iTunes Store
HD Downloads Starting to Appear in UK iTunes Store
A release candidate of Microsoft's next-generation Internet Explorer browser made available this week has twice finished last in a five-browser benchmark competition.
IE8's JavaScript performance lags well behind Safari, Chrome
IE8's JavaScript performance lags well behind Safari, Chrome
Folks in the United Kingdom are finally finding some HD content in their iTunes store, but so far the selection is very limited.
Apple slowly bringing HD shows to iTunes UK
Apple slowly bringing HD shows to iTunes UK
Apple last week was awarded a monstrous 358-page patent covering the touch screen, graphical user interface, and methods that combine to define the iPhone user experience.
Apple awarded key "multi-touch" patent covering the iPhone
Apple awarded key "multi-touch" patent covering the iPhone
Apple on Monday released a software update that addresses issues with its Mini DisplayPort to Dual-Link DVI adapter and also boosts HD video performance on some current Mac notebooks and previous-generation Mac desktops.
Apple releases NVIDIA Graphics Update 2009
Apple releases NVIDIA Graphics Update 2009
Apple's next-generation iMacs are being held up for business reasons and a minor technical obstacle, according to one Wall Street analyst.
Chip complex delaying Apple's new iMac line, says analyst
Chip complex delaying Apple's new iMac line, says analyst
Apple will officially launch iLife '09 this Tuesday and is in the process of making sure that each new Mac that leaves its retail or online stores will include a copy of the new digital lifestyle software.
Apple equipping all Macs with iLife '09 for Tuesday launch
Apple equipping all Macs with iLife '09 for Tuesday launch
Microsoft's Zune hit the ground even harder in its third holiday quarter. After two years of annual sales that barely reached the million unit mark, the company reported a major new drop in device sales for the winter quarter.
Microsoft's Zune crashes as iPod sales grow
Microsoft's Zune crashes as iPod sales grow
Steve Jobs may be the public face of Apple, but the company has a strong team of executives and should do well without him, at least for the near term, company observers say. But if his absence were to become permanent, it could have a serious impact on Apple, they add. That's because the company is so strongly identified with Jobs and his sensibility pervades its culture and products.
With No Steve Till Summer, Can Apple Keep Rolling
With No Steve Till Summer, Can Apple Keep Rolling
With unit growth and revenues that beat the Street's expectations, Apple's resilience in the face of global economic woes is great news for its investors, but bad news for competitors, according to a note Connexiti issued by supply chain analyst Richard Davenport.
Apple's Mac growth a standout in ailing PC market
Apple's Mac growth a standout in ailing PC market
Born at a time when people assumed desktop computers were all about text, the primarily visual Macintosh is marking its 25th anniversary on a mostly high note with some of its best-ever sales and influence beyond just desktop computers.
Apple thriving on 25th anniversary of the Mac
Apple thriving on 25th anniversary of the Mac
Apple has agreed to a settlement in a class action lawsuit brought by customers who experienced quality issues with the easily-scratchable surface of first generation iPod nanos.
Apple to pay $22.5M in suit over scratched iPod nanos
Apple to pay $22.5M in suit over scratched iPod nanos
CNBC reports that Apple is in the process of settling a class-action lawsuit against the company filed in 2005. The lawsuit charged that the first generation iPod nano's screen scratched excessively during normal usage.
Apple Settles iPod Nano Scratch Lawsuit with $25 Refund
Apple Settles iPod Nano Scratch Lawsuit with $25 Refund
CNBC reports that Apple is in the process of settling a class-action lawsuit against the company filed in 2005. The lawsuit charged that the first generation iPod nano's screen scratched excessively during normal usage.
Apple Settles iPhone Nano Scratch Lawsuit with $25 Refund
Apple Settles iPhone Nano Scratch Lawsuit with $25 Refund
Facing a potential legal showdown with Apple over its new multi-touch Pre handset, Palm this week vowed to fight back tooth and nail.
Palm to Apple: We'll "vigorously" defend our IP, too
Palm to Apple: We'll "vigorously" defend our IP, too
While Microsoft is working to refine its flagship operating system to be more palatable to a wide audience of PC users, Apple is working to keep Mac OS X a key attraction to Mac hardware to woo potential switchers and retain its loyal users. Here's what's known about Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard.
Windows 7 vs. Mac OS X Snow Leopard: Apple ups the ante
Windows 7 vs. Mac OS X Snow Leopard: Apple ups the ante
There's a lot of news in the Apple-focused blogosphere this week, and picking the most interesting tidbits is quite a chore. In any event, Apple quietly upgraded its polycarbonate entry-level white MacBook, announced record profits and nixed the notion that Apple might introduce an iPhone nano anytime soon. Plus, the Apple TV hobby picked up some steam.
Mac Bloggers Hail White MacBooks, Salute Apple TVs, Chuck iPhone Nanos
Mac Bloggers Hail White MacBooks, Salute Apple TVs, Chuck iPhone Nanos
Initially promised for the end of January, the unibody version of Apple's largest notebook is moving gradually towards a late February ship date or later for more recent buyers.
Apple pushing 17-inch MacBook Pro deliveries near March
Apple pushing 17-inch MacBook Pro deliveries near March
In the Q&A section of yesterday's earnings conference call, the first question unsurprisingly addressed Steve Jobs' leave of absence and how that would affect the way Apple is being run. Chief Financial Officer Peter Oppenheimer noted that Jobs rema...
Tim Cook's View of the Apple Philosophy
Tim Cook's View of the Apple Philosophy
Documentary filmmaker Gary Hustwit has posted a photograph of Jonathan Ive somewhere inside Apple's design studio, a facility rarely exposed to the general public.
Photo offers rare glimpse into Apple's design studio
Photo offers rare glimpse into Apple's design studio