Steve Jobs may be facing surgery to remove pancreas - report
Apple chief executive Steve Jobs could be facing new surgery to remove the rest of his pancreas, according to Bloomberg, which cites doctors familiar with patients in similar positions.
Steve Jobs may be facing surgery to remove pancreas - report
Steve Jobs may be facing surgery to remove pancreas - report
Seemingly cementing a move first hinted at during the World Wide Developers Conference, Apple has filed for a trademark for its OS X operating system but without the "Mac" prefix that has accompanied the name since its inception.
Apple seeks trademark on "OS X" without the "Mac"
Apple seeks trademark on "OS X" without the "Mac"
While many are wishing Steve Jobs a speedy recovery, members of the legal and investment communities believe his disclosure Wednesday will inevitably open Apple to lawsuits from shareholders unhappy with the recent secrecy over his uncertain health.
Lawsuits against Apple likely in light of Jobs' latest disclosure
Lawsuits against Apple likely in light of Jobs' latest disclosure
Gartner has released a preliminary report on U.S. and worldwide PC shipments for the fourth quarter of 2008. The report places Apple in fourth place in U.S market share at 8.0%, up from 6.7% in the fourth quarter of 2007, but down from 9.5% in the t...
Apple's US Market Share Growth Slows in 4Q 2008
Apple's US Market Share Growth Slows in 4Q 2008
The New York Times reports that the health issues that have resulted in Steve Jobs taking a medical leave of absence from his role as Apple's CEO stem from a problem with food absorption and not from a recurrence of cancer.
Jobs Health Concerns Related to Food Absorption, Not Cancer
Jobs Health Concerns Related to Food Absorption, Not Cancer
Customers won't stop buying products from fundamentally sound Apple just because its luminary is taking a breather on the sidelines, investment bank Piper Jaffray argues in a new report issued Wednesday evening.
Apple well-positioned to race forward while Jobs sidelined
Apple well-positioned to race forward while Jobs sidelined
Apple's share of the US computer market fell to 8 percent during the fourth calendar quarter of 2008 from 9.5 percent in the third as the Mac maker surrendered its third place ranking to surging netbook maker Acer, according to market research firm Gartner.
Apple's share of US PC market slips to 8% at hands of Acer
Apple's share of US PC market slips to 8% at hands of Acer
Multiple news sources have reported that Steve Jobs is taking a medical leave of absence until June. Tim Cook will be taking over day to day operations.
Steve Jobs Taking Medical Leave of Absence Until June
Steve Jobs Taking Medical Leave of Absence Until June
A December video tutorial teaching viewers how to modify a netbook to run Mac OS X has landed tech magazine Wired in hot water with Apple's legal department.
Apple confronts Wired over Mac OS X netbook hacking tutorial
Apple confronts Wired over Mac OS X netbook hacking tutorial
Apple chief executive Steve Jobs sent an email to Apple employees on Wednesday revealing that his health-related issues are more complex than he originally thought and that he'll be ceding day-to-day operations to COO Tim Cook until the end of June.
Steve Jobs taking leave from Apple due to complex health issues
Steve Jobs taking leave from Apple due to complex health issues
iPhone users will find a new type of application in the iTunes App Store this week: Web browsers. The new browsers showed up on Apple's virtual online shelves late Tuesday. The additions are noteworthy -- at first blush, they appear to fly in the face the device maker's previously stated policy of not approving for sale applications that duplicate functionalities available through Apple's proprietary software.
Does a Safari by Any Other Name Surf as Sweet
Does a Safari by Any Other Name Surf as Sweet
After denying entry of rival web browsers into its App Store for quite some time, Apple appears to have had a change of heart this week with the approval of four third-party browsers, each of which are now available for download.
Four third-party Web browsers appear on Apple's App Store
Four third-party Web browsers appear on Apple's App Store
With the release of Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, Apple may be planning to rid its flagship operating system of the various user interface inconsistencies that have materialized in recent years, according to a pair of reports.
Apple's Snow Leopard may arrive with unified 'Marble' interface
Apple's Snow Leopard may arrive with unified 'Marble' interface
A 4GB version of the iPhone once rumored to play a major role at Wal-Mart discount chains was a no-show in 2008, though one Wall Street analyst now says there's evidence the device may turn up this year.
Investment firm believes Apple's building 4GB iPhones
Investment firm believes Apple's building 4GB iPhones
Over the past 24 hours, Apple has begun to approve 3rd party web browsing applications for the iPhone. A number of new web browsing apps have suddenly appeared with original submission dates ranging as far back as October.
Apple Allows 3rd Party Web Browsers into App Store
Apple Allows 3rd Party Web Browsers into App Store
Over the past 24 hours, Apple has begun to approve 3rd party web browsing applications for the iPhone. A number of new web browsing apps have suddenly appeared with original submission dates ranging as far back as October.
Apple Allows 3rd Party Web Browsers in App Store
Apple Allows 3rd Party Web Browsers in App Store
After taking a gamble on the acceptance of Mini DisplayPort as a connection for computer screens, Apple is about to be rewarded as its technology is now expected to become part of an industry-wide format that also includes extremely high resolutions and multiple displays on a single link.
Apple's mini connector set to be part of DisplayPort standard
Apple's mini connector set to be part of DisplayPort standard
Apple this week served up the details of its battery replacement program for the new 17-inch MacBook Pro, which offers customers the option of having a new battery installed at their nearest Apple retail store.
Apple to replace 17-inch MacBook Pro batteries in stores
Apple to replace 17-inch MacBook Pro batteries in stores
Open source programmer Brian Mastenbrook has discovered a security flaw in the way that Safari handles RSS feeds. The vulnerability, which affects both Mac and Windows versions of Safari, could allow a malicious website to gain access to sensitive u...
Security Vulnerability Found in Safari RSS
Security Vulnerability Found in Safari RSS
An open source software engineer says he's found a vulnerability in Safari for Mac and Windows that could compromise a user's files and passwords if successfully exploited.
Security flaw in Safari's RSS feeds reported
Security flaw in Safari's RSS feeds reported