Apple inks deals for all DRM-free iTunes, 3G downloads
In what could be a significant victory for its online music store, Apple is believed to have landed agreements not only to remove copy protection from the music of all major labels but to also allow direct music downloads to iPhones over cellular networks.
Apple inks deals for all DRM-free iTunes, 3G downloads
Apple inks deals for all DRM-free iTunes, 3G downloads
In an open letter to Apple fans Monday, Steve Jobs revealed that he's being treated for a hormone imbalance that has contributed to his rapid weight loss, but says he plans to remain Apple's CEO for the foreseeable future.
Steve Jobs recovering from a hormone imbalance, will remain CEO
Steve Jobs recovering from a hormone imbalance, will remain CEO
Apple is facing a new class-action lawsuit claiming the company’s iMac displays start to show unwanted vertical lines, which Apple is refusing to fix under warranty.
Apple sued over defective iMac displays
Apple sued over defective iMac displays
After several months of macabre speculation in the tech industry and on Wall Street, Apple CEO Steve Jobs has set the record straight. Yes, the cancer survivor has been losing weight. The reason is a hormone imbalance for which he is now receiving treatment. Jobs made the announcement via a letter that was posted to the Apple Web site.
Jobs Responds to Health Scuttlebutt
Jobs Responds to Health Scuttlebutt
Apple has published a letter today from Apple CEO Steve Jobs that addresses speculation surrounding his health. Steve Jobs reveals that he has been recovering from a hormone imbalance that has been causing an unhealthy weight loss.
Steve Jobs Recovering From Hormone Imbalance, To Remain CEO
Steve Jobs Recovering From Hormone Imbalance, To Remain CEO
Apple has published a letter today from Apple CEO Steve Jobs that confirms speculation that Steve Jobs is missing Macworld due to health issues: specifically recovering from a hormone imbalance that has been causing unhealthy weight loss.
Steve Jobs Missing Macworld Due To Health
Steve Jobs Missing Macworld Due To Health
In an open letter to Apple fans Monday, Steve Jobs revealed that he's being treated for a hormone imbalance that has contributed to his rapid weight loss, but says he plans to remain Apple's CEO for the foreseeable future.
Steve Jobs suffering from a hormone imbalance, will remain CEO
Steve Jobs suffering from a hormone imbalance, will remain CEO
Building an application for today's Web is a balancing act. Potential users use several competing browsers. Yet the user experience must be uniform for everyone, regardless of his/her browser of choice. And you can't support one or two browsers because you'll cut out major portions of the market. The problem is further compounded if your application is social.
Making a Web App Work on Safari, Explorer and Everything in Between
Making a Web App Work on Safari, Explorer and Everything in Between
PC Perspective posted some information from the upcoming MacWorld Expo
The human personality is as complex and diverse a system as anything that can be found in this world. Everyone ticks in their own way. While some can mask their inner selves and emotions well enough to win the World Series of Poker, others wear their hearts -- and even more -- on their sleeves. Either way, if you want to get a good snapshot of someone's personality, a peek at their iPod's playlist might just be the way there.
Does Your iPod Playlist Reveal the Real You
Does Your iPod Playlist Reveal the Real You
The U.S. Patent & Trademark Office today released a patent application from Apple describing research into gloves that allow the wearer to operate electronic devices. The patent application was filed on June 28th, 2007.
Apple Researching Gloves for Use with Multi-Touch Devices
Apple Researching Gloves for Use with Multi-Touch Devices
Bringing its least expensive system up to par with features in the rest of its lineup, Apple is due to revamp the Mac mini with multiple video outputs, AppleInsider has learned.
Apple's next-gen Mac mini to get dual display support
Apple's next-gen Mac mini to get dual display support
Getting video out of your iPod and onto a television screen is often both easy and difficult at the same time. It's easy because Apple's proprietary cables are plug-and-play, and hard because early iPod-to-TV options were somewhat easier -- some early models of iPods would deliver TV out via the iPod Universal Dock and a cheap S-video cable.
Get a Grip With Griffin iPod-to-TV Cables
Get a Grip With Griffin iPod-to-TV Cables
Addressing the complaints of nearly every iPhone owner in a northern climate, Apple has filed for a patent that would cover a means of using a multi-touch device with gloves.
Apple files for patent on winter-friendly iPhone gloves
Apple files for patent on winter-friendly iPhone gloves
While the verdict is out on whether Apple chief executive Steve Jobs will make some form of appearance at next week's Macworld Expo, the 'other Steve' that helped co-found the company more than 30 years ago will be on hand to throw his weight behind a third-party product launch.
Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak to appear at Macworld
Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak to appear at Macworld
Apple may build on its success in delivering web-based applications for its .Mac internet service by taking its iWork productivity suite of applications online as early as next week's Macworld Expo.
Apple's iWork suite rumored to go web-based
Apple's iWork suite rumored to go web-based
Apple is in talks with one of its Taiwanese system manufacturers to begin manufacturing netbooks sometime next year, according to a recent report out of the Far East.
Quanta to manufacture Apple netbooks in 2009 - report
Quanta to manufacture Apple netbooks in 2009 - report
Apple is indeed working on tablet-like device that may finally surface sometime next year according to a trio of sources who've been in touch with high-tech blog TechCrunch.
More corroboration of tablet device brewing at Apple
More corroboration of tablet device brewing at Apple
TechCrunch claims to have heard from three independent sources that Apple will be releasing a large screen iPod touch device with a 7-9 inch screen. According to the site, one of their sources have actually seen and handled one of the prototypes. ...
'Large Screen iPod Touch Device' in Fall of 2009
'Large Screen iPod Touch Device' in Fall of 2009
Gadget blog Gizmodo is causing a stir this afternoon with a new report alleging that Apple has mislead the public about the reasons behind its exit from Macworld Expo, claiming Steve Jobs' deteriorating health is to blame for the matter.
Gadget blog juices fears over Steve Jobs' health
Gadget blog juices fears over Steve Jobs' health