Apple 10263 Published by Bob 0

After several months of macabre speculation in the tech industry and on Wall Street, Apple CEO Steve Jobs has set the record straight. Yes, the cancer survivor has been losing weight. The reason is a hormone imbalance for which he is now receiving treatment. Jobs made the announcement via a letter that was posted to the Apple Web site.

Jobs Responds to Health Scuttlebutt

Apple 10263 Published by Bob 0

Building an application for today's Web is a balancing act. Potential users use several competing browsers. Yet the user experience must be uniform for everyone, regardless of his/her browser of choice. And you can't support one or two browsers because you'll cut out major portions of the market. The problem is further compounded if your application is social.

Making a Web App Work on Safari, Explorer and Everything in Between

Apple 10263 Published by Bob 0

The human personality is as complex and diverse a system as anything that can be found in this world. Everyone ticks in their own way. While some can mask their inner selves and emotions well enough to win the World Series of Poker, others wear their hearts -- and even more -- on their sleeves. Either way, if you want to get a good snapshot of someone's personality, a peek at their iPod's playlist might just be the way there.

Does Your iPod Playlist Reveal the Real You