Apple Exploring 3D Desktop and Application Interfaces
Dozens of Apple patent applications were published today revealing research that Apple had done in 2007 on many topics encompassing future versions of Mac OS X. The most intriguing is a series of patent applications which describe a Multidimension...
Apple Exploring 3D Desktop and Application Interfaces
Apple Exploring 3D Desktop and Application Interfaces
On Wednesday night, Apple released equal pairs of EFI and SMC firmware fixes for all of the new, late 2008 MacBook models to tackle problems with their reliability and power indicators.
Apple releases stability fixes for latest MacBook lines
Apple releases stability fixes for latest MacBook lines
Apple today released a number of firmware updates for the Late 2008 MacBook, MacBook Pro, and MacBook Air. Each model requires two separate firmware updates.
Apple Releases Firmware Updates for 'Late 2008' Portables
Apple Releases Firmware Updates for 'Late 2008' Portables
On Wednesday night, Apple released equal pairs of EFI and SMC firmware fixes for all of the new, late 2008 MacBook models to tackle problems with their reliability and power indicators.
Apple releases firmware fixes for latest MacBook lines
Apple releases firmware fixes for latest MacBook lines
With momentum in a dreary global economy now favoring mini-notebooks called netbooks, many top tier PC vendors are seeing various forms of success in the segment, which for the first time last quarter showed signs of straining Apple's share of the overall portable computing market.
Are netbooks shrinking Apple's slice of the portable market
Are netbooks shrinking Apple's slice of the portable market
CNet explains the reason behind a Macworld report last week that several movies had disappeared from the iTunes Store.
Movie Availability on iTunes May Be Temporary
Movie Availability on iTunes May Be Temporary
Exclusive deals between Hollywood studios and the networks that secure the rights to broadcast their feature films on TV are the reason iTunes shoppers are seeing movies disappear from the service in bunches, according to a new report.
TV deals causing movies to disappear from iTunes Store
TV deals causing movies to disappear from iTunes Store
Giving the gift of iPhone this holiday season requires that customers purchase a gift card from Apple rather than the handset itself, a process that may understate the company's December quarter shipments as a result.
Apple's Gift Card sales may understate iPhone shipments
Apple's Gift Card sales may understate iPhone shipments
Florida's now well-known unofficial Mac clone maker has modified its counterclaim against Apple to drop some of the riskier assertions of anti-competitive behavior, but has similarly added new sections that refute allegations of violating the DMCA.
Psystar drops antitrust gripes in fresh counterclaim against Apple
Psystar drops antitrust gripes in fresh counterclaim against Apple
Apple will soon be free to move into a high-profile space in Paris that's expected to become home to the company's first retail store in France.
Apple to begin work on first retail store in France
Apple to begin work on first retail store in France
Apple is believed to be on the verge of an end-of-year push that would start by finally offering unprotected iTunes Store music from all major labels and would switch a special post-holiday campaign giving away music and videos to Europeans.
Rumor: Apple's iTunes going DRM-free starting Tuesday
Rumor: Apple's iTunes going DRM-free starting Tuesday
A couple of speculative reports have come out about what plans Apple might have for its ARM-based processors in the coming year. Apple is rumored to be a major architectual licensee for ARM. This would offer Apple an added level of control and owne...
Apple's ARM Plans in 2009 NetBooks, Tablets, Other
Apple's ARM Plans in 2009 NetBooks, Tablets, Other
Ever wonder how those catchy tunes find their way into Apple's iPod commercials? You'll have to look no further than the ear of chief executive Steve Jobs.
Steve Jobs key to selecting tunes for Apple ads
Steve Jobs key to selecting tunes for Apple ads
The economic pressure continues to increase and there is a reasonably good chance that we'll be down to one large car company in the U.S. by this time next year -- Ford, which appears to be the only one that isn't saying it won't survive without a massive cash infusion from the U.S. government. In the PC space, there are three companies being watched closely: Apple and Dell in the U.S. and Lenovo in China.
Apple vs. Dell vs. Lenovo: Got to Love Choices
Apple vs. Dell vs. Lenovo: Got to Love Choices
Apple might be unfairly blocking rival software makers who want to sell music for its iPhone, according to some rivals and a technology rights group. The iTunes store accounts for four out of five songs sold on the Internet in the United States and is becoming more important as CDs fade. A milestone was reached last month when Atlantic Records announced digital sales had surpassed CD sales.
Apple's Staunch Defense of the iPod Ecosystem
Apple's Staunch Defense of the iPod Ecosystem
Apple's first major update to the Cinema Display line brings a much greener design and a raft of welcome feature updates, especially for MacBook owners. At the same time, a partial shift away from Apple's mainstay professional crowd makes one wonder where the company is going and whether it hasn't lost focus.
Apple's LED Cinema Display: the review
Apple's LED Cinema Display: the review
Did Apple know what the future held when CEO Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone during his Macworld Expo keynote in January 2007? They probably had some sense of it, but they likely had no idea that games would become such a big part of the platform, especially considering the outsider status of gaming on the Mac.
Can Apple Beat Sony and Nintendo at Their Own Game
Can Apple Beat Sony and Nintendo at Their Own Game
Imagine being a Chicago Public Schools student and having Rickie Lee Jones, the Staple Singers or Bo Diddley belting out songs alongside you at a school assembly? Boasting musicians that also include Benny King of Swing Goodman and mega-Grammy Award winning rapper Kanye West, city schools alumni have put a major stamp on popular music during this century and last.
Documenting Chicago's Musical Legacy With iTunes
Documenting Chicago's Musical Legacy With iTunes
Faced with the perfect storm of a bleak market and a boom in ultra-budget portables, Apple is believed by some to be readying its own take on the netbook for the first half of 2009.
Economy, opportunity seen leading to $599 Apple netbook
Economy, opportunity seen leading to $599 Apple netbook
Here's what we know about President-elect Barack Obama and gadgets: He loves his BlackBerry. He's a Mac, not a PC. He was seen working out with a Zune. Wait ... a Zune? Not an iPod? Is it too late for a recount? Obama's alleged choice of digital music player has sparked so much buzz in the techie blogosphere that all the incoming traffic briefly crashed the Web site of the Philadelphia weekly newspaper that broke the story.
Obama's Zune Prompts Screams of Betrayal From Apple Fanboy Nation
Obama's Zune Prompts Screams of Betrayal From Apple Fanboy Nation