Apple 10263 Published by Bob 0

Chris Wysopal is the head of a four-iPod family. His wife and two kids all carry the pint-size nano music player from Apple, while he uses a 2003-vintage device he got as a hand-me-down from his wife. But as much they love their iPods, the Wysopal family has no plans to buy any new ones in the foreseeable future.

Apple's iPod Problem

Apple 10263 Published by Bob 0

Apple loves it when its channel partners sell lots of Apple products. Everyone makes money. However, in tough economic times, as each partner seeks to squeeze out a profit on Apple's famous brand, Apple's first reaction could be to grab some of that profit for itself instead. Apple has always had an uneven relationship with its channel partners in my experience.

In Hungry Times, Apple Must Avoid Eating Its Partners' Lunch

Apple 10263 Published by Bob 0

Apple's Mac OS X operating system has long been lauded as virus resistant, if not downright virus and malware free. Over the years that has perhaps changed -- at least a little. If any Mac-focused bugs have popped up, though, none have turned into marauding swarms of locusts. However, recent reports about an official support document found on Apple's Web site have reignited the Mac security issue.

Update to Apple's 18-Month-Old AV Doc Sparks Uproar