A $99 Apple-branded cell phone is inevitable, analyst says
There's no doubt that Apple will release a mobile handset priced at $99, according to Kaufman Bros. It's just a matter of when and in what form.
A $99 Apple-branded cell phone is inevitable, analyst says
A $99 Apple-branded cell phone is inevitable, analyst says
Apple's share of the worldwide smartphone market is closer to 13% than the 16% reported earlier this week, but that's still good enough to push the iPhone maker past Microsoft to become the third largest smartphone OS vendor, according to Gartner.
Apple's smartphone share closer to 13%, still ahead of Microsoft
Apple's smartphone share closer to 13%, still ahead of Microsoft
A fairly new filing from Apple discusses the advantages of using proximity sensors more generously to aid its multi-touch technology on devices larger than the iPhone, which would allow certain functions to be invoked without the user having to physically touch the display.
Apple proposes infrared matrix to aid larger multi-touch designs
Apple proposes infrared matrix to aid larger multi-touch designs
Investment bank Piper Jaffray said Thursday that weakness in consumer spending will bite into PC sales next year, including Apple's, leading the firm to cut its 2009 sales estimates for the Mac maker along with the broader market.
Piper shaves Apple estimates, sees slower Mac growth
Piper shaves Apple estimates, sees slower Mac growth
Chris Wysopal is the head of a four-iPod family. His wife and two kids all carry the pint-size nano music player from Apple, while he uses a 2003-vintage device he got as a hand-me-down from his wife. But as much they love their iPods, the Wysopal family has no plans to buy any new ones in the foreseeable future.
Apple's iPod Problem
Apple's iPod Problem
Now free of any countersuits, Apple has grown its lawsuit against Mac clone maker Psystar to accuse it of further violations and to claim that others have contributed to its breaking copyright law.
Expanded Apple lawsuit claims Psystar part of a larger plot
Expanded Apple lawsuit claims Psystar part of a larger plot
Groklaw.net reports on the most recent legal filings from the Apple vs Psystar lawsuit which suggests that there may be unnamed individuals or corporations behind Psystar:
Apple Suggests Possible Conspiracy Behind Psystar
Apple Suggests Possible Conspiracy Behind Psystar
Apple isn't lying in television ads that tout the iPhone 3G as twice as fast as its predecessor, but customers would have to be fools to take those claims at face value, the company argues.
Apple argues only a fool would believe its iPhone 3G ads
Apple argues only a fool would believe its iPhone 3G ads
A multi-year effort to deliver an open-source and customizable iTunes rival came to fruition this week with the release of Songbird 1.0, but whether it will sway some users from the Apple jukebox software remains to be seen.
Mozilla-based iTunes rival "Songbird" takes flight
Mozilla-based iTunes rival "Songbird" takes flight
Although Macs and iPhones were seen as Apple's ticket to a healthy holiday quarter, the electronics maker has reportedly been struck by surprising demand for iPods and is now scurrying to restock some of its reseller channels.
Apple's unexpected iPod shortage spreading
Apple's unexpected iPod shortage spreading
Apple has removed a widely publicized support document from its website that encouraged Mac OS X users to install antivirus software, explaining that its operating system was designed with safeguards to protect against malicious attacks on its own.
Apple pulls support note recommending antivirus software
Apple pulls support note recommending antivirus software
Apple loves it when its channel partners sell lots of Apple products. Everyone makes money. However, in tough economic times, as each partner seeks to squeeze out a profit on Apple's famous brand, Apple's first reaction could be to grab some of that profit for itself instead. Apple has always had an uneven relationship with its channel partners in my experience.
In Hungry Times, Apple Must Avoid Eating Its Partners' Lunch
In Hungry Times, Apple Must Avoid Eating Its Partners' Lunch
Apple is looking into the use of liquid coolants to transport heat in its notebook computer designs, a controversial technique it employed briefly on its line of dual processor Power Mac G5s several years ago.
Apple looking into liquid-cooled MacBooks
Apple looking into liquid-cooled MacBooks
Although there's been some evidence to suggest Snow Leopard could hit the market several months ahead of expectations, new information reveals that Apple remains heavily engaged in building out some of the features first previewed back in June.
Apple's Snow Leopard still evolving, developers say
Apple's Snow Leopard still evolving, developers say
Apple's Mac OS X operating system has long been lauded as virus resistant, if not downright virus and malware free. Over the years that has perhaps changed -- at least a little. If any Mac-focused bugs have popped up, though, none have turned into marauding swarms of locusts. However, recent reports about an official support document found on Apple's Web site have reignited the Mac security issue.
Update to Apple's 18-Month-Old AV Doc Sparks Uproar
Update to Apple's 18-Month-Old AV Doc Sparks Uproar
MacNN reports on a newly published Apple patent application which details ongoing research into alternative cooling systems for notebook computers.
Apple Exploring Liquid Notebook Cooling Systems for Cooler Laps
Apple Exploring Liquid Notebook Cooling Systems for Cooler Laps
After a long delay, Apple has started to list ship dates of 7-10 days on their revised In-Ear headphone which were announced in September.
Apple In-Ear Headphones Finally Shipping
Apple In-Ear Headphones Finally Shipping
ZDNet reveals that Apple has amended its lawsuit against Psystar with charges of violations of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). The DMCA is a controversial law that criminalizes the act of circumventing copy protection. Apple alleges th...
Psystar Working on Mac Laptop Clone, Apple Files DMCA Charges
Psystar Working on Mac Laptop Clone, Apple Files DMCA Charges
Apple this week began accepting orders for a pair of new headphone options designed for iPods, nearly three months after the accessories were first announced at a September media event.
Apple finally taking orders for new in-ear headphones
Apple finally taking orders for new in-ear headphones
After years of jabbing Microsoft for the seeming need to run antivirus software on Windows, Apple has quietly posted its own recommendation for similar security with its own operating system.
Apple now "encourages" antivirus use for Mac OS X
Apple now "encourages" antivirus use for Mac OS X