Apple stock surges on belief MacBooks "peel away" Windows users
Investors returned to Apple shares in force on Monday and sent the stock climbing a massive 12.5 percent after reports said Apple was likely to profit on a wave of converts to its new aluminum MacBooks.
Apple stock surges on belief MacBooks "peel away" Windows users
Apple stock surges on belief MacBooks "peel away" Windows users
Apple is facing a new lawsuit over the iPhone's Safari web browser just as the company's lax policy on employee email retention is brought into question regarding a separate suit.
Apple sued over mobile Safari as email retention policy questioned
Apple sued over mobile Safari as email retention policy questioned
Several readers have noticed that our Buyer's Guide has recently changed the iPhone recommendation to Don't Buy - Updates Soon despite no recent rumors about a new iPhone update.
Buyer's Guide Update: Apple iPhone, Black Friday Sales
Buyer's Guide Update: Apple iPhone, Black Friday Sales
One of the companies who supplies display panels for the iMac line is said to have a touch-screen version ready for Apple's picking. Meanwhile, iTunes shoppers have discovered hints that the company may be preparing to broaden its iTunes Plus service with more DRM-free tracks.
LG holds iMac-suitable touchscreen; new iTunes plus hints
LG holds iMac-suitable touchscreen; new iTunes plus hints
Looking to get a jump-start on the holiday shopping season, Best Buy is working with Apple to host a 4-day only sale that offers instant discounts across the entire Mac product line, including $100 - $150 off the latest MacBook, MacBook Air, and MacBook Pro notebooks, and $50 - $150 off Mac minis, iMacs, and Mac Pros.
Best Buy cuts prices on Apple's Mac line for 4-day sale u
Best Buy cuts prices on Apple's Mac line for 4-day sale u
It's a safe bet that most enterprise employees don't haul their personal laptops into the workplace. However, with the ever-increasing capabilities of iPods and iPhones these days, are workers introducing new issues for IT security? The Apple iPod touch now comes with a whopping 32 GB of storage space and built-in WiFi capable of attaching to nearly ubiquitous corporate wireless networks.
iPods, iPhones and the Enterprise Data Clampdown
iPods, iPhones and the Enterprise Data Clampdown
Mobile developer Handheld Games Corp reported to that performance of their 3D TouchSports Tennis game App Store, $4.99 is noticeably different between models of iPhones and iPod touches.
2nd Generation iPod Touch Faster than iPhone
2nd Generation iPod Touch Faster than iPhone
They say sequels often fail to live up to the original. That's not so with the second generation of Apple's iPod touch. Apple has managed to make the touch look better, work better, and deliver more features -- all for a $229 starting price, significantly cheaper than the previous entry-level $299 version. The changes, while subtle, are so significant that I give the second-generation touch a rare perfect score.
Apple's Superlative Sequel: The Latest iPod Touch
Apple's Superlative Sequel: The Latest iPod Touch
While Apple is giving its phone rival Palm a drubbing in the market, both are now known to be scaling back their work commitments to employees -- though Apple is using creative reassignments to soften the perceived blow, AppleInsider has learned.
Apple, Palm taking different steps to reduce worker overhead
Apple, Palm taking different steps to reduce worker overhead
Apple has released a new software update for the iPhone, bringing users more than a dozen new features and fixes. Among them is the I-want-that-too Google Street View maps feature that was first available on BlackBerry and Java-enabled phones. Apple has been releasing major updates to iPhone OS every few months, Raven Zachary, founder of iPhoneDevCamp and a contributing analyst for The 451 Group, told MacNewsWorld.
iPhone Update Soups Up Street Smarts, Stabilizes Safari
iPhone Update Soups Up Street Smarts, Stabilizes Safari
Apple this week released Pro Applications Update 2008-04, a recommended update for all users of Final Cut Studio, Final Cut Server, and Logic Studio. The release addresses general performance issues, improves overall stability, and includes new versions of Final Cut Pro, Compressor, Color, and Shake.
Apple updates Final Cut Pro, Compressor, Color, and Shake
Apple updates Final Cut Pro, Compressor, Color, and Shake
Apple early Friday morning released iPhone 2.2 Software Update, which delivers Google Street View, public transit and walking directions, and more.
Apple releases iPhone Software v2.2
Apple releases iPhone Software v2.2
There's a lot of great Apple-focused news hitting the blogosphere this week, including rumors that Apple's next OS X version, Snow Leopard, could hit in the first quarter of 2009 -- and that Apple may be waiting on Intel to deliver Core 2 Quad processors for its next revision to the iMac line.
Mac Bloggers Dig Psystar's Grave, Decry DRM, Defend Apple TV
Mac Bloggers Dig Psystar's Grave, Decry DRM, Defend Apple TV
Surprisingly, Apple has released the iPhone 2.2 firmware tonight shortly after midnight. The latest update is available in iTunes for existing iPhone and iPod touch owners.
Apple Releases iPhone 2.2 Firmware with Street View, Emoji and More
Apple Releases iPhone 2.2 Firmware with Street View, Emoji and More
Apple on Thursday evening released iTunes 8.0.2, the latest maintenance update for its digital media software that addresses a couple of minor issues and improves accessibility for users with impaired vision.
Apple releases iTunes 8.0.2 ahead of iPhone software 2.2
Apple releases iTunes 8.0.2 ahead of iPhone software 2.2
While Research in Motion continues to dominate the corporate smartphone market, new data shows Apple to be chipping awake at the BlackBerry maker's lead after having recently bludgeoned Palm to become the second leading supplier of advanced handsets to businesses.
Apple now No. 2 in corporate smartphone market share
Apple now No. 2 in corporate smartphone market share
Swedish iPhone owners will soon have something they can hold over the heads of most other users of the touchscreen handset: an Apple-sanctioned way of sending and receiving picture and video messages.
Apple authorizes MMS on the iPhone, but not for US users
Apple authorizes MMS on the iPhone, but not for US users
Apple has conceptualized a means of displaying icon-like status indicators on the iPhone's displays even when the handset is locked and the backlight turned off, a new company filing shows.
Apple developing always-on iPhone status indicators
Apple developing always-on iPhone status indicators
Apple has been particularly aggressive in setting standards and showing leadership with the iPhone and new MacBooks. They've removed FireWire from the MacBook, to many people's alarm, moved to DisplayPort video technology, and, on the iPhone side, completely disrupted an industry that was asleep at the wheel. And yet when it comes to the digital living room, Apple has shown very little leadership.
Apple TV's Unrealized Potential
Apple TV's Unrealized Potential