Apple releases Apple TV 2.3 with AirTunes, third-party remotes
Apple on Wednesday night released version 2.3 of its Apple TV firmware to add AirTunes streaming as well as support for third-party remotes.
Apple releases Apple TV 2.3 with AirTunes, third-party remotes
Apple releases Apple TV 2.3 with AirTunes, third-party remotes
Apple has released a new update for the Apple TV tonight. Apple TV owners can download the new updates by accessing the Update Software menu option in their Apple TV's settings.
Apple Releases Apple TV 2.3 Software Update
Apple Releases Apple TV 2.3 Software Update
CNet confirms some earlier rumors that Apple is in ongoing negotiations with the major music studios to offer more DRM (copy protection) free music in iTunes. Earlier rumors had suggested that Sony BMG had already agreed but CNet was unable to confi...
Apple Negotiating More DRM-Free Music for iPhones
Apple Negotiating More DRM-Free Music for iPhones
Apple has reportedly set an industry record by moving its OpenCL parallel computing standard from its beginnings to imminent approval in half a year, paving the way for its inclusion in Mac OS X Snow Leopard.
Apple's OpenCL standard near complete in just six months
Apple's OpenCL standard near complete in just six months
Apple is in talks with three of the "big four" record labels about offering music tracks through iTunes that would be made available in MP3 format without copy protection measures, a move that could further distance the digital download service from its rivals.
Apple in talks to offer more DRM-free tracks on iTunes updated
Apple in talks to offer more DRM-free tracks on iTunes updated
Microsoft officials were concerned about the performance of Windows Vista and the way it would be compared to Mac OS X long before Apple zeroed in on the problematic software with its humorous "I'm a Mac, I'm a PC" advertising campaign, internal emails show.
Microsoft saw Apple's anti-Vista campaign coming
Microsoft saw Apple's anti-Vista campaign coming
DigiTimes reports that Apple is amongst the vendors who are awaiting the release of three new low-power desktop CPUs due in January from Intel.
Apple Waiting on Quad-Core Desktop CPUs for January
Apple Waiting on Quad-Core Desktop CPUs for January
Apple is among a handful of PC manufacturers who're waiting on a new family of quad-core chips from Intel that are designed for small form-factor PCs like the Mac mini and all-in-one systems like the iMac.
Apple waiting on quad-core desktop chips from Intel
Apple waiting on quad-core desktop chips from Intel
An Apple director has inadvertently broken word that his company may be planning to release Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard three months earlier than expected.
Apple may release Snow Leopard early next year
Apple may release Snow Leopard early next year
A California judge has dismissed a counterclaim from Psystar which asserted that Apple was violating federal and state anti-trust laws in limiting the sale and use of Mac OS X on Apple branded computers..
Judge Dismisses Psystar's Anti-Trust Counterclaim Against Apple
Judge Dismisses Psystar's Anti-Trust Counterclaim Against Apple
A California judge on Tuesday granted Apple's motion to dismiss counterclaims on the part of unauthorized Mac clone maker Psystar, who charged the Mac maker with violating antitrust laws through its vigorous attempts to block third parties from selling rival Mac OS X-based computers.
Judge grants Apple's motion to dismiss Psystar's counterclaims
Judge grants Apple's motion to dismiss Psystar's counterclaims
Apple's new MacBook lines include a form of digital copy protection that will prevent protected media, such as DRM-infused iTunes movies, from playing back on devices that aren't complaint with the new priority protection measures.
Apple's new MacBooks have built-in copy protection measures
Apple's new MacBooks have built-in copy protection measures
A slowing global economy had little impact on Apple's computer business last month, as consumers willingly plunked down their cash for the company's new MacBook offerings, helping to drive Mac sales up more than 25 percent year-over-year.
Apple sees Mac sales rise 28% amid latest notebook launch
Apple sees Mac sales rise 28% amid latest notebook launch
Apple is now taking orders for their new 24 LED Cinema Display that was announced in October. While early versions of the new Cinema Display have been shown at Apple retail stores, orders had not been accepted until now.
Apple 24'' LED Cinema Display Available for Order
Apple 24'' LED Cinema Display Available for Order
Following a month-long wait, Apple on Tuesday finally began taking orders for its new 24-inch LED-backlit Cinema Display through its online store, saying shipments will begin sometime later this month.
Apple now taking orders for 24-inch LED Cinema Display
Apple now taking orders for 24-inch LED Cinema Display
Observers who follow Apple are worried that Apple's customers will dry up in an economic downturn. On the the other hand, Apple, once again, has a unique opportunity to use its cash to develop products and services that will take control of the market while other companies cut back their R&D and essentially sleepwalk through the downturn.
Recession Won't Kill Apple Innovation
Recession Won't Kill Apple Innovation
Adobe has pledged to optimize a version of Flash 10 for smartphones using ARM processors like those of the iPhone -- but iPhone itself isn't getting that upgrade. Also, flash memory maker Spansion has implicated Apple in lawsuits against Samsung that could block the import of iPods.
Adobe shows ARM-ready Flash 10; Spansion names Apple in suit
Adobe shows ARM-ready Flash 10; Spansion names Apple in suit
Apple has released a software update to address an issue where trackpad clicks would randomly go unrecognized on its latest notebook offerings: the MacBook (Late 2008) and MacBook Pro (Late 2008).
Apple releases fix for quirky MacBook glass trackpads
Apple releases fix for quirky MacBook glass trackpads
As promised by Steve Jobs, Apple has issued a Trackpad Firmware Update to owners of the new MacBook and MacBook Pros:
Apple Issues Fix for Unrecognized Clicks on Glass Trackpads
Apple Issues Fix for Unrecognized Clicks on Glass Trackpads