Apple flirting with another record quarter for Mac sales
After spending 25 hours counting sales of iPhones and Macs at Apple's US-based retail chain, investment bank Piper Jaffray said it believes the company this quarter could meet or beat last quarter's record 2.6 million Mac sales total while again selling more than 6 million iPhones.
Apple flirting with another record quarter for Mac sales
Apple flirting with another record quarter for Mac sales
Chunghwa Telecom said Friday it has won the exclusive right to begin selling Apple's iPhone 3G in Taiwan ahead of the December holiday season.
Apple to launch iPhone in Taiwan next month
Apple to launch iPhone in Taiwan next month
One item we missed reporting on last week was the release of the 1.0.3 iPod Nano update for the 4th generation iPod Nanos. The list of fixes and changes include (via TUAW):
iPod Nano 1.0.3 Update Adds In-Ear Headphone Support
iPod Nano 1.0.3 Update Adds In-Ear Headphone Support
With bad economic times and Christmas around the corner, bargain hunters are going to be out in droves. But if a deal seems too good to be true, it likely is. Apple's various iPods have sold millions of units worldwide, and the unscrupulous are trying to cash in on that trend by selling knock-offs. Clever copies of Apple's iPod shuffle and nano models have popped up for sale on the Internet.
Buyer Beware: 'Tis the Season for Faux iPods
Buyer Beware: 'Tis the Season for Faux iPods
A quickly released follow-up test build of Mac OS X 10.5.6 comes with no known problems and points to Apple getting much closer to a finished patch.
New seed shows Apple near wrap-up of Mac OS X 10.5.6
New seed shows Apple near wrap-up of Mac OS X 10.5.6
The tug of war over the future of Mark Papermaster, an executive hired away from his post at IBM to head up Apple's handheld efforts, got a bit nastier on Thursday when the microprocessor expert countered a lawsuit from his former employer with one of his own.
New Apple hire fights back in countersuit against IBM
New Apple hire fights back in countersuit against IBM
Apple is facing yet another lawsuit over the performance of its iPhone 3G on AT&T's network but with added allegations that the company is ignoring the occurrence of hairline cracks in the handset's enclosure.
Apple sued over hairline cracks in iPhone 3G casings
Apple sued over hairline cracks in iPhone 3G casings
As the United States gets ready for its upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, retail organizations are gearing up for their annual Black Friday sales. This year, though, they face a difficult economic climate, and many consumers may be especially tight with their cash this time around. Some retailers -- especially those that sell consumer electronics -- are expected to cut prices even deeper than usual.
Apple on Black Friday: Blowout Bonanza or Business as Usual
Apple on Black Friday: Blowout Bonanza or Business as Usual
A single listing on the Apple's career pages suggests the company has pledged itself to releasing the iPhone in China, one of its most elusive markets.
Apple job listing hints at iPhone nearing China launch
Apple job listing hints at iPhone nearing China launch
Apple has released a new version of Safari 3.2 through the Mac OS X Software Update. The latest version of Safari provides improved security as well as protection from phishing websites:
Apple Releases Safari 3.2 with Improved Security, Anti-Phishing
Apple Releases Safari 3.2 with Improved Security, Anti-Phishing
Apple on Thursday afternoon released Safari 3.2, a recommended update for all Safari users that delivers protection from fraudulent phishing websites and better identification of online businesses.
Apple releases Safari 3.2 with phishing protection
Apple releases Safari 3.2 with phishing protection
Apple is unhappy with the search experience on its mobile products and may be looking to develop a more approachable interface that could be grafted on top of existing technologies like Google search, according to a published report.
Apple could be tailoring its own search engine wrapper
Apple could be tailoring its own search engine wrapper
Four months ago, the analyst consensus estimate for 2009 had Apple earning $6.36 in EPS on approximately $40 billion in revenue. Since that time, the economy has gone through a major financial crisis, which has led many analysts to revise their estimates down quite dramatically.
Apple could beat 2009 revenue consensus by $900m per quarter
Apple could beat 2009 revenue consensus by $900m per quarter
Apple continues to file for patents on a versatile docking station that would be ideal for a tablet computer larger than the iPhone and offer the option of charging the device through either metal contacts or induction.
Apple pushing for patent on versatile tablet docking station
Apple pushing for patent on versatile tablet docking station
In a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal, Steve Jobs acknowledged that the iPhone and iPod touch may emerge as really viable devices in the mobile games market this holiday season.
Apple Positioning iPhone and iPod Touch as Mobile Gaming Devices
Apple Positioning iPhone and iPod Touch as Mobile Gaming Devices
Barclay's Ben Reitzes safely predicts that Apple will offer Black Friday sales this year, including $100 price reductions on at least a few Mac models. Apple has regularly participated in sales on the day after Thanksgiving (Black Friday) for a...
Apple Likely to Offer Black Friday Sales
Apple Likely to Offer Black Friday Sales
A series of statements made in court filings by tentative iPod & iPhone chief Mark Papermaster and those who recruited him at Apple show that the company at first considered him a secondary pick. They also reveal that IBM's own management has partly contradicted its stance on whether the executive could leave.
Docs show Apple failed to find ideal successor for iPod chief
Docs show Apple failed to find ideal successor for iPod chief
CNet reports that LG Display, Sharp, and Chunghwa Picture Tubes pled guilty to criminal charges for LCD price-fixing and agreed to pay $585 million in fines.
Apple Affected by LCD Price Fixing by LG, Sharp, Chunghwa
Apple Affected by LCD Price Fixing by LG, Sharp, Chunghwa
One of the primary focuses of Apple's upcoming Mac OS X 10.5.6 Update will be to improve the reliability of data syncing between the company's MobileMe Internet service and users on notebook computers or slower networks.
Apple improving Mobile Me synching in Mac OS X 10.5.6
Apple improving Mobile Me synching in Mac OS X 10.5.6
With Black Friday sale information from rival PC vendors beginning to leak online, experts at Barclays Capital say they expect Apple to counter the promotions with a more aggressive than usual one-day sale, offering deep discounts on a number of Mac models.
Apple may launch most aggressive Black Friday sale yet
Apple may launch most aggressive Black Friday sale yet