Apple's iPod chief to step down - report
Tony Fadell, largely regarded as the grandfather of the iPod and Apple's audio strategy, is leaving the company for personal reasons, according to a report published Tuesday by the Wall Street Journal.
Apple's iPod chief to step down - report
Apple's iPod chief to step down - report
Apple's new MacBooks had gamers singing their praises when CEO Steve Jobs unveiled them last month. The company dropped integrated Intel graphics chipsets in favor of Nvidia's new GeForce 9400M, which is also integrated but which promises more than a basic step up in 3-D performance.
Will Better Graphics Hardware Make Apple Gaming Blossom
Will Better Graphics Hardware Make Apple Gaming Blossom
The Wall Street Journal reports that Tony Fadell, the senior vice president of the iPod Division at Apple, is leaving the company for personal reasons.
Tony Fadell ("Father of iPod") Leaves Apple
Tony Fadell ("Father of iPod") Leaves Apple
An Apple spokesperson has cooled down expectations of a last-minute refresh to the Mac line, or any other products, before the start of the new year.
Apple puts further 2008 Mac updates on ice
Apple puts further 2008 Mac updates on ice
Apple has issued a statement to Macworld clarifying that there are no plans for any new products before the holiday season.
Apple: No New Products Before Holidays
Apple: No New Products Before Holidays
A proposal that would have had Apple and unauthorized Mac clone maker Psystar settle their legal dispute outside of court appears to be off the table, with the two firms more recently asking a judge to approve a lengthy discovery and court schedule that would end in a trial next fall.
Apple, Psystar ask court to set trial date for next November
Apple, Psystar ask court to set trial date for next November
Those eager to capture a slice of Apple's early history will soon have the chance to bid in an auction for a sign and a toolbox that are estimated to command a surprisingly high bidding price.
First Apple sign, Woz's toolbox hit the auction block
First Apple sign, Woz's toolbox hit the auction block
A new buyer of Apple's uninbody notebooks emailed Steve Jobs about issues he was having with the units new glass trackpad and hinge, and reports getting a prompt reply via the telephone addressing his problems.
Apple investigating problems with MacBook Pro's glass trackpad
Apple investigating problems with MacBook Pro's glass trackpad
AlleyInsider reports on a new analyst report from Friedman Billings Ramsey which claims that Apple's iPhone production could fall more than 40% in the 4th Quarter of 2008. AlleyInsider points out this may simply represent a surplus of iPhone produ...
Apple Cutting Q4 iPhone Production
Apple Cutting Q4 iPhone Production
Apple is facing a new class-action lawsuit that charges the company with failing to fully recognize the scope of a memory slot defect in its PowerBook G4 notebooks, which has left thousands of customers with no choice but to foot hefty repair costs on their own.
Apple sued over defective PowerBook memory slots
Apple sued over defective PowerBook memory slots
Standing as the single largest change to an Apple portable in recent history, the 13" MacBook completely overhauls the system with a switch from plastic to a strong, thinner aluminum shell and a totally new platform that puts it into a new performance category -- albeit with key sacrifices to meet its goals.
Apple's unibody MacBook: the review
Apple's unibody MacBook: the review
Two separate disclosures by Apple and AT&T last week combine to revealed that the iPhone, once driven largely by domestic sales, has grown into a big international business with the arrival of the 3G model.
Half of Apple's iPhone 3Gs sold internationally
Half of Apple's iPhone 3Gs sold internationally
Microsoft Corp., engrossed in multi-million dollar marketing blitz to counter anti-Vista propaganda from rival Apple, Inc., is now using a portion of its budget to fuel guerilla retail tactics near the Mac maker's stores.
Microsoft parks "I'm a PC" recording booth outside Apple Store
Microsoft parks "I'm a PC" recording booth outside Apple Store
Apple Store online customers are reporting Friday that their NVIDIA-based MacBook Air notebooks have begun arriving almost a week early. Included are some unboxing notes and photos.
Apple's NVIDIA-based MacBook Airs arrive early, get unboxed
Apple's NVIDIA-based MacBook Airs arrive early, get unboxed
CNet reports that IBM has filed a lawsuit against former employee Mark Papermaster for accepting a job at Apple. Papermaster was IBM's vice president of microprocessor technology development but recently accepted a position at Apple to begin in Nove...
Apple Recruits IBM Chip Designer, IBM Files Lawsuit
Apple Recruits IBM Chip Designer, IBM Files Lawsuit
Apple recently recruited a top chip designer from IBM, resulting in a lawsuit that seeks to prevent the executive from taking his knowledge as "IBM's top expert in Power architecture and technology" to the Mac maker.
Apple recruits top chip designer, IBM responds with suit
Apple recruits top chip designer, IBM responds with suit
Although a storm of bugs rained down upon the heads and shoulders of MobileMe subscribers in July, Apple has been doing a lot more than apologizing, offering free service extensions and handing out umbrellas. It turns out that Apple has been working at the source -- the servers driving the so-called cloud -- to mop the little issues leaking from the MobileMe cloud.
Apple: MobileMe on the Mend
Apple: MobileMe on the Mend
Negotiations to bring the music of the Beatles to iTunes or any other digital download service appear to have taken a back seat to a landmark deal that will see the legendary rock band's catalog form the foundation of a new video game from the makers of Rock Band.
Beatles strike video game deal ahead of iTunes distribution
Beatles strike video game deal ahead of iTunes distribution
As the U.S. equity markets continue the long process of making a bottom in what is now consider to be one of the worst bear markets in history, tech investors should begin to shift their focus on a comparative valuation analysis of the leaders in the tech industry.
Apple more undervalued than others tech heavyweights
Apple more undervalued than others tech heavyweights
As the U.S. equity markets continue the long process of making a bottom in what is now consider to be one of the worst bear markets in history, tech investors should begin to shift their focus on a comparative valuation analysis of the leaders in the tech industry.
Apple radically more undervalued than others tech heavyweights
Apple radically more undervalued than others tech heavyweights