Apple gives $100,000 to fight California gay marriage ban
Apple has joined Google in publicly opposing California's Proposition 8, a measure intended to ban the rights of gay Californians to legally marry, and has contributed $100,000 to defeat the measure.
Apple gives $100,000 to fight California gay marriage ban
Apple gives $100,000 to fight California gay marriage ban
Apple has publicly posted in their HotNews feed that they are opposing a proposal (Proposition 8) that seeks to eliminate the right to same-sex marriage in the state of California. Apple has also donated $100,000 to the No to 8 campaign:
Apple Publicly Opposes California Proposition 8 (Ban on Same Sex Marriage)
Apple Publicly Opposes California Proposition 8 (Ban on Same Sex Marriage)
Apple's newly redesigned 15" MacBook Pro improves upon the graphics, RAM, and CPU performance of the previous generation while adopting the strong lines and unibody construction of the MacBook Air, the keyboard of the 2006 consumer MacBook, the environmentally friendly design of last year's iMac, and the iPhone's headphone mic, resulting a strong package of cross pollination across Apple's various branches.
Apple's unibody MacBook Pro: an in-depth review with video
Apple's unibody MacBook Pro: an in-depth review with video
InformationWeek points out a few new Apple patent applications that were just filed and published which describe underlying technologies that will likely appear in Apple's Snow Leopard (10.6) operating system.
Apple Patent Provides Peek at Snow Leopard Technologies
Apple Patent Provides Peek at Snow Leopard Technologies
Apple has published new terms for its registered iPhone developer agreement that defines new limits for "Apple Confidential Information" protected by the program's Non Disclosure Agreement, allowing developers new freedom to collaborate with each other, conduct developer training sessions, and print guides and tutorials.
Apple releases portions of iPhone SDK from NDA limits
Apple releases portions of iPhone SDK from NDA limits
With Apple's recent 'State of the Mac' omitting any mention of the Mac mini and reports surfacing over the current line's discontinuation, there's been some speculation that the diminutive desktop's days may (again) be numbered. That's unlikely the case, say insiders, who are sharing new details.
Informed players say Apple's Mac mini still kickin'
Informed players say Apple's Mac mini still kickin'
Apple has posted a new iPhone developer agreement as previously promised. One of the developer agreements has been posted publicly, though another is only available to registered developers. The new agreement appears to limit what is considered co...
Apple Posts Revised iPhone NDA Agreement and Readying iPhone 2.2 Beta 2 Firmware
Apple Posts Revised iPhone NDA Agreement and Readying iPhone 2.2 Beta 2 Firmware
The fraudulent report of Steve Jobs' heart attack that never actually happened was originated by an 18 year old with unclear motives.
False story of Jobs' heart attack started with teen
False story of Jobs' heart attack started with teen
Apple has started developer seeding and testing of the next update to their Mac OS X operating system. Mac OS X 10.5.6 (9G21) was seeded to developers this morning and offers the usual laundry list of bug fixes and improvements across a variety of services.
Apple Seeds Mac OS X 10.5.6 (9G21) to Developers
Apple Seeds Mac OS X 10.5.6 (9G21) to Developers
Apple this week began testing Mac OS X 10.5.6, the next in a running series of updates planned for the Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard operating system, which could prove to be the most extensive yet.
Apple begins testing Mac OS X 10.5.6 Update
Apple begins testing Mac OS X 10.5.6 Update
With the exception of the iPhone, Apple's products largely lack technology to provide ubiquitous access to the outside world while on the go. However, a new proposal from the company would attempt to solve this problem, and provide ever-present access to the Internet, through a series of tiny RF modules that can be toted or place just about anywhere.
Apple proposes tiny RF modules for ever-present connectivity
Apple proposes tiny RF modules for ever-present connectivity
In its recently reported fiscal fourth quarter, Apple's adjusted net income grew approximately 124.6% from $1.085 billion in Q4 2007 to $2.437 billion in Q4 2008 -- an extraordinary number when fully accounting for iPhone sales in both periods.
Apple's "real" earnings grew a staggering 124.6% in Q4
Apple's "real" earnings grew a staggering 124.6% in Q4
Steve Jobs may not be sure how much the economic slump will hurt Apple, but he's clear on this: It won't be as bad as pessimists predict. And for the first time in eight years, he got on an analyst conference call to discuss quarterly results to make sure the point wasn't lost on anyone.
Steve Jobs: Apple Will Be 'Fine'
Steve Jobs: Apple Will Be 'Fine'
The dean of Yale University's School of Management has announced that he will be leaving to join Apple as a new Vice President, serving of the dean of a new "Apple University."
Yale business school dean picked to run Apple University
Yale business school dean picked to run Apple University
With an influx of Dolby Digital enhanced HD content making its way to the iTunes store, and subsequently Apple TV, Apple is reportedly working on an update to QuickTime that will improve support for 5.1 channel audio.
Apple's QuickTime 7.6 to improve 5.1 surround sound
Apple's QuickTime 7.6 to improve 5.1 surround sound
A NYTimes blog article by John Markoff (via AppleInsider) claims that Apple may already be testing a netbook-sized device. Markoff recaps Jobs' statements from yesterday's financial conference but adds this tidbit in an update to the article:
Unannounced Apple Product Found in Web Logs
Unannounced Apple Product Found in Web Logs
Apple chief Steve Jobs' has dismissed any immediate plans to enter the netbook field, but a new discovery points to a mystery device with an appropriate resolution being tracked online.
Apple device sized between iPhone, MacBook detected online
Apple device sized between iPhone, MacBook detected online
During yesterday's conference call, Apple revealed that iPhone was responsible for 39% of the company's revenues in Q4 2008. Due to Apple's decision to report iPhone earnings as subscription revenue over 24 months, however, these numbers are not ref...
iPhone Accounted for 39% of Apple Revenue in Q4 2008
iPhone Accounted for 39% of Apple Revenue in Q4 2008
Apple seeded a new version of QuickTime 7.6 to developers yesterday. The latest build is available for Mac OS X and Windows and asks developers to test AAC encoding/playback, Multichannel encoding, Apple Lossless playback/encoding as well as MPEG-1 ...
Apple Seeds QuickTime 7.6 to Developers, No h.264 Acceleration Yet
Apple Seeds QuickTime 7.6 to Developers, No h.264 Acceleration Yet
Mobile software sales for the iPhone and iPod touch continue to grow faster than even iTunes' groundbreaking song sales growth, building a critical mass to attract both new iPhone buyers and additional Cocoa Touch software development for Apple's mobile platform.
iPhone App Store continues to exceed iTunes song sales growth
iPhone App Store continues to exceed iTunes song sales growth