Notes of interest for Apple's Q4 2008 conference call
Apple has just concluded its fiscal fourth quarter conference call which featured a surprise appearance by company chief executive Steve Jobs, who fielded questions on low cost PCs, the future of the iPhone, and the new netbook category of portables.
Notes of interest for Apple's Q4 2008 conference call
Notes of interest for Apple's Q4 2008 conference call
Apple chief executive Steve Jobs made a surprise appearance on the company's fourth quarter conference call Tuesday and fielded a variety of questions that revealed further insight into company's ongoing product strategies. Specifically, he made remarks about Apple's position on the emerging NetBook space, how the troubled global economy impacts the company, the state of Apple TV, and how Apple views the prospects for $500 desktop PCs.
Steve Jobs on Apple's cash, NetBooks, Apple TV, and cheap PCs
Steve Jobs on Apple's cash, NetBooks, Apple TV, and cheap PCs
Apple revealed that the company had met its self-imposed goal of selling 10 million iPhones in calendar 2008.
Apple Reaches 10 Million iPhone Sales Goal for 2008
Apple Reaches 10 Million iPhone Sales Goal for 2008
Apple announced quarterly iPhone sales that surpassed those of BlackBerry maker Research in Motion by nearly a million and a half units or 25%: nearly 6.9 million iPhones versus 5.4 million BlackBerry units in the third calendar quarter of 2008.
Apple iPhone 3G sales surpass RIM's Blackberry
Apple iPhone 3G sales surpass RIM's Blackberry
Steve Jobs was present at today's financial results conference call and answered questions during the Q&A session.
Jobs on Mac Netbooks: Not Yet, But...
Jobs on Mac Netbooks: Not Yet, But...
Metamarketing may not exist in Merriam-Webster's files, but for a visual definition, all one has to do is check out the latest Apple ads that are all about -- the latest Microsoft ads. If you're a fan of the I'm a PC, and I'm a Mac ads, then you may have been waiting for this latest shot across Microsoft's bow
Apple's New Ads Ridicule Microsoft's New Ads
Apple's New Ads Ridicule Microsoft's New Ads
Apple announced their financial results today for the 4th quarter of fiscal 2008 . Apple posted revenue of $7.9 billion and net quarterly profit of $1.14 billion, or $1.26 per diluted share. These results compare to revenue of $6.22 billion and net ...
Apple Reports $1.14 Billion Profit for Q4 2008
Apple Reports $1.14 Billion Profit for Q4 2008
Apple said Tuesday that fourth-quarter profits rose more than 26 percent to $1.14 billion, or $1.26 per diluted share, on sales of $7.9 billion for the three-month period ended September 27, 2008.
Apple profits rise 26% on sales of 2.6M Macs, 6.8M iPhones
Apple profits rise 26% on sales of 2.6M Macs, 6.8M iPhones
Apple on Tuesday announced a very mixed summer quarter for earnings and revenue, and is conducting a financial conference call with analysts and members of the media. Several notes of interest are available as the call gets underway.
Notes of interest for Apple's Q4 2008 results call
Notes of interest for Apple's Q4 2008 results call
Wall Street investors are holding their breath as Apple is set to report earnings after the close of regular trading this afternoon. This particular report will be one of the most crucial in the company’s history as Wall Street and her analysts have completely written Apple off as a business that could thrive in a slower economic environment.
What to expect: Apple Q4 2008 earnings preview
What to expect: Apple Q4 2008 earnings preview
The iPod is clearly the ultimate exercise accessory. Not only does it play music, but it also plays podcasts, videos and audio books. So if Survivor's Eye of the Tiger won't get your heart rate up while jogging, certainly most any audio book by master of horror Stephen King will.
iPod Accessories for Health Nuts
iPod Accessories for Health Nuts has announced that they are offering, and Comedy Central streaming support into their media management application.
Boxee Adds Hulu, CBS and Comedy Central Support to Apple TV
Boxee Adds Hulu, CBS and Comedy Central Support to Apple TV
With just one day to go before Apple announces the results of its fourth fiscal quarter, market research firm NPD is out with its preliminary sales data for the three-month period, leading one expert to suggest the company sold upwards of 2.8 million Macs systems.
Last minute estimates have Apple selling 2.8m Macs in Sept. Q
Last minute estimates have Apple selling 2.8m Macs in Sept. Q
Not content with just criticizing Windows Vista itself, Apple has launched a pair of new TV spots that accuse Microsoft of launching its ad blitz to distract the public from the problems with its software.
New Apple ads savage Microsoft's $300m Windows campaign
New Apple ads savage Microsoft's $300m Windows campaign
I was tempted to pick FUD as a topic and talk about how McCain's use of it killed his campaign. However, last week we had two major launches, one of which was Apple releasing its latest notebooks and embracing graphics as a defining feature but avoiding Blu-ray and HDMI.
Apple and Google Try to Remap Laptop, Smartphone Landscape
Apple and Google Try to Remap Laptop, Smartphone Landscape
From a product point of view, Apple CEO Steve Jobs usually goes bold. But when it comes to running the company's numbers, he rarely goes out on a limb. That was made plain Oct. 14, when Jobs announced a new laptop lineup. Despite rumors he'd introduce a laptop for $800 or less that might have helped Apple gain market share at the expense of margins, the company held prices close to where they've always been.
Apple: New MacBooks, Same Old Prices
Apple: New MacBooks, Same Old Prices
Tonight, forum user MGLXP noticed that playback of 1080p high definition trailers from Apple took far less CPU time on his new aluminum MacBook (28% CPU) as compared to his old MacBook Pro (100% CPU). Both computers shared the same CPU speed, but th...
Apple Enabled GPU Hardware Decoding of h.264 on New MacBooks, Pros and Airs
Apple Enabled GPU Hardware Decoding of h.264 on New MacBooks, Pros and Airs
Both seeking to avoid the hassles of a full-fledged trial, Apple and unofficial Mac producer Psystar have entered the Alternative Dispute Resolution process to keep their costs to a minimum and the results of their conflict out of the public eye.
Apple, Psystar strike deal to avoid trial in Open Computer tussle
Apple, Psystar strike deal to avoid trial in Open Computer tussle
Assuming last minute snags are avoided, the coming weeks should bring new iMacs, rounding out Apple's 2008 hardware introductions as the company enters the holiday shopping season with one of its strongest product portfolios ever.
Due next from Apple: refreshed 20- and 24-inch iMacs
Due next from Apple: refreshed 20- and 24-inch iMacs
Apple has posted a media alert announcing details for the October 21st release of their financial results for the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2008. The results will cover sales from June 29th through September 27th, and will be released at the clos...
Apple to Release Q4 2008 Financial Results on October 21st
Apple to Release Q4 2008 Financial Results on October 21st