iTunes Ropes In All Four TV Nets for High-Def Downloads
The iTunes store has had various fits and coughs over the last few years as content providers from the music, movie and television industry battled it out with Apple over delivery and pricing quibbles. However, the fall network TV season is now intact -- and in the full glory of high definition.
iTunes Ropes In All Four TV Nets for High-Def Downloads
iTunes Ropes In All Four TV Nets for High-Def Downloads
Apple next-generation Snow Leopard operating system will introduce a massive re-write of the Mac OS X Finder and debut a new feature called ImageBoot, AppleInsider has learned.
Apple's Snow Leopard to sport Cocoa Finder and ImageBoot
Apple's Snow Leopard to sport Cocoa Finder and ImageBoot
In the latest email response from Steve Jobs, the Apple CEO responds to one customer's complaint that the new MacBook won't support HD camcorders:
Steve Jobs on Lack of Firewire in MacBooks
Steve Jobs on Lack of Firewire in MacBooks
A critical figure will emerge from Apple's conference call next Tuesday, when the company discloses how many new retail stores will open during fiscal 2009. The number will not only signify the electronics maker's commitment to reach even more customers, but will represent a wager -- big or small -- on a world economy in turmoil.
One number holds the key to Apple Retail in 2009
One number holds the key to Apple Retail in 2009
The dominating Apple-focused blog traffic this week has been -- not surprisingly -- all about the new MacBook lineup. Apple introduced the new notebooks at a special event Tuesday, and while online chatter has been all over the map, Apple's new Nvidia graphics architecture, the new single-piece aluminum design, pricing, glass trackpad, and LED-backlit displays make up the high points of the conversation.
Bloggers Sink Their Teeth Into Apple's New MacBooks
Bloggers Sink Their Teeth Into Apple's New MacBooks
In one of his characteristically terse email replies, Apple chief executive Steve Jobs has reportedly told one Mac user that changes in video camera technology have reduced the need for FireWire on his company's 13-inch MacBooks.
Jobs responds to outrage over MacBook's missing FireWire
Jobs responds to outrage over MacBook's missing FireWire
Apple Store customers who ordered Apple's new 45-nanometer MacBook Airs with the understanding that they would not ship until "Early November" now have a more definitive date to go by.
Apple says new MacBook Airs to ship first week of November
Apple says new MacBook Airs to ship first week of November
Apple announced today that the iTunes store is now offering High Definition prime time programming from all four of the major networks.
iTunes Has Sold Over 200 Million TV Episodes
iTunes Has Sold Over 200 Million TV Episodes
Apple parts reseller iFixIt has just completed its photo disassemblies of the new MacBook and MacBook Pro, and notes that the design of both machines are largely inspired by the MacBook Air, with the 13-inch model structurally resembling a 13-inch version of the new MacBook Pro.
Apple's new MacBook and MacBook Pro torn down (photos)
Apple's new MacBook and MacBook Pro torn down (photos)
Apple announced Thursday that all four of the major US television networks are offering primetime programs in high definition on the iTunes Store, which has become the worlds most popular online TV service with over 200 million episodes sold, including more than one million HD episodes purchased since last month.
iTunes sells 200 million TV shows, adds new HD TV lineup
iTunes sells 200 million TV shows, adds new HD TV lineup
Living up to a promise it made in January 2007, Taiwanese electronics maker Luxpro has at last filed a lawsuit against Apple claiming that the American company was plotting a multinational scheme when it sued Luxpro over its iPod shuffle doppelganger.
Luxpro finally sues Apple to defend iPod shuffle clone
Luxpro finally sues Apple to defend iPod shuffle clone
Apple on Tuesday introduced its next-generation 13-inch MacBooks and 15-inch MacBook Pros but was unable to ramp production of its new 17-inch model, which is now expected to make an appearance by early next year.
Apple's next-gen 17-inch MacBook Pro due in a few months
Apple's next-gen 17-inch MacBook Pro due in a few months
During the Question and Answer session of yesterday's media event, Steve Jobs responded to a number of questions of interest. The Apple Core blog summarizes the answers. Of note:
Apple on Blu-Ray, Touch Screen Displays, Netbooks
Apple on Blu-Ray, Touch Screen Displays, Netbooks
Gartner has published a preliminary report on U.S. and worldwide PC shipments for the third quarter of 2008. The report pegs Apple's share of quarterly U.S. PC shipments at 9.5%, up from 7.7% in the third quarter of 2007. Apple's U.S. shipments incre...
Apple's U.S. Market Share Approaches 10%
Apple's U.S. Market Share Approaches 10%
With multiple product updates all arriving at once, many might have been overwhelmed by Apple's MacBook launch to overlook potentially important features and limitations -- including the need to log out to switch graphics chips and the multiple party tricks of the new 24-inch Cinema Display.
Notes of interest from Apple's MacBook event
Notes of interest from Apple's MacBook event
Apple's graphics options on all new MacBooks are substantially improved due to the use of NVIDIA chipsets over the Intel graphics provided on earlier models; we examine the significance of this and the choice of DisplayPort as the foundation for Apple's video output future.
A closer look at Apple's move to NVIDIA chipsets, DisplayPort
A closer look at Apple's move to NVIDIA chipsets, DisplayPort
On cue, Apple has posted a streaming version of its MacBook-oriented special event for those unable to attend themselves.
Apple posts "Spotlight on Notebooks" event stream
Apple posts "Spotlight on Notebooks" event stream
The rumors about Apple's new brick manufacturing process, in which the chassis for a MacBook notebook is carved out of a single slab of aluminum, are basically true. Apple's latest upgrade to its MacBook and MacBook Pro family are now stiffer and more durable than ever. Apple has invented a whole new way of building notebooks from a single block of aluminum, noted Apple CEO Steve Jobs.
Apple Makes Over MacBook Line Inside and Out
Apple Makes Over MacBook Line Inside and Out
With just days to go before Apple announces the results of its fourth fiscal quarter, new data from market research firm Gartner has the Mac maker snagging a near 10 percent share of the US PC market for the three month period ending September, with its unit shipments growing more than six times the industry average.
Apple snags nearly 10% of US PC market in third quarter
Apple snags nearly 10% of US PC market in third quarter
Apple's new MacBook and MacBook Pro feature precision unibody enclosures milled from an extruded block of aluminum, allowing them to get even thinner while retaining rigid durability and a stronger, cleaner, and more polished design. Here's a detailed overview of the process, illustrated with photos.
Apple details new MacBook manufacturing process
Apple details new MacBook manufacturing process