Apple Releases iTunes 8.0.1 (Stability and Bug Fixes)
Apple has released an update to iTunes to version 8.0.1. The update is available in Mac OS X's Software Update and provides the following features:
Apple Releases iTunes 8.0.1 (Stability and Bug Fixes)
Apple Releases iTunes 8.0.1 (Stability and Bug Fixes)
Apple has agreed, without admitting fault, to settle a class-action lawsuit alleging that power adapters sold with certain Power PC-based iBook and PowerBook notebooks were defective in that they could dangerously fray, sparks and prematurely fail to work.
Apple settles class-action suit over faulty notebook adapters
Apple settles class-action suit over faulty notebook adapters
Apple is exploring new ways to use the Mac OS cursor to provide users with additional information and usability options for files residing on their hard drive or linked via the internet before they're triggered or activated.
Apple details cursor-based QuickLook and advanced functions
Apple details cursor-based QuickLook and advanced functions
Earlier this week, a report posted to a french newspaper claimed that some Mac Pros emitting an odor could be actually be toxic fumes.
Apple Denies Reports of Mac Pros Emitting Toxic Fumes
Apple Denies Reports of Mac Pros Emitting Toxic Fumes
A decision expected on Thursday from a three-person government panel could lead to the closure of Apple's online music, movie and digital book store, iTunes. Or it could provide what many in the digital media industry have long wanted to see: Apple backing away from the line it drew in the sand on pricing.
Apple Holds iTunes Hostage Over Royalties
Apple Holds iTunes Hostage Over Royalties
Having already earned a small reputation as a homebrew enthusiast's device, Apple TV received a large unofficial makeover on Wednesday with Boxee, a complete project that aims to fill in the gaps in community, video formats and Internet streams left open by Apple.
Boxee takes social networks, web video to Apple TV
Boxee takes social networks, web video to Apple TV
In a surprise move, Apple has relented in its insistence that third-party application developers for the wildly popular iPhone sign a nondisclosure agreement before their applications can be made available for download on the iPhone App Store. Apple dropped the NDA because it was too burdensome for developers and others, according to the company.
Apple Goes a Little Less Medieval on Devs
Apple Goes a Little Less Medieval on Devs
Apple has filed a motion with U.S. District Court seeking to dismiss the claims of Psystar, which allege that Apple has used a monopoly position as the manufacturer of Mac computers to cause restraint of trade, unfair competition, and other violations of antitrust law.
Apple files motion for dismissal of Psystar counterclaims
Apple files motion for dismissal of Psystar counterclaims
One in five notebooks purchased at US retail outlets during the recent back-to-school buying season were Macs, according to a new report.
Apple's US retail notebook share up to 20 percent
Apple's US retail notebook share up to 20 percent
Responding to widespread criticism, Apple said Wednesday that it has decided to do away with its non-disclosure agreement (NDA) for released iPhone software while it drafts a new agreement covering just non-released software.
Apple drops iPhone NDA for released software
Apple drops iPhone NDA for released software
Responding to widespread criticism, Apple said Wednesday that it has decided to do away with its non-disclosure agreement (NDA) for released iPhone software while it drafts a new agreement covering just non-released software.
Apple iPhone None Disclosure Agreement for release software
Apple iPhone None Disclosure Agreement for release software
Apple has announced that they have dropped the iPhone Non-Disclosure Agreement for released iPhone software.
Apple Drops iPhone Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
Apple Drops iPhone Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
OS X Reality posted a list of 16 reasons why the iPhone and iPod touch are better than the PSP.
Citi and Goldman Sachs have rebutted notions that Apple is in danger due to the US economic collapse and say that strong iPhone sales, new MacBooks and continued healthy growth should keep the company successful in the long term.
Big banks say Apple will weather financial storm
Big banks say Apple will weather financial storm
Apple is quietly preparing to equip some of its developers with the first pre-release copies of Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard since an inaugural build was issued to attendees during its annual developers conference in June, AppleInsider has learned.
Apple to unleash first builds of Snow Leopard since WWDC
Apple to unleash first builds of Snow Leopard since WWDC
Apple has threatened to close down its iTunes Store should regulators approve a royalty hike that would grant artists a 66 percent increase in commission for each song sold through online download services.
Apple threatens to shutter iTunes over proposed royalty hikes
Apple threatens to shutter iTunes over proposed royalty hikes
According to Fortune, the Copyright Royalty Board in Washington D.C. is expected to rule on Thursday about a request by the National Music Publishers' Association to increase royalty rates for downloads from online music stores such as iTunes. The r...
Apple Threatens to Close iTunes Store Over Possible Royalty Hikes
Apple Threatens to Close iTunes Store Over Possible Royalty Hikes
Flash Magazine reports on comments made by Adobe's Sr. Director of Engineering Paul Betlem during a Town Hall meeting at the Flash on the Beach Conference.
Adobe Could Release Flash for iPhone if Apple Approves
Adobe Could Release Flash for iPhone if Apple Approves
Apple last week granted more than $122 million in restricted stock-based compensation to members of its executive team for their current and future efforts in driving the company's success, regulatory filings with Securities and Exchange Commission show.
Apple executives awarded $122 million in stock grants
Apple executives awarded $122 million in stock grants
Adobe is nearly done with a version of its Flash Player for the iPhone the could be released in a very short time if it passes Apple's App Store screening process, an Adobe official said this week.
Adobe Flash player for iPhone due 'soon' if Apple approves
Adobe Flash player for iPhone due 'soon' if Apple approves