Apple still better positioned than most, firm says
Even as stocks melted down on Monday and fears of tough recession set in, analysts at Piper Jaffray held strong to their Buy rating on shares of Apple, saying the company remains the best positioned amongst its peers to weather the economic storm.
Apple still better positioned than most, firm says
Apple still better positioned than most, firm says
After remaining near-silent as iPhone and other touchscreen cellphones took control of the high-end media phone business, Nokia on Thursday will try and reclaim what was once its own with its first touchscreen cellphone.
Nokia, Apple iPhone to lock horns at last on Thursday
Nokia, Apple iPhone to lock horns at last on Thursday
Apple last week began testing iPhone Software v2.2 beta 1, the next software update for the iPhone and iPod touch that will deliver, among other things, subtle interface changes to Safari and a new version of the company's App Store application.
Next iPhone software update to deliver Safari, App Store tweaks
Next iPhone software update to deliver Safari, App Store tweaks
Shares of Apple were pummeled on Wall Street Monday due to investor concerns that sales growth of Mac computers, iPhones and iPods could slow as consumers spend less. Two brokerages covering the company -- Morgan Stanley and RBC Capital -- downgraded their ratings on Apple shares, pouring fuel on the fire.
Apple Takes Hit as Investor Confidence Slips
Apple Takes Hit as Investor Confidence Slips
While we typically don't follow the ebb and flow of Apple's stock (AAPL) price on MacRumors, today the value of the company dove over 15% when two analysts cut their ratings on Apple.
Analysts downgrade AAPL, Apple stock dives over 15%
Analysts downgrade AAPL, Apple stock dives over 15%
Joe Wilcox of Microsoft-Watch analyzes the latest notebook marketshare data from the NPD Group. He specifically looks at the revenue breakdown and Apple's long term decision to compete at the high-end market for notebooks.
Apple's Notebook Marketshare Growth and High Margins
Apple's Notebook Marketshare Growth and High Margins
Shares of Apple bled more than 17 percent of their value in Monday morning trading on the Nasdaq stock market after analysts for investment banks Morgan Stanley and RBC Capital both downgraded their outlook on the company, citing a worsening consumer environment.
Apple shares tumble on downgrades from investment banks
Apple shares tumble on downgrades from investment banks
Apple over the weekend instated a series of changes to the way its App Store operates in an effort to knock out loopholes that were being exploited by some developers seeking an unfair advantage.
Apple updates App Store to address developer misuse
Apple updates App Store to address developer misuse
The iPod has become more than a simple music player. It now plays video, it features games, and -- in the case of the iPod touch -- it runs third-party applications. It's basically a pocket computer. And like any other computer, it can be tinkered with to do more than it was originally programmed to do. Hacking into iPods is easier than ever.
The World of Pod Modding
The World of Pod Modding
Apple tends to prove unstoppable even when other computer makers falter. In the most recent quarter, shipments of Macs surged 41 percent. That's nearly three times the 15 percent global growth rate for PCs in general. But in the current quarter, as markets slide, banks go belly-up, and consumer confidence plunges, even the Apple growth engine may hit speed bumps.
As Apple Shares Slide, What About Sales
As Apple Shares Slide, What About Sales
A pair of filings for US patents made by Apple would make users' lives easier by letting them pair wireless devices just by bringing them together as well as filling out missing address book data simply by making a request through e-mail.
Apple seeks distance-based pairing, auto contact data patents
Apple seeks distance-based pairing, auto contact data patents
Apple has volunteered to work with the state of Massachusetts to make iTunes 8 and the new iPod nano fully accessible, unlocking music, movies, and the free lectures and other educational material in iTunes U to blind users.
Apple makes iTunes 8, iTunes U content accessible to the blind
Apple makes iTunes 8, iTunes U content accessible to the blind
Microsoft chief executive Steve Ballmer, who's watched his company's PC business come under immense pressure from Apple, used a forum this week to discount the Mac maker's potential for future share gains and designate its mobile phone business as a doomed initiative that will "lose out" in the long run.
Ballmer changes tune while dancing around Apple's success
Ballmer changes tune while dancing around Apple's success
Apple can be the target of many lawsuits, some more justified than others. One widely reported lawsuit at the time of the iPhone's initial launch attempted to sue Apple over the iPhone's sealed battery, limited number of charge cycles and fee for ba...
Apple iPhone Battery Lawsuit Dismissed
Apple iPhone Battery Lawsuit Dismissed
The biggest news in the Apple-focused blogosphere this week came courtesy of the Google/HTC/T-Mobile G1 smartphone. Can it kill the iPhone? Most Apple fans don't seem overly worried, but it does have a couple of attractive features, like a slide-out keyboard. Coming back around to Apple and its iPhone App Store, the company has been cracking down with its non-disclosure agreements.
Mac Bloggers Dis G1, Apple's Draconian NDAs
Mac Bloggers Dis G1, Apple's Draconian NDAs
China Mobile is eventually expected to offer the iPhone to mainland China but has requested that Apple deliver a model with Wi-Fi and 3G technology disabled, according to the South China Morning Post.
China Mobile asking Apple to intentionally cripple iPhones
China Mobile asking Apple to intentionally cripple iPhones
Apple has seeded some iPhone developers with a new beta iPhone firmware for testing. The new version is labeled iPhone OS 2.2 beta 1 and is accompanied by a new beta of the iPhone SDK (build 9M2611). Beyond compatibility testing, there are no oth...
Apple Seeds iPhone Firmware 2.2 Beta 1
Apple Seeds iPhone Firmware 2.2 Beta 1
A pair of new patent filings from Apple include suggestions for improving the browsing experience offered through its Safari Web browser, such as a adaptive media support and a visual history tree that more accurately shows users where they've been and how they got there.
Apple proposes improvements to Safari browsing experience
Apple proposes improvements to Safari browsing experience
Apple announced details of an iPhone Developer University program to allow higher education institutions provide courses on iPhone and iPod touch programming.
Official Apple iPhone Developer University Program, Stanford Participates
Official Apple iPhone Developer University Program, Stanford Participates
Apple has recently released details of a new program designed for higher education institutions looking to introduce curriculum for developing iPhone or iPod touch applications.
Apple launches iPhone Developer University Program
Apple launches iPhone Developer University Program