Apple 10263 Published by Bob 0

The iPod has become more than a simple music player. It now plays video, it features games, and -- in the case of the iPod touch -- it runs third-party applications. It's basically a pocket computer. And like any other computer, it can be tinkered with to do more than it was originally programmed to do. Hacking into iPods is easier than ever.

The World of Pod Modding

Apple 10263 Published by Bob 0

Apple tends to prove unstoppable even when other computer makers falter. In the most recent quarter, shipments of Macs surged 41 percent. That's nearly three times the 15 percent global growth rate for PCs in general. But in the current quarter, as markets slide, banks go belly-up, and consumer confidence plunges, even the Apple growth engine may hit speed bumps.

As Apple Shares Slide, What About Sales

Apple 10263 Published by Bob 0

The biggest news in the Apple-focused blogosphere this week came courtesy of the Google/HTC/T-Mobile G1 smartphone. Can it kill the iPhone? Most Apple fans don't seem overly worried, but it does have a couple of attractive features, like a slide-out keyboard. Coming back around to Apple and its iPhone App Store, the company has been cracking down with its non-disclosure agreements.

Mac Bloggers Dis G1, Apple's Draconian NDAs