Apple's Clever iTunes 8
It's been more than seven years since Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs bounded onto the stage at the annual MacWorld conference in San Francisco and took the wraps off the first version of iTunes. And oh, what a difference nearly a decade makes: The desktop jukebox has evolved from a simple, no-frills MP3 manager into an ever-expanding media gateway offering music, TV, movies, podcasts and even video games.
Apple's Clever iTunes 8
Apple's Clever iTunes 8
After an iPhone app developer successfully discovered a workaround for being turned down at the App Store in iTunes, Apple has cracked down and barred an unofficial method as well, potentially raising an anti-competition dispute.
Apple cuts off unofficial avenue for rebuffed iPhone apps
Apple cuts off unofficial avenue for rebuffed iPhone apps
Apple has gotten a significant amount of critical press surrounding its rejection policies in the App Store. A few high profile rejections have been widely reported and inspired at least one amusing comic.
Apple Extends Non-Disclosure to App Store Rejection Letters
Apple Extends Non-Disclosure to App Store Rejection Letters
Apple is gearing up for its third and final phase of international iPhone expansion during the 2008 calendar year, which will include launches in Russia, Brazil and Egypt, but not China or Korea.
Apple preparing to launch iPhone in 29 more countries
Apple preparing to launch iPhone in 29 more countries
Apple this week announced its new "Begin at Home" iPhone buying procedure which is designed to help accelerate sales of the device during the upcoming holiday shopping season.
Apple iPhone shoppers can now start buying process at home
Apple iPhone shoppers can now start buying process at home
Apple has started offering users a way to sign up for AT&T service online prior to visiting an Apple Store. The online tool allows you to:
Apple Streamlines iPhone 3G Sales with Online Signups
Apple Streamlines iPhone 3G Sales with Online Signups
I've using Apple products for years, so I'm not surprised by cool industrial design, nanochromatic colors, or connectivity that just works with other Apple ecosystem products. In fact, I expect all Apple products to look and feel better than most any other electronic device out there, yet when I first held the new fourth-generation iPod nano in my hand I was pleasantly surprised.
One Week With the Svelte New iPod Nano
One Week With the Svelte New iPod Nano
Investment bank Piper Jaffray boosted its estimates for Apple's current quarter on Monday, noting that iPhones will for the first time account for a material portion of the company's booked revenue.
Piper Jaffray raises estimates for Apple's Sept quarter
Piper Jaffray raises estimates for Apple's Sept quarter
The 2008 iPod touch inches closer to the iPhone line while retaining its iPod branding. It gets new audio input and recording features, volume controls, a speaker, and a full assortment of bundled apps, including Nike+ support.
Review: Apple's second-generation iPod touch
Review: Apple's second-generation iPod touch
Apple Expo 2008 took place last week from September 17-20th in Paris, France. The European expo drew few headlines in the U.S. press due to the lack of participation by Apple. TechRadar UK provides a report from the expo floor and found that there ...
Apple-Expo 2008 Highlights
Apple-Expo 2008 Highlights
Laminar Research, the developers of X-Plane 9, have posted about the intense experience of porting their popular flight simulator from within Apple's headquarters in the days leading up to the Let's Rock media event held on September 9th.
X-Plane Story: Working 16-Hour Days At Apple Headquarters
X-Plane Story: Working 16-Hour Days At Apple Headquarters
Apple on Friday afternoon recalled the ultracompact USB power adapter for iPhone 3Gs with warnings that they might pose a hazard to owners.
Apple recalls iPhone 3G power adapters over shock risk
Apple recalls iPhone 3G power adapters over shock risk
Apple has issued a recall on the USB power adapter included with the iPhone 3G. Apple has received reports of the metal prongs breaking off of the adapter and remaining lodged in power outlets, creating the risk of electric shock.
Apple Recalls iPhone 3G USB Power Adapter
Apple Recalls iPhone 3G USB Power Adapter
Last night, Apple's WebKit group announced the new SquirrelFish Extreme, a major new retooling of the SquirrelFish JavaScript engine originally announced in June. The update comes before SquirrelFish even had the time to make it into production versions of Safari.
SquirrelFish Extreme promises to speed JavaScript in Safari 4.0
SquirrelFish Extreme promises to speed JavaScript in Safari 4.0
Having buried the hatched with Apple, NBC last week returned to supplying its content to the iTunes Store -- a move that has been met with gangbuster results, according to the Hollywood Reporter.
NBC sees a million downloads since return to iTunes
NBC sees a million downloads since return to iTunes
One of the major announcements during last week's media event was the return of NBC shows to the iTunes Store. NBC reportedly accounted for 40% of iTunes video sales prior to their removal late last year.
Over 1 Million NBC Downloads Since Return to iTunes
Over 1 Million NBC Downloads Since Return to iTunes
Apple is notifying some of its customers this week that it will be unable to meet quoted delivery times for its new 16GB iPod nanos, fueling rumors that the company was forced to make a last minute change to the product line, possibly at the hands of rival Microsoft.
Microsoft may have thrown Apple an iPod nano headache
Microsoft may have thrown Apple an iPod nano headache
At first glance, it seems like another typical Mac tempest in a teacup -- a helpless indie developer being ridden roughshod by the big bad monolithic control freak Apple. Like Macworld media blacklisting and the Proteron LiteSwitch and Konfabulator incidents before it, it's a cause celebre that unifies the Mac Web but makes them look petty and childish once the sobering light of scrutiny is shone upon it.
Apple's Store, Apple's Rules, Apple's Peril
Apple's Store, Apple's Rules, Apple's Peril
Jumping on an increasingly overloaded bandwagon, a Little Rock, Arkansas man has started a class action lawsuit expecting at least $5 million in damages for Apple and AT&T overselling iPhone 3G relative to the network load, even though a fix has already been put into place.
First post-patch iPhone 3G lawsuit wants Apple to pay $5 million
First post-patch iPhone 3G lawsuit wants Apple to pay $5 million
Brisk sales of Apple's MacBook product lines have seen the company's share of the North American notebook market surge more than 60 percent on a yearly basis through the second quarter of the year, according DisplaySearch.
Apple's North American notebook share jumps 60 percent
Apple's North American notebook share jumps 60 percent