Is Apple ARMing the iPhone With Homemade Chips
When Apple quietly bought a small semiconductor company earlier this year called PA Semi, the move sparked a storm of speculation. Was Apple looking for new low-power processors for its iPhone? Was it aiming to develop new processors for unannounced but rumored Mac tablets? Or was Apple just buying PA Semi to snag some top-notch engineers?
Is Apple ARMing the iPhone With Homemade Chips
Is Apple ARMing the iPhone With Homemade Chips
Apple last week introduced its fourth generation iPod nano with storage capacities of 8GB and 16GB, making no mention of a 4GB model that is now widely available through several overseas outlets.
Unannounced 4GB fourth-gen iPod nanos on sale in Europe
Unannounced 4GB fourth-gen iPod nanos on sale in Europe
When Apple quietly bought a small semiconductor company earlier this year called PA Semi, the move sparked a storm of speculation. Was Apple looking for new low-power processors for its iPhone? Was it aiming to develop new processors for unannounced but rumored Mac tablets? Or was Apple just buying PA Semi to snag some top-notch engineers?
Is Apple ARMing the iPhone With Home-Brewed Chips
Is Apple ARMing the iPhone With Home-Brewed Chips
Apple's iPhone, a runaway success in the US and parts of Europe, is struggling to see similar success in Japan, where consumers who've long been privy to some of the world's most advance cell phones are passing over the touchscreen handset for cheaper and more familiar offerings.
Apple finding it difficult to crack Japanese cell phone market
Apple finding it difficult to crack Japanese cell phone market
One of the Apple TV's strengths is that it's based on Mac OS X. However, that's also proving to be a weakness as well. Consumer electronics boxes in the living room must live up to a higher quality standard than a Macintosh computer. After I installed iTunes 8, I noticed that the two TV shows I purchased on the Apple TV no longer synced back to my iTunes library.
The Needy, Clingy Apple TV
The Needy, Clingy Apple TV
Apple has finally started offering a Back to School promo for U.K. customers. The new promotion kicked off today, just as the U.S. promotion ended.
U.K. 'Back to School' Promo Begins, Rebate on New iPods
U.K. 'Back to School' Promo Begins, Rebate on New iPods
Afraid that Apple will gain the sort of lock on downloadable video that it did with music, Sony and a group of video business heavyweights are planning a new standard that would let copy protected movies and TV from any participating service work with many devices..
Video industry plans escape from iTunes with 'open' standard
Video industry plans escape from iTunes with 'open' standard
In a world gone digital, now comes another tale of big companies joining forces to take on media pirates and a giant named Apple. From some of the same people who brought you the Digital Living Network Alliance and Plays for Sure, it's ... the Digital Entertainment Content Ecosystem!
Digital Media Forces Close Ranks Against Apple
Digital Media Forces Close Ranks Against Apple
Apple on Monday released Mac OS X 10.5.5, a recommended update for all users of Mac OS X 10.5.x Leopard that includes over a hundred bug fixes and enhancements.
Apple releases Mac OS X 10.5.5 Update
Apple releases Mac OS X 10.5.5 Update
Frühjahr Design Agency posted an iPhone autocorrection petition
The boutique chip design firm purchased by Apple earlier this year has been tasked with developing a specialized ARM processor for the next-generation iPhone, one of the company's engineers has revealed.
Apple's PA Semi working on ARM chip for next-gen iPhone
Apple's PA Semi working on ARM chip for next-gen iPhone
A NY Times blog entry reports that Apple is indeed working on its own variant of the ARM processor for the iPhone. The information verifies what has long been speculated based on Apple's acquisition of P.A. Semi earlier this year and announcements b...
Apple Developing ARM Processors for iPhone
Apple Developing ARM Processors for iPhone
For its third anniversary, the highly portable 4G iPod nano gets a new tall and slim design, Genius Playlists, audio recording and other new software features, twice the RAM at the same price, and a new array of colors. It continues to offer high quality audio, and plays video games, podcasts, TV and movie downloads, and movie rentals. Apple still refuses to give it a capital n, however.
Review: Apple's fourth-generation iPod nano
Review: Apple's fourth-generation iPod nano
This last week I've watched Apple's stock drop sharply as the market was disappointed with Apple's announcements, but I thought it was being unfair because the disappointment was largely due to overset expectations. In addition, Apple's move with the iPod nano was a very hard decision to make.
Hard Choices: iPhone, iPod Nano and Gates-Seinfeld
Hard Choices: iPhone, iPod Nano and Gates-Seinfeld
An article by Daniel Lyons in this week's <i>Newsweek</i> shines a glaring light on a topic that I have been wrestling with for the past year or so: Apple's emerging monopoly status. While I didn't agree with everything in the article, it did get me thinking. As quoted in the column: Steve is a monopolist at heart. He's just like Bill Gates. He just hasn't been as successful.
Apple and the Other 'M' Word
Apple and the Other 'M' Word
When the App Store was first introduced, Apple specified that apps would have to be approved before being allowed into the App Store. The reasoning for this approval process was to weed out applications that were against Apple's terms of service. ...
Apple's App Store Rejection Policies Raise Concerns
Apple's App Store Rejection Policies Raise Concerns
Forum user pismodude2 was able to confirm that the 2nd generation iPod Touch will allow microphone input and work with existing microphone-enabled applications. He was able to use a 3rd party microphone headset to input audio into his new iPod Touch...
2nd Generation iPod Touch Does Work With Microphone
2nd Generation iPod Touch Does Work With Microphone
The well-known iPhone Dev Team has already managed to jailbreak the 2.1 firmware for iPhones and iPod touch, all the while without requiring tricks to circumvent new anti-hacking provisions in iTunes 8.
iPhone 2.1 jailbroken with end run around iTunes 8 defenses
iPhone 2.1 jailbroken with end run around iTunes 8 defenses
Larry Taghon has built a reputation as the Mac guy -- and rightfully so. The 41-year-old began his career selling Apple products as a target market representative at a now-defunct Computerland in Columbus, Ga., in 1987. Four years later, he branched out to focus on independent Apple support services. In 1994, Taghon and wife Kimberly founded Graphicom, selling and servicing Apple products for businesses.
On the Front Lines With an Independent Apple Dealer
On the Front Lines With an Independent Apple Dealer
Research In Motion, maker of the ubiquitous BlackBerry handheld e-mail device, is moving deeper into the consumer market, where it is sure to run up against tough competition from Apple's iPhone. RIM has announced partnerships with a host of new companies that will give BlackBerry owners access to Windows Live Search, Google, Ticketmaster, MySpace, Slacker and TiVo.
RIM Sweetens BlackBerry to Take On Apple
RIM Sweetens BlackBerry to Take On Apple