The Stuff on Singer-Songwriter Jack Ingram's iPod
Jack Ingram must be the only artist on the face of the earth who has covered songs by modern-rock act Hinder and the arty, bluesy, jazzy music oddball Tom Waits. That's the sort of diversity that suggests an avid music consumer. I wondered what whirs through his iPod.
The Stuff on Singer-Songwriter Jack Ingram's iPod
The Stuff on Singer-Songwriter Jack Ingram's iPod
Despite some expectations to the contrary, iTunes 8 is now allegedly a lock for Apple's Let's Rock special event and may come with new iPhone firmware that packs surprises of its own.
Ars Technica recants its previous doubts and now says its bel...
Claims renew iTunes 8 expectations, slate iPhone 2.1 for event
Ars Technica recants its previous doubts and now says its bel...
Claims renew iTunes 8 expectations, slate iPhone 2.1 for event
Despite having some initial doubts, Arstechnica now believes that Kevin Rose was correct and that iTunes 8 will be arriving on September 9th alongside the expected iPod updates.
Sept 9th: iTunes 8, iPhone Firmware 2.1... with Hidden Features
Sept 9th: iTunes 8, iPhone Firmware 2.1... with Hidden Features
A Mac website has obtained what's believed to be the first proven genuine photo of a fourth-generation iPod nano, days ahead of its launch.
The image, deliberately masked by MacNN to protect the identity of the shot, bears a near perfect resemblan...
First iPod nano 4G photo hits the web updated
The image, deliberately masked by MacNN to protect the identity of the shot, bears a near perfect resemblan...
First iPod nano 4G photo hits the web updated
When Apple opened its iTunes App Store in July, the idea of a mass-market Web site that sells downloadable games, tools, and other applications for cell phones was a rarity. Handset owners could buy apps from their carriers or the occasional niche site. But these days, the app store concept is becoming commonplace.
App Stores: Microsoft, Google Follow Apple
App Stores: Microsoft, Google Follow Apple
Engadget posts what is claimed to be an actual photo of one of the new "tall" iPod Nanos. Rumors have been persistent that the iPod Nano would see a return to the "tall" form factor next week. The larger screen will reportedly allow for better viewing of video content.
Leaked Photo of 4th Generation iPod Nano in Packaging
Leaked Photo of 4th Generation iPod Nano in Packaging
A prominent Mac website has obtained what's believed to be the first proven genuine photo of a fourth-generation iPod nano, days ahead of its launch.
The image, deliberately masked by MacNN to protect the identity of the shot, bears a near perfect...
First authenticated iPod nano 4G photo hits the web
The image, deliberately masked by MacNN to protect the identity of the shot, bears a near perfect...
First authenticated iPod nano 4G photo hits the web
As part of its efforts to shore up Windows Vista's battered reputation, Microsoft has revealed plans for retail helpers that bear a strong resemblance to Apple's Genius Bar staff.
Although they won't be fixing existing users' computers, the new st...
Microsoft calling up Gurus to take on Apple's Geniuses
Although they won't be fixing existing users' computers, the new st...
Microsoft calling up Gurus to take on Apple's Geniuses
Rumors that Apple will announce next week version 8.0 of its iTunes media cataloging software with a new music recommendation engine may be premature, according to a new report.
Earlier this week, outspoken Digg founder Kevin Rose built on his pre...
Report pours water on rumors of September 9th iTunes 8 debut
Earlier this week, outspoken Digg founder Kevin Rose built on his pre...
Report pours water on rumors of September 9th iTunes 8 debut
Apple is continuing its steady stream of developer releases of the next version of Mac OS X 10.5.5 with a new version seeded to developers just last night.
Apple Continues Mac OS X 10.5.5 Seeding (9F32)
Apple Continues Mac OS X 10.5.5 Seeding (9F32)
American Technology Research analyst Shaw Wu put out a call to clients on Friday, saying they should be prepared for a slight letdown at Apple's event next Tuesday unless chief executive Steve Jobs pulls a rabbit from his black turtleneck.
Analyst braces clients for "underwhelming" Apple event
Analyst braces clients for "underwhelming" Apple event
Imagination Technologies announced today that they have secured a new multi-year, multi-use license agreement which gives an unnamed company access to the company's wide range of current and future PowerVR graphics and video cores.
Apple Licensing Imagination's PowerVR Graphics Cores for Future Products
Apple Licensing Imagination's PowerVR Graphics Cores for Future Products
Apple is believed to have extended a deal with Imagination Technologies that will see graphics cores from the chipmaker situated in future multi-touch devices for years to come.
In a statement Thursday, Imagination announced that an international...
Apple suspected in new deal for PowerVR graphics in multi-touch devices
In a statement Thursday, Imagination announced that an international...
Apple suspected in new deal for PowerVR graphics in multi-touch devices
With its competitors struggling to catch up with multi-touch technology introduced last year as part of the iPhone, Apple is already conceptualizing new versions of the technology that would fuse a variety of secondary inputs with today's touch-based...
Apple looks to take multi-touch beyond the touch-screen
Apple looks to take multi-touch beyond the touch-screen
With less than one week to go before Apple's Sept. 9 event, speculation about what the iconic hardware maker will unveil has kicked into overdrive. The general consensus is that Tuesday's announcement will debut an updated line of iPods. That contention is supported by the design of e-mailed invitations and other documents swirling around the Internet.
What's Apple Up To Now
What's Apple Up To Now
Hopes for an all-you-can-eat iTunes music service should be dashed this time around, according to purported insiders. Meanwhile, the corporate world says in a new study that integrating Macs into their businesses is one of their top priorities.
No subscription iTunes at event; Macs high priority in enterprise
No subscription iTunes at event; Macs high priority in enterprise
iLounge claims to have dimensions of the new iPod Nano and iPod Touch which are expected to be released at next week's September 9th media event.
iPod Nano and iPod Touch Dimensions Revealed
iPod Nano and iPod Touch Dimensions Revealed
Dimensional drawings said to depict Apple's next-generation digital media players suggest the company is about to unveil its thinnest iPod nano yet alongside a new version of the iPod touch that will be marginally thicker than its predecessor.
Next-gen iPod nano, iPod touch dimensions revealed
Next-gen iPod nano, iPod touch dimensions revealed
Apple could announce sales of more than 4 million 3G iPhones at its media event next week, according to investment bank RBC Capital Markets, which also suggests the company may be looking into a low cost iPod phone to build on its momentum.
RBC says sub-$100 "iPod phone" market up for Apple's taking
RBC says sub-$100 "iPod phone" market up for Apple's taking
A San Diego-based lawsuit filed late last week alleges that Apple and its carrier partner AT&T have knowingly oversold iPhone 3G, promising fast speeds only to see a glut of customers bog down the network with devices that themselves are flawed.
Apple, AT&T sued for over-saturating 3G network with iPhones
Apple, AT&T sued for over-saturating 3G network with iPhones