What's Hot: Used Apple iPhones
As the head of a company that sells used consumer electronics, David Chen follows sales of the iPhone with the precision of a mathematician. At the outset, the price of the first version of Apple's music-playing wireless device behaved as expected: When the newer iPhone 3G hit store shelves, demand for the earlier iteration plummeted.
What's Hot: Used Apple iPhones
What's Hot: Used Apple iPhones
With Apple's announcement that the company will be holding a special media event on September 9th, we're reminded that Kevin Rose was the first source of the September 9th date.
iTunes 8, Playlist Recommendations, Visualizations
iTunes 8, Playlist Recommendations, Visualizations
Apple has formally issued invitations for a special event that will take place on September 9th -- one week from today -- to usher in a new family of iPod digital music players.
The invites, one of which was obtained by ArsTechnica, feature the ic...
Apple confirms September 9th special event: "Let's Rock"
The invites, one of which was obtained by ArsTechnica, feature the ic...
Apple confirms September 9th special event: "Let's Rock"
iPhone and iPod touch users will soon be able to purchase and download 'interactive albums' from Apple's iTunes store that will include an App Store application loaded with extras, according to a new report.
MusicWeek claims that Snow Patrol, an a...
Apple to bundle music extras app with iTunes albums
MusicWeek claims that Snow Patrol, an a...
Apple to bundle music extras app with iTunes albums
Investment bank Piper Jaffray on Tuesday highlighted shares of Apple Inc. by adding them to its Alpha List, saying three key catalysts are likely to lead to significant share appreciation in the short term.
Companies assigned to the firm's Alpha L...
Apple added to short-term Alpha List at Piper Jaffray
Companies assigned to the firm's Alpha L...
Apple added to short-term Alpha List at Piper Jaffray
Apple's iPod has been easing tensions with Iraqi citizens in a real-world experiment that has seen the music player provide on-the-spot translating for a fraction the cost and size of earlier systems.
Instead of carrying around a relatively bulky...
U.S. Army increasingly using custom iPods as field translators
Instead of carrying around a relatively bulky...
U.S. Army increasingly using custom iPods as field translators
First an iPhone price cut left early buyers feeling foolish, and then came reports that some iPods were spitting sparks. Now the new iPhone 3G has been marred by bugs, spotty service, disappearing programs for the device and a veil of secrecy over software developers trying to broaden its appeal. Such a string of mishaps and missteps might throw another electronics company into crisis.
Apple, Loyalty and the Power of Forgiveness
Apple, Loyalty and the Power of Forgiveness
Apple late Thursday issued the first maintenance update to its non-linear video editing application Final Cut Express 4, and separately released a plugin for QuickTime that allows the media software to play back files in Apple ProRes format.
Apple ships Final Cut Express 4.0.1 and ProRes plug-in
Apple ships Final Cut Express 4.0.1 and ProRes plug-in
Apple is discussing with U.S. wireless carrier AT&T the possibility of offering iPhone 3G users the option to purchase an additional data plan that would allow the handset's 3G connection to be shared with notebook computers.
A $10 application ca...
Apple may be working with AT&T on iPhone tethering plan
A $10 application ca...
Apple may be working with AT&T on iPhone tethering plan
Gizmodo reports on an alleged email Steve Jobs sent to one of their readers. The email was in response to a complaint that AT&T is not offering a tethering option for the iPhone, even though it is offered on other smartphones as a $30/month add-on. ...
Apple and AT&T Discussing Official Tethering Option for iPhone
Apple and AT&T Discussing Official Tethering Option for iPhone
Apple today released ProRes QuickTime Decoder 1.0, which allows Mac and PC users to view Apple ProRes files through QuickTime. ProRes, released as part of Final Cut Pro 6 in April 2007, is a post-production format targeted at video editors and offer...
Apple Releases ProRes QuickTime Decoder 1.0
Apple Releases ProRes QuickTime Decoder 1.0
According to Macworld, Apple has confirmed the security flaw that was publicized yesterday that could allow unauthorized individuals to circumvent the passcode locking system on the iPhone.
Apple Confirms September iPhone Update
Apple Confirms September iPhone Update
A third software update for the iPhone 3G due next month will fix a broad assortment of problems and security issues that users have reported with the handset, say company spokespeople and a pair of alleged emails from chief executive Steve Jobs.
Apple: iPhone security holes, contacts lag, GPS quirks to be fixed soon
Apple: iPhone security holes, contacts lag, GPS quirks to be fixed soon
Financial news service Bloomberg spooked some Apple investors on Wednesday when it mistakenly published an obituary for company co-founder Steve Jobs.
The incident occurred at 4:27 p.m Eastern time after a reporter making updates to the stock 17-...
Bloomberg accidentally publishes Steve Jobs obituary
The incident occurred at 4:27 p.m Eastern time after a reporter making updates to the stock 17-...
Bloomberg accidentally publishes Steve Jobs obituary
An Apple patent application published today rehashes some concepts and diagrams from 2006 patent but generates continued interest due to persistant rumors that Apple may release a multi-touch tablet Mac.
Patent: Apple Details Multi-Touch Mac User Interface
Patent: Apple Details Multi-Touch Mac User Interface
In a new company filing discovered by AppleInsider, iPhone maker Apple Inc. illustrates a number of techniques that would pave the way for tablet Macs that display a near full-sized multi-touch keyboard and run an undiluted version of the Mac OS X operating system.
Apple details next-gen multi-touch techniques for tablet Macs
Apple details next-gen multi-touch techniques for tablet Macs
Apple's insistence on keeping iPhone 2.0 development under strict non disclosure agreements is frustrating efforts in the development community to share ideas, teach classes on iPhone development, and print reference books on the subject.
Why Apple keeps its iPhone 2.0 SDK under NDA
Why Apple keeps its iPhone 2.0 SDK under NDA
Apple's insistence on keeping iPhone 2.0 development under strict non disclosure agreements is frustrating efforts in the development community to share ideas, teach classes on iPhone development, and print reference books on the subject. It's not pr...
Developers question why Apple keeps its iPhone 2.0 SDK under NDA
Developers question why Apple keeps its iPhone 2.0 SDK under NDA
Psystar has turned up the heat in its legal battle with Apple. The small computer vendor first burst on the scene several months ago by audaciously offering for sale a line of Mac computer clones called OpenComputer. After a few weeks of silence, Apple unleashed its legal hounds on the startup, seeking to shut it down for good.
Psystar Stares Down Apple With Antitrust Suit
Psystar Stares Down Apple With Antitrust Suit
AppleInsider recaps many of the circulating rumors which expect both iPod and Mac notebook updates in September. Some rumors have pegged September 9th as the possible day for at least some of the updates.
iPods, Notebooks, and... iMacs before the Holidays
iPods, Notebooks, and... iMacs before the Holidays