UK Entrepreneurs Eye iPod Users With New miShake Player
Two Birmingham, UK, businessmen are taking on the might of the iPod with a new audio and video player they hope will take the world by storm. The miShake was launched by 24-year-old Birmingham entrepreneurs Steve Beckford and Alex Sylvester who, after running their own online gadget shop Electro Box, saw a market opportunity.
UK Entrepreneurs Eye iPod Users With New miShake Player
UK Entrepreneurs Eye iPod Users With New miShake Player
Apple this morning is sending couriers to fetch and recoup MobileMe retail boxes that were mistakenly delivered early to some customers. Meanwhile, Google has released a streamlined Google Talk messaging client for iPhone and the iPod touch.
Apple accidently ships MobileMe boxes; Google Talk for iPhone
Apple accidently ships MobileMe boxes; Google Talk for iPhone
Apple and Best Buy have internally announced plans to scale Mac sales beyond their previously stated 600-store goal, but will soon face real estate-related obstacles that could challenge further expansion, AppleInsider has learned.
Thus far, the ...
Challenges ahead as Apple and Best Buy expand Mac program
Thus far, the ...
Challenges ahead as Apple and Best Buy expand Mac program
Some of Apple's top executives, including Steve Jobs, have once again been accused of bad faith in backdating company shares. Simultaneously, Mac web share is nearing eight percent in one report, K-12 educational material has reached iTunes U, and M...
Jobs & Co. sued again; Mac web share up; iTunes K-12 launches
Jobs & Co. sued again; Mac web share up; iTunes K-12 launches
Original iPhone owners who prefer not to give away or sell their old iPhones after upgrading to an iPhone 3G can instead keep their devices and use them as WiFi-enabled iPods, AT&T has confirmed.
The exclusive US provider for the Apple handset iss...
AT&T says original iPhones can be deactivated and used as WiFi iPods
The exclusive US provider for the Apple handset iss...
AT&T says original iPhones can be deactivated and used as WiFi iPods
Appleinsider reports that an AT&T spokesperson has informed them that customers upgrading to the iPhone 3G could continue to use their original iPhone as a Wi-Fi iPod:
Use the Original iPhone as a Wi-Fi iPod
Use the Original iPhone as a Wi-Fi iPod
Apple should have ample stock of iPhone 3G when it touches down this month, according to analysts, who also note that Apple stands to make more from each device than once thought -- and that iPod touch stocks are continuing to run down ahead of a pos...
iPhone 3G to be in healthy supply as iPod touch supplies weaken
iPhone 3G to be in healthy supply as iPod touch supplies weaken
Original iPhone owners who prefer not to give away their old iPhones after upgrading to an iPhone 3G can instead keep their devices and use them as WiFi-enabled iPods, AT&T has confirmed.
The exclusive US provider for the Apple handset issued a se...
AT&T says original iPhones can be inactivated and used as WiFi iPods
The exclusive US provider for the Apple handset issued a se...
AT&T says original iPhones can be inactivated and used as WiFi iPods
A small patent holding firm claims that Apple and other large PC makers are violating broadly-worded patents for encrypted wireless signals as well as the inner workings of many computer circuits.
Saxon Innovations LLC's lawsuit was filed in late ...
Apple named in lawsuit over wireless data, circuits
Saxon Innovations LLC's lawsuit was filed in late ...
Apple named in lawsuit over wireless data, circuits
New video walkthroughs of iPhone 3G help illustrate how to use the phone and what's changed in software, but also spill details of changes to the hardware design, a free official AOL instant messenger client, and more.
The guided tours are availab...
Apple's iPhone 3G guided tour reveals extra details
The guided tours are availab...
Apple's iPhone 3G guided tour reveals extra details claims that Apple is currently circulating prototype iPhones with physical keyboards amongst some mobile carriers to gauge demand for such a device.
Apple Testing iPhones with Physical Keyboards
Apple Testing iPhones with Physical Keyboards
The Open University is making course material available on Apple's download site. Apple's iTunes Store has built its reputation on music downloads, but it could be about to usher in a new era of learning on the move. In the not-too-distant future, when you see someone transfixed to their iPod, they may be enjoying a quick burst of environmental studies or English literature.
iTunes U Graduates Across the Atlantic
iTunes U Graduates Across the Atlantic
Apple has posted a Guided Tour of the new features found in the iPhone 3G.
Apple Posts iPhone 3G Guided Tour
Apple Posts iPhone 3G Guided Tour
Apple has released Mac OS X 10.5.4 via the Mac OS X Software Update:
Apple Releases Mac OS X 10.5.4 Updated: Safari 3.1.2 for Tiger
Apple Releases Mac OS X 10.5.4 Updated: Safari 3.1.2 for Tiger
Apple has released Mac OS X 10.5.4 and security updates for Tiger
Apple on Monday evening released Mac OS X 10.5.4, the latest significant revision to Leopard and a key part of its online strategy. Also, Security Update 2008-004 and Safari 3.1.2 for Tiger address security issues for earlier Mac OS X versions.Apple releases Mac OS X 10.5.4 update, security fixes
Apple on Monday evening released Mac OS X 10.5.4, the latest significant revision to Leopard.
The update (59MB for existing owners) is currently available only through Software Update and is considered an important precursor to Mac support for Mob...
Apple releases Mac OS X 10.5.4 update
The update (59MB for existing owners) is currently available only through Software Update and is considered an important precursor to Mac support for Mob...
Apple releases Mac OS X 10.5.4 update
RealNetworks' Rhapsody thinks it knows how to end Apple's dominance of the online music distribution scene: remove the digital locks on its songs; make key deals with A-list names in media, wireless providers and social networks; and let consumers preview entire songs, not just 30-second snippets.
Rhapsody Tries to Drown Out iTunes
Rhapsody Tries to Drown Out iTunes
RealNetworks said Monday it's switching gears in its quest for a larger slice of the legal music download market with the launch a DRM-free a la carte MP3 store that will cater to iPod owners directly rather than through unauthorized hacks of the pas...
Real embraces Apple's iPod with new Rhapsody MP3 service
Real embraces Apple's iPod with new Rhapsody MP3 service
Rhapsody announced the opening of an DRM-Free MP3 store today. The music tracks will be compatible with the Apple iPod as well as most other music players. This represents a significant shift in strategy for the company, who previously sold tracks ...
Rhapsody Relaunches with iPod-Compatible MP3s
Rhapsody Relaunches with iPod-Compatible MP3s
A lot of us are focused on Microsoft and Bill Gates this month as Bill's last day at the company he founded and ran to dominance passed last Friday. I've met Bill several times but only really once spoken to him. From a personal aspect, he has mostly been cordial and he once personally came to my rescue back when my career as an independent analyst first started, something I'll never forget.
Post-Gates: How Apple and OSS Are Making For a Better Microsoft
Post-Gates: How Apple and OSS Are Making For a Better Microsoft