Apple 10263 Published by Bob 0

The Open University is making course material available on Apple's download site. Apple's iTunes Store has built its reputation on music downloads, but it could be about to usher in a new era of learning on the move. In the not-too-distant future, when you see someone transfixed to their iPod, they may be enjoying a quick burst of environmental studies or English literature.

iTunes U Graduates Across the Atlantic

Apple 10263 Published by Bob 0

RealNetworks' Rhapsody thinks it knows how to end Apple's dominance of the online music distribution scene: remove the digital locks on its songs; make key deals with A-list names in media, wireless providers and social networks; and let consumers preview entire songs, not just 30-second snippets.

Rhapsody Tries to Drown Out iTunes

Apple 10263 Published by Bob 0

A lot of us are focused on Microsoft and Bill Gates this month as Bill's last day at the company he founded and ran to dominance passed last Friday. I've met Bill several times but only really once spoken to him. From a personal aspect, he has mostly been cordial and he once personally came to my rescue back when my career as an independent analyst first started, something I'll never forget.

Post-Gates: How Apple and OSS Are Making For a Better Microsoft