Apple 10263 Published by Bob 0

Not the point out the obvious -- but the iPod has revolutionized the way we consume music. We buy music a la carte and play songs in the order we want -- not the order dictated by some record producer. We also listen to our music anywhere we please now thanks to a world of new products that range from ear buds that are customized to the shape of our ears to the most sophisticated home entertainment systems.

iPod My Ride

Apple 10263 Published by Bob 0

Not surprisingly, lots of new iPod stuff is on the shelves. If you're an iPod junkie or just want the latest and greatest in the new stuff, here are some items to choose from: If you have a new iPod nano, just slide it into the iFrogz Audiowrapz Speak Case and you'll never have to untangle headphones. Once the player is in the case, it's connected with a headphone jack, which is built into the speaker system.

Latest Creations From the iPod Accessory-Making Machine

Apple 10263 Published by Bob 0

Apple has seen the future, and it is about customer service. On Thursday, Apple opened its largest U.S. store, a building in Boston with a glass and steel facade that a senior company executive said reflected Apple's plan to expand its retail ventures at home and abroad. Sandwiched between aging brick buildings on Boylston Street, the store features a ground floor with more than 100 Mac computers.

Apple: Winning Converts Worldwide, One Store at a Time

Apple 10263 Published by Bob 0

I used to think commuting without an iPod was dangerous. You know, you'd be distracted fiddling with the radio, or changing CDs, or just listening to the voices in your head. Bad idea. Then the cassette deck in my car died, which is what I use to listen to my iPod. Now I know that commuting without an iPod is dangerous. What makes the iPod so critical? Podcasts. Obviously.

Podcasts: A Commuter's Salvation