Security Firm to Apple: Ready or Not, Here's That Exploit
Core Security has published three Mac OS X iCal-based vulnerabilities -- two that can crash the iCal program and one that could conceivably allow a hacker to take control of another person's computer. The newly publicized exploits have gained attention recently in part because of the way in which they've been presented.
Security Firm to Apple: Ready or Not, Here's That Exploit
Security Firm to Apple: Ready or Not, Here's That Exploit
Apple is on the hunt for an engineer familiar with WiMAX, Ultra-wideband, and other next-generation wireless technologies. Meanwhile, confusion reigned on Thursday as a lineup appeared at the Fifth Avenue store without warning, Oppenheimer Funds has...
Apple seeks expert in WiMAX; impromptu 5th Ave. lineup; more
Apple seeks expert in WiMAX; impromptu 5th Ave. lineup; more
While Apple's share of the entire US PC market hovers between 6% and 8% depending on the source, its share of the 802.11n WiFi base station market is even higher.
Stephen Baker, an analyst for market research firm NPD Group, told AppleInsider that...
Apple's AirPort grabs 10.6% share of 802.11n WiFi market
Stephen Baker, an analyst for market research firm NPD Group, told AppleInsider that...
Apple's AirPort grabs 10.6% share of 802.11n WiFi market
Not the point out the obvious -- but the iPod has revolutionized the way we consume music. We buy music a la carte and play songs in the order we want -- not the order dictated by some record producer. We also listen to our music anywhere we please now thanks to a world of new products that range from ear buds that are customized to the shape of our ears to the most sophisticated home entertainment systems.
iPod My Ride
iPod My Ride
A small accessory maker is taking Apple and CBS to court because it wants the Mac maker to stop calling its standard desktop computer mouse the Mighty Mouse.
Landover-based Man & Machine, Inc. (M&M) filed the 14-page formal complaint in a Maryla...
Apple sued for callings its mouse Mighty
Landover-based Man & Machine, Inc. (M&M) filed the 14-page formal complaint in a Maryla...
Apple sued for callings its mouse Mighty
Apple plans for all of its MacBooks to use LED-backlit displays by 2009, completing a transition across its notebook lines away from mercury-laden panels that began last year with an update to its MacBook Pro.
According to a report in the Wednesda...
All Apple MacBooks to use LED backlighting by 2009
According to a report in the Wednesda...
All Apple MacBooks to use LED backlighting by 2009
Making good on an earlier promise, movie subscription house Netflix on Tuesday introduced the Netflix Player, a set-top-box similar to Apple TV that allows subscribers to easily stream a growing catalog of flicks to living room TV sets.
The world'...
Netflix reveals $100 Apple TV competitor
The world'...
Netflix reveals $100 Apple TV competitor
The blistering success of Apple's personal computer business continues to turn heads, with Mac unit sales growing 50 percent year-over-year for the month of April compared to just 17 percent growth by the broader market.
Mac revenues were also up ...
Apple's Mac sales up 50 percent in April
Mac revenues were also up ...
Apple's Mac sales up 50 percent in April
Analysts at Piper Jaffray see iPod shipments on the rise and suggests Apple is bucking fears of a continued downturn. Also, Sybase is readying a native iPhone app, AT&T may offer iPhone insurance, and two carriers in Japan and Korea may launch the i...
Piper sees iPod boost; Sybase for iPhone; Japan/Korea rumor
Piper sees iPod boost; Sybase for iPhone; Japan/Korea rumor
Apple is in talks some of the major music labels over a deal that would allow next-generation iPhone owners to purchase music tracks directly from the handset over cellular wireless networks, according to the New York Times.
Owners of the company'...
Apple wants over-the-air music downloads for 3G iPhone
Owners of the company'...
Apple wants over-the-air music downloads for 3G iPhone
Not surprisingly, lots of new iPod stuff is on the shelves. If you're an iPod junkie or just want the latest and greatest in the new stuff, here are some items to choose from: If you have a new iPod nano, just slide it into the iFrogz Audiowrapz Speak Case and you'll never have to untangle headphones. Once the player is in the case, it's connected with a headphone jack, which is built into the speaker system.
Latest Creations From the iPod Accessory-Making Machine
Latest Creations From the iPod Accessory-Making Machine
NYTimes' Technology blog reports that Apple is currently in active negotiations with music labels about providing more mobile music content on their iTunes store.
Apple in Mobile Music Negotiations... for WWDC
Apple in Mobile Music Negotiations... for WWDC reports that Apple will continue to provide PA Semi's low-power PowerPC chip to existing customers, despite the acquisition:
Apple to Continue to Supply PA Semi's Chips
Apple to Continue to Supply PA Semi's Chips
Apple has seen the future, and it is about customer service. On Thursday, Apple opened its largest U.S. store, a building in Boston with a glass and steel facade that a senior company executive said reflected Apple's plan to expand its retail ventures at home and abroad. Sandwiched between aging brick buildings on Boylston Street, the store features a ground floor with more than 100 Mac computers.
Apple: Winning Converts Worldwide, One Store at a Time
Apple: Winning Converts Worldwide, One Store at a Time
The first test of Apple's licensing system for iPod accessories has come with the launch of a complaint by the company against Atico International, whose iPod speakers allegedly infringe on patents behind the Made for iPod label.
In the ten-page...
Apple files first lawsuit in defense of "Made for iPod" licensing
In the ten-page...
Apple files first lawsuit in defense of "Made for iPod" licensing
An announcement by France Telecom's Orange subsidiary on Friday to deliver the iPhone to 10 more countries later this year effectively quadruples Apple's total addressable market when combined with other carrier announcements over the past two weeks,...
Latest iPhone deals nearly quadruple Apple's addressable market
Latest iPhone deals nearly quadruple Apple's addressable market
Marketwatch relays a Commercial Times report that suggests we will see the next MacBook revisions in Q3 2008 (July-September).
Apple's Next MacBook Due in Q3 2008
Apple's Next MacBook Due in Q3 2008
Intel Corp. today is scurrying to clean up a mess made by Germany's ZDNet on Wednesday when it reported that an Intel exec had confirmed the ongoing development of a iPhone-like tablet at Apple, a report which the chipmaker now claims is patently fal...
Intel: Apple tablet comment simply untrue
Intel: Apple tablet comment simply untrue
Apple Inc.'s iPhone can already playback video, browse the Internet, and place phone calls, but a new filing by the handset maker suggests it may one day take your lunch order and serve as a tour guide at the local zoo.
The concept calls for a sho...
Apple filing places iPhone networks at restaurants, zoos, concerts
The concept calls for a sho...
Apple filing places iPhone networks at restaurants, zoos, concerts
I used to think commuting without an iPod was dangerous. You know, you'd be distracted fiddling with the radio, or changing CDs, or just listening to the voices in your head. Bad idea. Then the cassette deck in my car died, which is what I use to listen to my iPod. Now I know that commuting without an iPod is dangerous. What makes the iPod so critical? Podcasts. Obviously.
Podcasts: A Commuter's Salvation
Podcasts: A Commuter's Salvation