Apple 10263 Published by Bob 0

In a move that will surely please iTunes-using movie lovers, the Apple iTunes store has announced it will make movies available for download on the same day they are released on DVD. Previously, users had to wait 30 days to find a title on iTunes -- presumably a Hollywood studio requirement designed to give DVDs a chance to sell and to protect the traditional -- and lucrative -- DVD market.

iTunes Movie Buyers Lose Wait

Apple 10263 Published by Bob 0

First eight-track players slid off into history. Then that unruly stack of cassette tapes disappeared from glove compartments. Now, car-stereo makers are marketing units that threaten to boot compact discs into the auto audio graveyard. Last Wednesday, Blaupunkt announced it's shipping a second-generation, $160 stereo and AM/FM radio that ditches the CD player in favor of ports for other digital music technologies.

Ditching the Disc: Car Stereo Makers Ejecting CDs for iPod-Only Units

Apple 10263 Published by Bob 0

iPod, therefore ... I run? A corny statement, for sure, but in the world of runners there is a culture clash surrounding this notion, between those who opt to run with their portable music players and those who prefer to be completely unplugged. iPods and other portable music players were initially banned for last weekend's Big Sur International Marathon in California.

Runners and the Great iPod Debate