Apple 10263 Published by Bob 0

News of a $400 Mac clone on the market spread like wildfire this week -- only to be supplanted by suspicions that the offering may well be a giant fraud. The first inkling that something was wrong came when a message appeared on the Web site of the mysterious vendor, Psystar, stating it could not take orders over the phone but only via the Internet.

Psystar's Open Computer: A $400 Rotten Apple Scam

Apple 10263 Published by Bob 0

A 100the mac news you care about

Apple has released an expanded list of sessions at this year's Worldwide Developer's Conference (WWDC). An abbreviated list of sessions was previously available, but now over 150 sessions are listed.

UK iPhone price cut boosts confidence in June 3G launch
MacRumors : Mac News and Rumors
Apple Details WWDC 2008 Sessions

Apple 10263 Published by Bob 0

Although China Mobile and Apple have indicated that they want to work together to bring the iPhone to China, the companies haven't begun formal talks because they reportedly remain too far apart on an appropriate business model. China Mobile's door remains open to a deal with Apple, the company's chairman, Wang Jianzhou, told reporters in China, as long as its customers are interested in having the iPhone offered in the country.

Apple, China Mobile Miles Apart on iPhone Revenue Model