Apple 10263 Published by Bob 0

After Apple announced the upgrade and lower price for its Apple TV, casually dubbed Take 2 by CEO Steve Jobs in his Macworld keynote address in January, I knew I'd finally shell out the cash to buy one. Simply put, the first-generation Apple TV didn't have enough bang for the buck to bother with. However, Apple TV Take 2, with its buy-and-rent-straight-from-the-couch simplicity, finally had a killer application.

Five Days with Apple TV Take 2

Apple 10263 Published by Bob 0

As they prepare for their daily patrols around Baghdad, soldiers from the 10th Mountain Division sync up their iPods, not with songs and movies, but with a laundry list of missions and audio files containing pre-recorded phrases in Iraqi Arabic or Kurdish. Loaded with special software, the music players help them communicate with the populace and learn the local culture.

iPods in a War Zone

Apple 10263 Published by Bob 0

Jon Lech Johansen was born to kill digital rights management technology. He started as a teen, adopting the handle DVD Jon. In addition to cracking open the technology used to encrypt DVDs, he's taken his hammer to Apple's FairPlay DRM. Recently, DVD Jon and partner Monique Farantzos founded DoubleTwist, a company that offers products designed to simplify the flow of media across devices and social networks.

'DVD Jon' Wipes Out iTunes DRM, Judge Shuts Down Wikileaks, Microsoft Embraces Open Source