Mega Apple filing details next-gen 'multi-touch input surface'
The latest patent filing from Apple Inc. hints at a next-generation multi-touch 'surface' that would combine typing, pointing, scrolling, and handwriting capabilities into a single ergonomic design aimed at replacing traditional input devices such as...
Mega Apple filing details next-gen 'multi-touch input surface'
Mega Apple filing details next-gen 'multi-touch input surface'
True to reports, alternative rock band Linkin Park played a private six-song set last night at Apple's Soho retail store in New York City.
The invitation-only, midnight gig was made privy to 200 radio contest winners and was recorded for a future ...
Linkin Park plays private shows at Apple Store Soho (video)
The invitation-only, midnight gig was made privy to 200 radio contest winners and was recorded for a future ...
Linkin Park plays private shows at Apple Store Soho (video)
Starting at $229, the new-and-truly-improved Apple TV, re-released last month, is a device that could change the entertainment world, again. Apple TV's first incarnation, as a wireless entertainment system tied to Apple's iTunes software and a computer running same, drew some interest, but also a lot of yawns. People didn't want their computers doing double duty as entertainment servers.
Revamped Apple TV Puts On a Good Show
Revamped Apple TV Puts On a Good Show
When Steve Jobs announced iTunes Movie Rentals at the Macworld San Francisco 2008 keynote, he said that the digital rentals would appear 30 days after their DVD release. This delay is typically mandated by the movie studios who hold back on demand...
iTunes Rental Pricing Flexibility and Earlier Releases
iTunes Rental Pricing Flexibility and Earlier Releases
A Utah couple acting as their own attorneys have filed a lawsuit against Apple and Starbucks over the retailers' recent Song of the Day promotion, which offers Starbucks customers a iTunes gift card for a complimentary, pre-selected song download.
Apple, Starbucks sued over custom music gift cards
Apple, Starbucks sued over custom music gift cards
Slipping through the cracks of the week's releases is the first iPod game to draw on a movie license: Disney Online Studios' Pirates of the Caribbean: Aegir's Fire.
Compatible with both newer iPod classic and iPod nano devices as well as the older...
Disney produces first movie-license iPod game
Compatible with both newer iPod classic and iPod nano devices as well as the older...
Disney produces first movie-license iPod game
DVD Jon, who gained fame as a teenager for hacking the encryption scheme for DVD movies and has since been a thorn in Apple's side, is going corporate. The hacker, whose real name is Jon Lech Johansen, has released two products that simplify the flow of media across devices and social networks.
Code-Cracker 'DVD Jon' Nullifies iTunes DRM
Code-Cracker 'DVD Jon' Nullifies iTunes DRM
In an early warning sign of consumer weakness, Apple Inc. has reportedly slashed its 2008 NAND flash memory order forecast significantly and informed suppliers that its demand growth will slow in 2008 compared to 2007.
The move will have huge rami...
Apple warns flash memory suppliers of growth slowdown
The move will have huge rami...
Apple warns flash memory suppliers of growth slowdown
I'm not sure how it happened, but I seem to have become encircled by Apple products. I've always been pretty neutral when it came to hardware elegances. I've worked with many lifelong Mac addicts and have always found their devotion to the Apple brand amusing, given it inevitably leads to a comprehensive technology lock-in.
How Apple Invaded My Life
How Apple Invaded My Life
Though Apple's iPod unit shipments have been declining since the end of 2006, price cuts like those applied to the iPod shuffle on Tuesday and cheaper Internet-capable models down the line should help the company reverse course and maintain a steady ...
Growth potential seen in steadily maturing iPod market
Growth potential seen in steadily maturing iPod market
Apple has delivered a major upgrade to Xsan, the company's enterprise-class storage area network file system for Mac OS X. Called Xsan 2, the upgrade includes completely redesigned administration tools, which Apple said make it even easier for first-time users to set up and deploy a SAN. In addition, Apple has introduced new features.
Apple Serves Up Heartier Xsan, Drops Stale RAID
Apple Serves Up Heartier Xsan, Drops Stale RAID
Jon Lech Johansen (DVD Jon) launched DoubleTwist today, a venture that was originally reported back in October 2006. DVD Jon originally gained notoriety (and his nickname) for his involvement in releasing the DeCSS software that allowed the bypass...
'DVD Jon' Launches Doubletwist: Share and Sync Protected iTunes Music
'DVD Jon' Launches Doubletwist: Share and Sync Protected iTunes Music
Lost in the (iPod) shuffle, Apple on Tuesday quietly retired its Xserve RAID storage unit in favor of third-party devices. Also, a new firmware update for Apple portables aims to cure unresponsive keyboards, Gameloft has hinted at games for the iPho...
Apple retires Xserve RAID; MacBook Keyboard Update; more
Apple retires Xserve RAID; MacBook Keyboard Update; more
Linkin Park band member Mike Shinoda posted yesterday (via AppleInsider) that the band would be participating in a special show that we’re doing in NYC in conjunction with apple.
Linkin Park To Participate In Upcoming New York Apple Event
Linkin Park To Participate In Upcoming New York Apple Event
Apple's iconic iPod lineup just got a lower price of entry. Apple slashed the price of its tiny iPod shuffle by more than a third, dropping the 1 GB model to $49. Plus, Apple is introducing a new 2 GB model of the iPod shuffle for $69, which will hit retail cases later this month. At just $49, the iPod shuffle is the most affordable iPod ever, noted Apple's Greg Joswiak.
Apple Shrinks Price on Dinkiest iPod
Apple Shrinks Price on Dinkiest iPod
A new and ambitious patent filing from Apple hints that the Mac maker is working to extend an advanced version of its multi-touch technology to future notebook trackpads that would include gesture concepts well beyond what is presently available on i...
Apple filing spills details of advanced multi-touch pads for Macs
Apple filing spills details of advanced multi-touch pads for Macs
Apple has enlisted the services of popular alternative rock band Linkin Park to perform at an unannounced company event due to take place in New York City, AppleInsider has been informed.
Mike Shinoda, front-man for the Grammy award winning group,...
Apple taps Linkin Park to perform at "secret" NYC event
Mike Shinoda, front-man for the Grammy award winning group,...
Apple taps Linkin Park to perform at "secret" NYC event
Apple has dropped the price of the iPod Shuffle to $49 (from $79) today. The $49 iPod Shuffle stores 1GB of songs or up to 240 songs in 128-Kbps AAC format. Meanwhile, a new 2GB model has also been introduced at $69.
Apple Drops iPod Shuffle Price to $49, Adds 2GB Model at $69
Apple Drops iPod Shuffle Price to $49, Adds 2GB Model at $69
High rollers will soon find themselves with a host of Apple stores and resellers in Las Vegas and elsewhere to choose from when spending their winnings, say reports from observers.
ifo Apple Store notes that a barrier has surfaced in front of the ...
Apple stores bound for casino resorts in Nevada, Connecticut
ifo Apple Store notes that a barrier has surfaced in front of the ...
Apple stores bound for casino resorts in Nevada, Connecticut
Apple on Tuesday slashed the price of its 1GB clip-on iPod shuffle music player from $79 to $49 and introduced a new 2GB model for just $69.
The diminutive device is just half a cubic inch in volume, weighs just half an ounce, features an aluminu...
Apple slashes iPod shuffle price, introduces 2GB model
The diminutive device is just half a cubic inch in volume, weighs just half an ounce, features an aluminu...
Apple slashes iPod shuffle price, introduces 2GB model