Apple 10263 Published by Bob 0

A researcher at the Food and Drug Administration has published a study that contradicts findings released last spring suggesting that iPods interfered with pacemaker function. That earlier study, accompanied by warnings to grandparents to avoid their iPod-toting grandchildren, had been presented by a 17-year-old high school student at the Heart Rhythm Society's 28th Annual Scientific Sessions.

FDA: iPods Don't Cause Pacemakers to Go on the Fritz

Apple 10263 Published by Bob 0

One of the executives behind Wal-Mart's recent push into the digital media download market has left the mega-retailer to help Apple grow its iTunes video business internationally.

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Wal-Mart's digital media chief departs for Apple
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Apple 10263 Published by Bob 0

This last week I spent some quality time at HP, and I'm frankly amazed at what the PC team has been able to accomplish in terms of overcoming what I've termed the Big Company Disease. However, as I watched them struggle to create the best user experience on the planet, one that exceeded what Apple currently provides, I constantly saw Microsoft as their biggest problem.

HP's Biggest Obstacle Is Microsoft, Amazon vs. Apple, Voting Smart

Apple 10263 Published by Bob 0

If Gartner proves prescient, there could be some heady times ahead for Apple. The Cupertino, Calif.-based firm figures prominently in a list Gartner released Thursday of predictions on 2008 and beyond. The predictions focus on specific areas in which IT leaders will have to make adjustments, and many of those areas concern the decreased emphasis on hardware and the adaptability of software.

Gartner Predictions: Apple Doubles Market Share, Laptops Lose Ground

Apple 10263 Published by Bob 0

To Leesa Threatt, mother of two preteens in Lone Oak, Ky., Soulja Boy could have been a new G.I. Joe figurine. To her kids, Tucker, 12, and Lee Carol, 9, he was a rapper with one of the hottest songs on iTunes, and they wanted it on their home computer. I heard about [Soulja Boy's] song on the radio and that there was some controversy about it, Threatt said.

Reining In Parental Control Options in iTunes