Investing in Apple vs. Betting on a Keynote
It's funny how perceptions can vary so widely. After spending a day at San Francisco's Moscone Center on Jan. 15 covering Steve Jobs' keynote address and attending Macworld Expo, I was taking a break and watching CNBC. One of the CNBC commentators, Pete Najarian, called the Jobs keynote disappointing and went on to rip the company.
Investing in Apple vs. Betting on a Keynote
Investing in Apple vs. Betting on a Keynote posted a MacWorld 2008 roundup
I guess not every Macworld can have an iPhone of its own. Crowds of Apple fans packed the Moscone center in San Francisco Tuesday to hear CEO Steve Jobs detail new products and offerings for 2008. There was indeed plenty to talk about -- the MacBook Air, new iPhone and iPod touch applications, a major software update for Apple TV, iTunes movie rentals, and a wireless access point/storage device called Time Capsule.
Jobs Wows Apple Faithful, Oracle Seals the Deal, Exploding Batteries
Jobs Wows Apple Faithful, Oracle Seals the Deal, Exploding Batteries
Google is warning iPhone users about the effects of Apple's v1.1.3 firmware update on Gmail. Meanwhile, EA has announced plans to bring its Spore title to the Mac later this year. And BBC is strongly considering offering its iPlayer web video servi...
Google on iPhone update; EA's Spore for Mac; iPlayer for Apple TV
Google on iPhone update; EA's Spore for Mac; iPlayer for Apple TV
Google is warning iPhone users about the effects of Apple's v1.1.3 firmware update on Gmail. Meanwhile, EA has announced plans to bring its Spore title to the Mac later this year. And BBC is strongly considering offering its iPlayer web video servi...
Google on iPhone update; EA's Sport for Mac; iPlayer for Apple TV
Google on iPhone update; EA's Sport for Mac; iPlayer for Apple TV
Microsoft rivals Apple Inc. and IBM Corp. will soon announce a partnership that will deliver a handful of IBM's Lotus software packages for Apple's handheld and Mac products, the Associated Press is reporting.
Specifically, IBM at its Lotusphere c...
IBM's Lotus software coming to Apple's iPhone, iPod touch, Macs
Specifically, IBM at its Lotusphere c...
IBM's Lotus software coming to Apple's iPhone, iPod touch, Macs
At Macworld Tuesday, Apple CEO Steve Jobs announced a new movie rental model, iTunes Movie Rentals, that's designed to work with iTunes, Apple TV, iPhones and iPods. While it's not yet fully operational, the basics are available now. So I took it for a spin last night, and let me tell you, Apple is onto something.
Apple's New Movie Rentals: Mostly Awesome
Apple's New Movie Rentals: Mostly Awesome
Apple has released a new iPod game, Block Breaker Deluxe, by Gameloft S.A.
New iPod Game: Block Breaker Deluxe
New iPod Game: Block Breaker Deluxe
After hoisting teaser Macworld Expo banners of something in the air, it seemed likely that the slogan would be an allusion to wireless networking. Instead, Steve Jobs exhaled the MacBook Air, a new ultra light laptop widely rumored in advance to be...
First Look: Apple's new MacBook Air (with photos and video)
First Look: Apple's new MacBook Air (with photos and video)
Apple's booth at this week's Macworld Expo, undoubtedly the most heavily trafficked, is essentially broken organized into five distinct sections -- Apple Booth, Apple TV, iPod touch, iPhone, and Time Capsule....
Photo gallery: Apple's booth at Macworld Expo 2008
Photo gallery: Apple's booth at Macworld Expo 2008
While few companies have yet to produce their official shipment numbers, estimates generated by the two research firms have Apple shipping between 1.04 and 1.05 million Macs in the last three months of the past year, resulting in a fourth-place spot ...
Apple claims 6 percent US marketshare for holiday 2007
Apple claims 6 percent US marketshare for holiday 2007
At first glance, the MacBook Air reminded me of the photos Palm released of the Folio before sending that product to an early grave -- but the Folio was something you couldn't quite call a real computer. It was, according to Palm, a companion unit to a smartphone, or some such marketing jargon. The Air, on the other hand, stands on its own skinny legs.
Live From Macworld: Fresh Air, Sharper iPod Video, User-Friendly Storage
Live From Macworld: Fresh Air, Sharper iPod Video, User-Friendly Storage
Wall Street's usual suspects have started to weigh in on Apple's Macworld announcements, with most speaking favorably of what company chief executive Steve Jobs laid out on Tuesday. However, at least one analyst was skeptical about the potential for ...
Wall Street analysts weigh in on Apple's Macworld announcements
Wall Street analysts weigh in on Apple's Macworld announcements
In a New York Times interview with John Markoff, Steve Jobs reveals some details about the MacBook Air, and his thoughts on Google's Android and Amazon's Kindle.
Steve Jobs on MacBook Air, Android and Kindle
Steve Jobs on MacBook Air, Android and Kindle
In a pair of interviews following his Macworld keynote address on Tuesday, Apple chief executive spoke of his firm's two-year initiative to develop the world's thinnest notebook and also weighed in on the iPhone in China, Amazon's Kindle and Google's...
Steve Jobs talks MacBook Air, China Mobile, Amazon Kindle, more
Steve Jobs talks MacBook Air, China Mobile, Amazon Kindle, more
E-mail software from IBM will be available on Apple iPhones and iPod touch devices under a new partnership that brings together two big rivals of Microsoft. IBM plans a formal announcement of the Lotus Notes e-mail package for Apple's portable devices at its Lotusphere conference in Orlando, Fla., next week.
Are IBM and Apple Ganging Up Against Microsoft
Are IBM and Apple Ganging Up Against Microsoft
After suffering a year of media mockery and consumer indifference, Apple TV is poised to leverage its tight integration with iTunes to jump to the front of the line in living room media rentals. The best news: existing early adopters will gain all th...
First Look: Apple TV 2.0 and iTunes Movie Rentals (photos, video)
First Look: Apple TV 2.0 and iTunes Movie Rentals (photos, video)
While Apple's iPhone 1.1.3 update has brought features such as map positioning and a customizable home screen, the coinciding release of iTunes 7.6 brings a long-requested feature to the iPhone: drag-and-drop music and video control.
Although its ...
iTunes 7.6 update delivers iPhone manual music, video control
Although its ...
iTunes 7.6 update delivers iPhone manual music, video control
Apple CEO Steve Jobs made big news Tuesday, taking advantage of the Macworld keynote spotlight to announce of his company's latest hardware offerings, including a wireless hard drive backup system and an incredibly skinny laptop computer. However, Macworld is much more than Jobs' 90-minute speech.
Live From Macworld: Slick Podcasting, Tricked-Out Tablet, Awesome Display
Live From Macworld: Slick Podcasting, Tricked-Out Tablet, Awesome Display
To support iTunes movie rentals and other features, Apple has rolled out a bevy of new patches for its media playback tools. Also, the firm has slipped in an iMovie fix.
iTunes 7.6 and QuickTime 7.4
Both iTunes 7.6 and QuickTime 7.4 have been ...
Apple issues iTunes, QuickTime, Front Row, iMovie updates
iTunes 7.6 and QuickTime 7.4
Both iTunes 7.6 and QuickTime 7.4 have been ...
Apple issues iTunes, QuickTime, Front Row, iMovie updates