Apple chastised for ignoring two Mac data loss issues
Apple is taking some flak this week for failing to acknowledge and address two separate data loss issues -- one present in Leopard's Finder and another having to do with faulty Seagate hard drives used in the company's MacBook line of notebook comput...
Apple chastised for ignoring two Mac data loss issues
Apple chastised for ignoring two Mac data loss issues
A prominent gadget blog on Tuesday cited manufacturing sources as saying that Apple is indeed working on some kind of tablet handheld. Meanwhile, references to an iPhone voice memo feature are making the rounds (again). And iPhone will be available a...
Apple tablet (Newton); iPhone voice memos; UK launch info
Apple tablet (Newton); iPhone voice memos; UK launch info
You've heard of the iPod and the iPhone, but how about the iBrick? That's what some clever iPhone users call an iPhone that doesn't work. That's exactly what iPhone buyer Lorenzo Mornes, a computer consultant from Grand Prairie, Texas, ended up with. With all the glowing reports about the vaunted iPhone there's a little-told piece of the story that Mornes wants everyone to know about.
The Apple and the Lemon: When an iPhone Is a Brick in a Box
The Apple and the Lemon: When an iPhone Is a Brick in a Box
Crave revives a long-running rumor that Apple may be working on a Tablet Mac.
Apple Working on a Tablet Mac
Apple Working on a Tablet Mac
Mac maker Apple Inc. is moving quickly to squash bugs in the inaugural release of its Mac OS X Leopard operating system. Meanwhile, O2 is bulking up on staff ahead of Friday's iPhone launch in the UK. And the presence of Intel Macs on the web out-shi...
Apple set to begin testing of Mac OS X 10.5.1 Leopard, more...
Apple set to begin testing of Mac OS X 10.5.1 Leopard, more...
With Mac OS X Leopard a little over a week old, Apple has already begun making preparations for seeding the next revision of Mac OS X (10.5.1) to testers.
Apple Preparing for Mac OS X 10.5.1
Apple Preparing for Mac OS X 10.5.1
Google's announcement of Android and the Open Handset Alliance on Monday will offer mobile phone makers access to many technologies already prevalent on the iPhone, and therefore there's little need for Apple to join the effort, says investment bank ...
Piper Jaffray on Google's Android, Apple, and the iPhone
Piper Jaffray on Google's Android, Apple, and the iPhone
Apple on Monday afternoon release iTunes 7.5, which includes bug fixes and support for Phase, a new interactive music game. Meanwhile, the company also released QuickTime 7.3 distributions for Leopard, Tiger, Panther, and Windows.
iTunes 7.5
Apple releases iTunes 7.5, QuickTime 7.3
iTunes 7.5
Apple releases iTunes 7.5, QuickTime 7.3
Released via Software Update are new versions of iTunes (7.5) & Quicktime (7.3). Updates are as follows:
iTunes 7.5 & Quicktime 7.3 Released
iTunes 7.5 & Quicktime 7.3 Released
Remember having to fumble around for a blank tape when a song you liked came on the radio? Those days -- like the audio cassette itself -- are over. Soon, if you want a copy of a song you're listening to on the radio, all you'll have to do is push a button. The nation's largest broadcasters have teamed with Apple and a pair of digital radio manufacturers to introduce tagging.
iTunes and HD Radio: Tag, You're a Hit
iTunes and HD Radio: Tag, You're a Hit
Mac software developer Craig Hockenberry has never been very interested in creating applications for cell phones. It's a lot of politics, and less money to be made compared with creating software for computers, he says, explaining that programmers have always been forced to bow to a litany of requirements set by wireless carriers, handset makers and other software companies.
Wireless Wars: Apple and Google Take On the World
Wireless Wars: Apple and Google Take On the World
Walk into any gym, and you'll find people pumping iron and pressing the play buttons on their electronic gadgets. However, what exactly are they listening to, and why? We asked some members at Gold's Gym on Bragg Boulevard and Cape Fear Valley, N.C.'s HealthPlex Center to share their music preferences with us. We discovered their playlists are as different as their exercise regimens.
Playlist Power: Shaping a Workout With iPods and iTunes
Playlist Power: Shaping a Workout With iPods and iTunes
Ottawa, Canada-based telecoms licenser Wi-LAN has filed a complaint in the US which charges Apple, other top-tier electronics makers, and even large retail chains with infringing on patents that it claims form the basis of Wi-Fi networking.
Canadian firm's patent suit targets Apple's use of Wi-Fi
Canadian firm's patent suit targets Apple's use of Wi-Fi
Apple late Thursday released a software update for owners of its new aluminum iMac line who have been experiencing intermittent freezing issues, though the patch has produced mixed results. Meanwhile, the company also released a software update for i...
Apple releases iMac freezing fix, MacBook Pro software update
Apple releases iMac freezing fix, MacBook Pro software update
A clause in the license for the latest server edition of Mac OS X will let the software run outside of a fully native environment -- and developers are relishing the prospects of supporting virtual Macs for the first time.
The small but significa...
Apple frees Mac OS X Leopard Server to run in virtual machines
The small but significa...
Apple frees Mac OS X Leopard Server to run in virtual machines
A report from AppleInsider points to a release of iTunes 7.5 as early as next week. The release will contain a host of small improvements and bug fixes according to the site, though no radical changes should be expected.
iTunes 7.5 Coming Soon
iTunes 7.5 Coming Soon
A new version of Apple Inc.'s iTunes media software due as early as next week will deliver a number of small refinements, but is not expected to introduce any major new features, AppleInsider has learned.
Due for release as iTunes 7.5, the softwar...
Apple preps iTunes 7.5 for November release
Due for release as iTunes 7.5, the softwar...
Apple preps iTunes 7.5 for November release
In unusual move early Thursday morning, Apple quietly rolled out updates to its 13-inch MacBook notebook line and also began offering customers an option to custom configure new MacBook Pro orders with a 2.6GHz Core 2 Duo chip.
The updates came wi...
Apple bumps MacBooks to Santa Rosa; offers 2.6GHz MacBook Pro
The updates came wi...
Apple bumps MacBooks to Santa Rosa; offers 2.6GHz MacBook Pro
As rumored, Apple has quietly updated the MacBook tonight to the Santa Rosa architecture with mild speed bumps and the GMA X3100 integrated video.
Apple Updates MacBooks to Santa Rosa, GMA X3100
Apple Updates MacBooks to Santa Rosa, GMA X3100
In an unusual move, Apple has quietly shipped boxes of new MacBooks to their retail stores this week, many of which arrived today. Special instructions on these boxes indicated that they were not to be opened at this time. But according to reports...
New Santa Rosa MacBooks in Apple Stores Confirmed
New Santa Rosa MacBooks in Apple Stores Confirmed