Date: 2025-03-04 11:58 | Last update:

Slack Space

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Please have a look at this system

I have a pathetically low spec system atm. I manage to run games thorugh it well, but only after quite a bit of tinkering around, and I don't now how much longer my mobo wil be able to cope (it's v. old, has no AGP slot for reference as to its age) Here are the parts I am thinking of getting currently (I am on a sh ...
2 1932
avatar Last reply by theefool,

Untitled thread

Retarded Fly
i need help U8 has no sound. it has music but no sounds. *help me*.
0 1014
avatar Last reply by Retarded Fly,

Help me please with vb6 installation!!!

Hi i'm new here, and I don't know what to do O_O. Whenever i would try running the setup for vb6 it would give this error saying , C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\AUTOEXEC. NT. The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications.
8 5725
avatar Last reply by ross_aveling,

Ultima 8 won't run please help!

I;'ve got the ultima collection and I cant get ultima 8 to run. it comes with a bootdisk maker that supposedly makes dos boot with enough ram for the game, but it hasnt worked for me. I have tried using win98 dos, but gave that up and installed actual dos 6.
14 4942
avatar Last reply by DosFreak,

New movies previews seen during SuperBowl #39!

I've been a fan of Batman since I was a kid, I'm looking forward to the new movie. It looks like they're moving back to a darker film like the original 2 Batman movies (the Tim Burton ones) - just as long as it's nothing like the last 2 films, I'll be happy I'm not sure about War of the Worlds - just hope they don' ...
1 1220
avatar Last reply by Lotus,

free music for on-hold system

Here's the thing. I've been asked to find some good music for our on-hold system at work. Obviously it must be royalty free and copyright free etc etc and not sound like absolute shiat. Aside from MIDI, does anyone have any ideas of places.
8 1497
avatar Last reply by thatsteveguy,

Got Gmail?

Hi Everyone, I'd first like to admit I am a n00b with linux (just downloaded Mandrake 10. 1, haven't installed it yet am reading the pre-installation guide from this site) so go easy on me. Just wanted to know if anyone was interested in getting a gmail account, pretty much everyone I know is on gmail and I have 5 ...
4 2245
avatar Last reply by Jmax3,


If anyone would like a GMAIL account; send an email to corey34@yahoo. com with GMAIL in the subject line. I currently have 10 Invites. .
0 1867
avatar Last reply by penguin76,

Nautilus is slooooooooooow

Hello, I currently using the last stable version of nautilus that comes on FC3. The problem is that suddenly delays a lot of time whenever I open the file brower and/or open a folder. I searched on google and I discover that people says that nautilus is slow but on my PC delays like a web browser on dial up when I ...
1 1255
avatar Last reply by Dapper Dan,

Network Icons Do Not Work

Hi Folks: A little background behind this. . . . I'm running Windows 2000 Professional, with Mozilla Firefox/Thunderbird v1. 0. There is absolutely no trace of IE on my system. I used IE Eradicator to rid of it.
2 1907
avatar Last reply by JodithPWorld,

ADSL Modem/Wireless & Wired Router Recommendations

Hi All, Firstly, NTC doesn't have a general hardware forum, so I posted here. Basically what the subject says; recommendations on a 4 port switch with a wireless access point and ADSL modem. The important thing is that it NEEDS to support local loopback; ie.
1 2671
avatar Last reply by ross_aveling,

PowerDVD vs WinDVD

I just tried out PowerDVD 6 and am liking it alot, but which do you guys prefer and why? I gave WinDVD a shot, but its too cluttered looking for me. .
2 4858
avatar Last reply by nemesis02,

What are small time computer sellers/resellers going to do?

I just wanted to see what everyone thought of Microsoft's legal decision that prevents people from buying Microsoft COA keys. You can check it out at this link. Personally, I feel that Microsoft is going to push its millions of customers into the arms of another lover, er, software manufacturer.
1 1211
avatar Last reply by jmmijo,

What is more secure, Linux or Windows?

There is a thread going on at NTComp's sister site that asks the question What is more secure, Linux or Windows?. It appears that I am the only one there offering options for Windows and why it can be very secure.
1 2043
avatar Last reply by jmmijo,