Date: 2025-03-04 21:19 | Last update:

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Direct X 9.0c installs but then doesnt work

I am trying to install Direct X 9. 0c so i can play Sims 2 but what happens is that it installs in seconds and then say that is done it then says i can use it but when i check what version of direct x i have it tells me that it is still direct x 8.
2 3138
avatar Last reply by peterh,

Help! I can't install DirectX 9.0c!

Ok, so I bought the Sims 2 and it requires DirectX 9. 0c. The installer says that DirectX 9. 0c is on the CD, but it won't download. A window pops up and tells me to download DirectX 9. 0c from Microsoft.
1 7031
avatar Last reply by Wicked101,

sims 2

i can start sims 2 and it runs quick and everything but the colors are messed up and the people dont move! Can anyone help me please?
1 1154
avatar Last reply by DosFreak,

google killer?

I've been using this search engine with great results. I really like the cluster feature. You'll see what I mean it's the box to the right of your results. Anyways just thought I'd share it with all y'all.
1 966
avatar Last reply by Dapper Dan,

help I can't figure out how to get my burner working

I recently got a Optirite cd rewriter and when I installed it on my computer it tells me that it is not compatable with my atapi. . . . . . . . . . . I'm not to sure what to do and I already had to reinstall windows once.
0 1449
avatar Last reply by think2green420,

Hey! I'll see you guys NEXT year...

Talking about new software, as long as MAXIS dont create a new SIMS 3 or something:):) To everyone, happy new year, and I hope everyone will enjoy the new year even more, and the same for every year to come.
10 1407
avatar Last reply by Wicked101,

Annoying things on the forum

Now I know some people aren't as tech savvy as some of us. But don't you guys find it odd that there are alot of users here with 1 post asking for a solution and then never showing up again? I run across messages about my DVD drive doesn't read DVD discs anymore? Honestly how does that work? There are so many posts ...
14 2197
avatar Last reply by pmistry,

The 5GHz Project

I just downloaded a couple of clipc from Tom's Hardware (My FAV site) and watched them, but one was pretty interesting. Its about how the over clock a : Intel Pentium 4 ASUS P4C800-E MSI GeForce FX 5950 Ultra Crossair DDR550 Pro Series Promise S-ATA 150 RAID 0 While cooling it with Liquid Nitrogen The results are a ...
7 1634
avatar Last reply by Wicked101,

Opinions on STEAM

I personally hate this service, after I picked up Half Life 2 and installed it, I had to create a new user account, register my CD Key, get updates installed (thank goodness I got broadband), and I had to wait for my files to get decrypted.
8 1979
avatar Last reply by Brian Frank,

Directx 9.0

Hey, This so is not cool, look every time I try to start Sims 2 a statement comes up that says I need a Directx 9. 0c compatible graphic adapter, what is that? It also says I need the newest form of drivers for my hardrive.
0 1900
avatar Last reply by HappyGrl,

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all NTC

As one of the first NTC members to get Christmas (I don't know of any Kiwi's) I'd like to take this opportunity to wish all a Merry Christmas and for those who don't celebrate Christmas, a Merry Festivus.
2 1249
avatar Last reply by tsonta101,

BT broadband

i recently had some problems with viruses on my computer and had to ro format the whole of my computer i found all of the viruses. i am on BT broadband but it lets me connect but is lettin me view only about 5 pages befor it starts showing the page cannot be displayed sign it also keeps tryin to log on like i am st ...
1 1424
avatar Last reply by hannah2005,

Do you have a licence to use this computer, sir?

I think this must have been discussed by me (or some other person) before, so if it has forgive me, but I have something to get off my chest. I've just helped my dad upgrade his Quicken software to the latest version and it was a *painful* process.
3 1266
avatar Last reply by jmmijo,