Date: 2025-03-06 04:03 | Last update:

Slack Space

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Your thoughts: Most stressful cities in America

I think is something we discuss sence lots of stress is dangerus to your health. Somehow caffine seems to help alot on the stess(I try to keep a tin of penguin mints onhand as often as I can). .
14 2107
avatar Last reply by jesster79,

Problem installing Fedora

I am trying to install Fedora on a computer that I will describe in a minute. The installation goes all right until I finish the Network Configuration screen. After entering the IP addresses and name of the computer, I press next and the install program displays an error dialog which says: An error occurred when at ...
5 1888
avatar Last reply by Dapper Dan,

GOOD NEWS regarding AIDS (believe it or not)

Actually this was only a matter of time as Darwin proved with natural selection/evolution. I would think that at some point there will be more and more humans with immunities to some/all forms of cancer as well Great read there APK, thanks.
3 1336
avatar Last reply by jmmijo,

Sky Captain & the World of Tomorrow: Anyone go see it yet?

Well I have not seen it yet but I do want to. but I was wondering when I first saw the trailer a few months back I could not help but think of Crimson Skies. I know it is nothing like that game but I think it was the planes that did it in terms of seeming familiar.
8 1863
avatar Last reply by AndyFair,

ISP Worm

Is it possible for an ISP's sever to be infected with a worm? Or worse still the ISP to deliberately send a worm/virus? For the purpose of this post I will name my ISP 'AAA'. Quite a while ago when I hardly used the internet I signed up for a 'pay-as-you-go' internet service, as soon as I set this up my PC was infe ...
4 1492
avatar Last reply by adamvjackson,

Untitled thread
Thanks to those who replied. Been on to BT and they are giving me a refund on my next bill. . £120 so not to be sniffed at. . Now if I could just find the homepage for BT Broadband. . . . . . . . .
3 1615
avatar Last reply by ross_aveling,

Untitled thread
;( You will have to excuse me but when it comes to computers, I know nothing. I have been using my computer for two years now and decided to go 'broadband' last Feb. I am with BT broadband as previously I was with BT openworld.
4 934
avatar Last reply by yakkob,


I finally took some of these IQ tests that keep popping up everywhere. My scores (from 4 tests) ranged from 128-134. Just wondered if any of you guys know your IQ (judging by some of the people I know in these forums you will probably all blow my measly score out of the water!).
1 1167
avatar Last reply by Jerry Atrik,

WIndows Or Mac?

I'm getting a new computer for this christmas, and alot of my friends are saying get a Mac. . i was jw the difference and some opinions on which is better? Thanks in advance.
10 1725
avatar Last reply by DS3Circuit,

Blast from the past!

I've just been out to the bank (it is pay day today after all!) and saw a really weird thing. When I got to the ATM, they'd obviously had problems, and were rebooting it. Being the geek that I am, I paused and watched the boot process, and a couple of seconds later the screen flashed up with an OS/2 Warp splash scr ...
0 1043
avatar Last reply by AndyFair,

problem Installing Norton Internet Security 2005

scott taras
ok, im brand new to this board and dontknow if this post is in the right forum or if there is evena forum, my story is long so i will try to breif it up. . . . . . . . . . . . My computer is a HP a620n and is only 2 1/2 months old.
0 5697
avatar Last reply by scott taras,

New to this board

and I tried DL'ing a driver for an OfficeJet. It's not working atm. Does it ever work, or is this one of those sites that never works properly?.
1 959
avatar Last reply by adamvjackson,

My how the internet has changed

Heh, I've got a 576k DSL connection and I love it. Only not too long ago I was plodding around with my old 56. 6k dial-up and the difference is quite staggering. I now that DSL isn't exactly top of the line as far as internet connections are concerned but it does everything I need it to do so I am happy.
4 1423
avatar Last reply by AndyFair,

Readme's are top!

Readme's are called that for a reason-can you guess why? It amazes me the amount of people I know who see a 'Readme' as an unnecessary file and disregard it completely. Personally, after every installation or download I always check the 'View Readme' box for any known glitches/errors, supprot websites, tips/hints a ...
7 1130
avatar Last reply by adamvjackson,

Hello all

Just became a member and wanted to say SUP everyone!
1 793
avatar Last reply by Dapper Dan,

Call of Duty: United Offensive

I think I am just sick of all these wargames they all seem the same. . . but I just bought United Offensive and I don't like it, it seems like a decent effort but I just can't get into it, its loud, offers nothing overly over Call of Duty.
3 1972
avatar Last reply by jooq,