Date: 2025-03-09 00:43 | Last update:

Slack Space

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Slack Space 1613 Feedback 1316 Everything Apple 12


Matrix Revolution (likely spoliers)

Righto, Finally got around to seeing this film and whilst I enjoyed the senseless violence in the form of Mechwarrior and the fact that Nyobi flies one mean hovership I thought it should have been longer and taken the time to explain some things further.
11 3014
avatar Last reply by felix,

New games out or coming out.

I am looking forward to some of these games coming out, I have out of the PC game loop for a bit now. . . but there are some good games here: Out now and coming this year: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne Deus Ex 2: The Invisible War (Dec) Need For Speed: Underground (Nov) Call of Duty C ...
15 4336
avatar Last reply by Mr.Guvernment,

The 'another' thing :)

Hmm, if I make a texture myself, what is that called then? I mean, if I shoot a picture with my digiacam, and make a texture from it, then it can be called a photorealistic texture, but what should the one I make with a brush in photoshop be called? Artificial?
5 1142
avatar Last reply by Mr.Guvernment,

New Question from New XP (NT environ) User....

:x With over 300 Positive Feedback on eBay, one would expect, when a deal seems too good to be true - it usually is. . . . Still, I could hardly pass up an 800MHZ, 32MG Video w/3d Excel, 20 Gig HD, 128MG RAM, 50XCD ROM, 2 USB Ports, Paral Printer Port, Serial Port, 4 Expansion Bays etc.
6 1332
avatar Last reply by Mr.Guvernment,


Dapper Dan
Philipp, I hate to post this out here, but I can't get PM to work for me. I tried to e-mail you too but I get invalid_session and I'm logged in. I was wanting to contact you to say I can't seem to get PM working.
1 2268
avatar Last reply by Philipp,

New PC Monitor suffering from interferance

I just got myself a AOC Spectrum 7F monitor (17 Flatscreen), and while generally it's display is great, it has a problem with electrical/magnetic interference (more than my previous monitor). Right now it's showing wavyness on screen, which the manual says is due to electrical devices causing interference.
5 2696
avatar Last reply by jmmijo,

18 hosting sites for your songs !

Here you 'll find 18 hosting sites for your songs : I hope to be useful. Enjoy my friends ! Doru Malaia composer dorumalaia@emailaccount. com.
6 1606
avatar Last reply by Mr.Guvernment,

Any Assistance Appreciated

I hope everyone can stand a question from a totally technologically dyslexic individual. I'm doing research for a piece I'm writing, and would love to have a definition of codec drivers, what their function is, why they are used primarily, and what if any effects they have on a system, i.
7 1206
avatar Last reply by kaerae01,

Sony DAV-S500 region free

Hehehehehe!!! When I bought my Sony DAV-S500 I was under the impression that it would only pay region 4 discs (Australian purchase). However I have a region 1 copies of The Patriot and The Green Mile and decided to give them a go, and good golly miss molly it works without a hitch.
3 3071
avatar Last reply by darrylp,

Best FPS/Action Gaming Moments

No particular order, was just thinking of some of the great games and how they get to you, here are some that I have thought of. 1. Coming face to face with the 2 screaming Baron of Hells at the end of the Knee Deep In The Dead episode of the original Doom.
16 2474
avatar Last reply by pr-man,

Prices of LCD's - dropping?

Hey all does anyone know if the price of LCd's will be going down any time soon? i want to buy 3 LCD's @ least 18' and a 17 for my g/f i am sick of these 3 giant 19' trinitrons on my desk and my g/f little 15' - since i spend alot of time there.
5 1183
avatar Last reply by Mr.Guvernment,

Video Games

I was wondering how you can make video games?
1 2257
avatar Last reply by Dapper Dan,

Was I too harsh on Ontrack (data recovery) ????

This is the email i just sent off to Ontrack. com - data recovery ( ) Quote:Hello, Well, I am rather disappointed now with my experience with Ontrack. This is where my rant begins – I am very tired and annoyed – not so much by Ontrack – but it has not helped , my experience I have had that is, but just my luck over ...
29 5321
avatar Last reply by Mr.Guvernment,

Computer Case Recommendation

I'm puttin' together a new PC and need a case. I've always used stuff from Enlight, but I'm leaving my options open this time. Here are my requirements in order of importance (most important first) 1.
15 2383
avatar Last reply by Atreyu,


Ticket for overseas trip - $2000 Digital Camera - $300 Pair of ripoff Nike shoes - $20 Getting a blowout in said shoes whilst running with the bulls - Priceless
5 1342
avatar Last reply by Mr.Guvernment,

Problem with older computer with AT keyboard

I have an older computer that has worked for years and finally the key board has just stoped working. I have tried other AT keyboards and still nothing. I know these keyboards work as i have tested them in other old systems i have laying around.
3 1262
avatar Last reply by EXTensi0n,